Kudos and thanks Dev Team

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tylaric, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. Tylaric

    Tylaric Well-Known Member

    The PoP Launch imo is a great success. Yea one minor issue that was resolved quickly with no real casualties that I've heard off..

    By far a better launch than you'd get from say ..EA or Bethesda !! Not just the ex-pac, but also the server really seemed to be able to handle the extra load of all the new and retuning faces.

    Thank you for giving me the chance to do what I love to do...
  2. Denzal

    Denzal Active Member

    It's often a thankless job all you Dev's do. Last night was the most fun I've had in a long time video game wise. Thank you for that.
  3. Hoodlum

    Hoodlum Member

    I’m a lowbie here, so I didn’t have any experience with the PoP release. However I love this server and greatly appreciate what the devs have done. Sincerely, thank you!
  4. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    extremely smooth launch and almost entirely bug free thus far, very impressed
    thank you devs and all the testers
  5. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Thanks. And I'd like to say that I was very pleased at how much the community tested the content over the last 3 years on the Development server. That helped tremendously.
    Mechaike, Tesadar, Pithy and 3 others like this.
  6. Kabouter

    Kabouter Member

    Haven't had time to play for a while, but great to see that the server is this busy again. Great job devs!

    Out of curiosity, is there anything left on the roadmap or is this the end of all your hard work?
  7. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    PoTime isn't quite finished yet, but it'll be done before players get in there. After that it's pretty much maintenance mode. There will always be things that need work however. Classic zones in particular need some work. We're still missing a handful of obscure quests. Some older things aren't recreated perfectly. I noticed a number of missing things in Highpass last year that I spent a week to add just because I like the zone.

    Speaking for just myself, after this month my major contributions will end and I'll just be fixing broken things. I put in way, way more time than I had planned or wanted to and I made sacrifices to do it. I can't justify spending more time on very minor details even if I wasn't burned out, as much as it bothers me that things are incomplete. I don't even play here. Nobody can say that I didn't do my part to save EQ though.

    I had always hoped more people would sign up for content work to the project, but we never did get anybody else to do that kind of work even though the technical skill required isn't very high. It's just been Rob and I. Haynar and Solar showed up after me and of course were godsends for the and client and server work, and that is actually more important than content really since the technical skill for that is high and content is meaningless without a working client+server.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
    Mechaike, Tesadar, solar and 12 others like this.
  8. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Concur with all the sentiments in this thread. Launch has been a blast. Thank you devs.
  9. Kabouter

    Kabouter Member

    After reading this I am even more in awe at the work you have done, since you aren't even playing here, you definitely did your part to save EQ :).
    So there are no plans then for a reset (like p1999 green) once the broken things are fixed?
  10. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    No. It will be made open source eventually and if people want a reset they will be able to roll their own servers with TAKP's code.
    Mechaike likes this.
  11. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Heck, half my Steam library has never been installed. I'm looking forward to that if nothing else
    Mechaike, Kabouter, Neealana and 3 others like this.
  12. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I very much appreciated the expansion launching without level access zones enabled. The entire server got to experience all sorts of different camps they would not have gone to otherwise.

    I imagine had be started off with AK level unlocks the entire server would’ve piled into PoValor, Storms and Tactics immediately gotten level 61-62 and then some moved on to HoH/BoT.

    Instead many people experienced parts of Nightmare/Justice/Innovation/Disease they’d never been to and did trials they’d never done.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
    Mechaike, Speedz, Elroz and 3 others like this.
  13. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    This right here was the intent behind not doing the level unlock. I am pleased at how the community is responding to this.

    Torven, I wanted to do content work at one point, but things happened and then health happened. But I stuck it out with web content for the players. :)
    I don't think there is any doubt that you did your part to preserve an era of EQ that has been long gone. But I think everyone in some form can pat their backs on how well this has turned out.
    We have had some bumpy roads on the way, but we got it done. From the admin team to the devs and even the community to some degree had a hand in it.
    Some people really went all out like you and some of the more dedicated testers. But it all matters. Even on my best days I could not have mentally taken on what you did Torven.
    Tesadar, Kabouter, Neealana and 3 others like this.