Recent buff stacking changes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by solar, Mar 28, 2022.

  1. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    With the overhaul of the buff system I wanted to highlight a few of the things that changed from the previous buggy implementation, and see if players have seen any weirdness or things that still aren't right. There are many more differences, these are just some interactions I was testing with.

    The Luclin era druid debuffs Ro's Smoldering Disjunction and Ro's Shadowed Flame overwrite each other and are overwritten by and blocked by the PoP debuff Hand of Ro. Ro's Illumination and E'ci's Frosty Breath stack with Hand of Ro. I also added a missing wear off message for when your debuff is overwritten to make it easier to see that it's not stacking with itself from multiple casters, but being overwritten.

    Dead Man Floating can coexist with Flight of Eagles and Eagle Eye.

    Warsong of Zek can stack with Avatar.

    Psalm of Veeshan can stack with most damage shields, except the ranger combo self buff. This is a bug but it's just how it was/is. The logic was supposed to allow bard songs to stack with everything but it considered the target of the spell instead of the caster (to see if they are a bard) similar to how Jam Fest works.

    Focus/Aegolism line of spells can overwrite and block lots of things, hopefully correctly now. Aegolism line will overwrite Elemental/Purifying Chorus, but the chorus songs can stack with it afterwards, without the double Aego problem that was happening before. With these combo buffs, they overwrite some spells they don't conflict with so they won't always land in the lowest empty slot. For example, with Symbol of Transal in slot 0, casting Virtue will put it into slot 1 and clear the symbol from slot 0.

    I haven't done a lot of testing of debuff combinations on mobs and would be curious if people have any field reports of interesting combinations, or if you experienced any interesting changes from raid NPC debuffs.
    benoeb, Neealana, Break and 6 others like this.
  2. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

    Thank you.
    Neealana likes this.
  3. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    Ooh, wonder if that will also fix the inconsistencies of the messages for the Asystole line !
  4. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    After this patch, new bug exists when using new models + horses:

    Step 1. Mount on horse
    Step 2. Cast any levitate spell - levitation, spirit of eagles, etc
    This will make you levitate as intended
    Step 3. Click off the levi spell - you will remain levitating even with no levitate buff - this is a bug
    Step 4. Click off horse - this will actually make you stop levitating

    So if you're on a horse, you can't stop levitating unless you click off the horse icon. You'll have permanant levitate I while on horse, even with no levi buff
    solar and Elroz like this.
  5. surron

    surron People Like Me

    this happened to me too, without new models... though my use case was slightly different. I logged in mounted and with buff levitation, levitation buff faded eventually and I was still levitating
  6. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Fixed levitate thing, thanks.
    Tuluvien likes this.