Enchanter guide from P99

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Here is excellent, enchanter detailed guide from P99, level per level, spell by spell, just what this clumsy player needs ;) Because of this guide I decided to roll another enchanter and I will try to learn how to play it.


    Since there are lots of differences between TAKP and P99, is there any significant difference between this guide and how are enchanters on TAKP? In other words, can I use reliably enough this guide?
  2. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved


    This is an error on P99 that has never been addressed. On TAKP all mez spells will overwrite each other.

    Another error on P99, the memblur component of mez spells will land every cast of a mez. On TAKP however the memblur only lands on initial mez landing. IE refreshing a mez on a mob will not trigger a memblur roll. It will on a first cast or if you overwrite a mez with a different spell (for example Rapture for Dazzle etc.)

    We also have no cycle target which makes mez locking several mobs much more difficult.

    I am sure there are plenty of others. We have boxing here so having a cleric box makes enchanter life way easier.
    John Stark, iraxion and pivoo like this.
  3. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I have not experienced this behaviour on TAKP.
    Mez mem blur component is independent each time you land the mez, seems to be the case with both ench mezzes and bard mezzes. I commonly refresh Rapture or bard mez (same song or spell) until mem blur lands successfully.
    John Stark, iraxion and pivoo like this.
  4. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Thank you very much, this will help understanding why something from the guide is not working! And yes, I will have cleric in the same group :)
  5. iraxion

    iraxion Well-Known Member

    I have enchanted elsewhere, but not much here (only lvl 16 on enchanter so far... but I just had to start one... it's such a great and fun class). Thus, I won't comment much. Just chiming in with two points
    I disagree in general and for TAKP (p99 might be another thing, never played there). Lull is a great tool generally speaking and it works here. Be prepared for the occasional crit resist, though. Be smart in what you lull (which of the mobs, which mob first, ...) and have a plan B ready for crit resist (I'll just run for zone, I can take them anyway if they all come, nope too much risk I'll pull something else, ...).
    Lull (the lowest level) might be worth using for a while despite having upgrades already, as long as it does the job (mob level, aggro radius reduction), since it's dirt cheap in mana.

    And a general note (OP is probably aware of it, looking at join date): There are more spells than listed in this guide, and there are more vendors to purchase them from. The spell guide is one of your best friends here.
    pivoo and John Stark like this.
  6. Break

    Break People Like Me

    The Spell Guide. Or just look under TAKP resources.
    pivoo likes this.
  7. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Thanks for sharing, got my loll spell :)
  8. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Yes, wonderful tool. (and few others such as game accounts...) First few levels I didn't know about it.
  9. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    I have sub question :)

    As very clumsy player (I'm bigger danger to myself than to creatures), which level would be best to start learning enchanting? Lvl12 where enchanter gets first charm spell or rather sometime later, when charm breaks less often? Also, which zone/creatures is best to try to learn enchanting on?
  10. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Just start charming right away. Chanter has no other responsibilities other than to DPS charm.
    pivoo likes this.
  11. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Thanks, will do!
  12. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Terribad advice imo, you will struggle with resists and mana pool bigtime if you try charming at level 12.
    I'd wait until lvl 30+ until you get Clarity and can utilise a better tash spell. Do you have a duo class that can snare the mob, or sow you? That would make it a lot easier
    pivoo likes this.
  13. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Yes, I have druid (snare & sow) and cleric (stun) they are lvl 26-29. I only used Enchanter to stand by and level and for occasional nuke. Now I started second pair Enchanter + Cleric (lvl 10 at the moment) to learn how to play enchanter. So I can then use what I will learn on my other Enchanter that is lvl 27.

    I worried, since I've never done before and I'm very bad and clumsy player, I would start with another one on lower levels to get a feeling for all kind of weird spells such as tash, mesmerize etc ;-))) all new to me. But I can start at 30 if this is better/easier
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  14. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Which area and mobs do you recommend for easy enchanting learning, if starting with lvl30 enchanter?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
  15. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Outdoor zones would be ideal.

    At level 30 you could try these outdoor zones: Feerrott (lizards outside CT), Rathe Mountains, Oasis specters / goblins, or Ocean of Tears specters or gargoyles, Frontier Mountains, Iceclad Ocean, Twilight Sea, Mons Letalis, Scarlet Desert, Grimling Forest

    If you are brave can try some indoor zones: Mistmoore, Upper Guk, High Keep, Droga, Crystal Caverns

    reference for zone levels: https://www.takproject.net/allaclone/zoneslevels.php
    pivoo likes this.
  16. iraxion

    iraxion Well-Known Member

    Not at all TAKP specific:
    I would suggest getting into groups, too. Often. Especially for the "crowd control" part of your repertoire, if that is also somewhat new to you and you'd like to try and experience more of that.

    It takes practice, and targetting can be tricky. I think you can practice only so much crowd control when you box with yourself, trying to learn more of the class. Yes, you can overpull, for example: but you know what is coming because you just did that pull yourself. And you know exactly what the other guy - toon, really - in your group is about to do because it's you, really. That can be quite different with > 1 real people in the group when you try to get that mess that is just incoming under control.

    And it's amazing and fun with several people or a good duo partner on a good crawl. How good players will make it easier for you: a well-placed stun to assist you; healer and enchanter watching each other's back; melee repositioning slightly to make targetting easier... etc. And how a good enchanter (or bard, for that matter) can really save the day. You can have loads of fun in groups as an enchanter (and mess up badly, of course).

    (Talking of "good" players: don't be shy to tell people that you're not fully familiar with the class yet. The real good will give you hints and advice without lecturing you. :))
    pivoo likes this.
  17. Kabouter

    Kabouter Member

    You can try it as low as that (single box or duo/trio?), but like others have said the benefits aren't there besides learning how to charm. I'm still using my animation pet at level 40 killing Hill Giants with my trio. If I had to solo I'd definitely charm, but with a trio it is just easier and faster at lower levels not to charm (this changes of course the higher you get and the further your animation starts lagging behind a hasted NPC pet)
    pivoo likes this.
  18. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Some of my fondest memories on takp was learning the new classes and charming in unrest. I wasn’t loading the the charmed mob to the teeth dual wielding and item hasted. But I would keep my enchanter cornered and tried to be careful. Start early I would say. Especially in today’s environment of riding the MGB highway.
    pivoo, Kabouter and Break like this.
  19. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    If you want to charm but don't like risk, just drag a braindead bard box around. Have the bard roll mez on the pet forever. Bards get mez at 15 so this strat works then and forevermore.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2021
    John Stark, pivoo and iraxion like this.
  20. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Cool thing about bard mez is you roll the song on mob you want to mez, then after song is rolling you can attack another mob, the mob you started rolling mez on will continue to be mezzed (as long as you’re not twisting other songs) by the bard. Mind was freaken blown when I found that out.
  21. iraxion

    iraxion Well-Known Member

    A braindead bard box, busy bedazzling bewitched badguys?
    Dairmuid, pivoo and Pithy like this.
  22. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Thanks for the link, another tool I didn't know about.
    No not brave! In my case it is oposite, i'm looking for easiest NPC's to charm, I'm already clumsy enough lol

    I will read few online guides, (didn't find free time yet for reading or playing), but I though to ask since guides usually don't start at lvl 30 ;)
  23. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    YAY!!! I just happen to have lvl 16 bard, I was leveling this bard by just having him stand in a group, doing nothing (don't know how to play bard), but playing one song. Cool, will level enchanter to 16 and then bard will join, thanks for this info! I may have question here and there in the future if you don't mind :)

    Now I'm really intrigued and I want to try this! As a side effect, I will level bard, which can be useful for buffs at higher levels. I have a question though. Remember, I've never charmed before, so my question may not make sense. (and still only 10, didn't get a chance to play yet)

    If there are two NPC's that I will use, one as my pet, and second NPC, that it will be attacked with my new pet, which of the two I should mez with the bard? The one that gets attacked & rooted, correct? I mez first one with Bard, tash and root the same one with the enchanter, then I turn second one into my pet and send it to fight the first, mezzed one, correct? And if I nuke it once, I get full XP for that NPC.

    One more question: While I have another cleric in high 20's, I started the second one to accompany this enchanter as safety net with stuns. But if bard makes things safer and I wouldn't need cleric any more, I would rather swap it out for something else, not to use it that much in this trio, but to level another class up. I have necromancer, ranger, wizard, shadowknight and shaman that are all low teens, not leveling currently, and one of them could join. And of course this second cleric. Is any of these classes that is "a must have" with enchanter and bard? That just naturally fit in perfectly? If not, I'm thinking to put into group necromancer, since it can be quite strong at higher levels on it's own.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
  24. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    I understand what you are saying. I know enchanter is not easy to play and very hard to master. Also, targeting is harder here, I was told. But you don't know how bad & clumsy player I am. You don't want to know, how many times I killed myself on P99. ;) One of the reasons I came here is, with trio, you are more complete, less need for grouping. If I ever group, it will be with the simplest 1 box, where is the least chance, I can mess something up and cause group wipe lol If I would start grouping with enchanter, I would soon be banned from this server, because of harrasing other players with unecesarry wipes, I'm pretty sure about that :p
  25. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Yes, the whole purpose is, for me to try to learn how to charm. And to see if I like it. probably not since I'm reading there is more stress involved, you are more on your toes. I generally like easy, chill, outdoor camps, where I have better chances not to die ;)

    Good to know, that at low 40's enchanters pet and trio is still faster and easier XP.

    Speaking of HG's, on P99, I saw one higher level druid, probably in 60's, he charmed named basilik (can't recall it's name, that very fast creature) and with that charmed named basilik he was killing HG's for plat farming. Great idea will try one day when my druid grows up...
  26. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Or, is the point of bard mezzing to keep say third NPC out of battle?

    Or you mez the NPC, that will be your new pet? Probably this.
    I've read about charming in the past, but can't recall now what exact steps are involved, so I have hard time wraping my mind around, how exactly is bard used with enchanter charming.

    Sorry everyone for avalance of questions...
  27. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    the bard is "mezzing" the npc that you are charming. for the charm's duration, the bard is getting "won't take hold" messages. when charm breaks, the next pulse of bard song will mez it, which lets you get it back under control with quite a bit more breathing room. you still have to somehow deal with the npc your pet was fighting when it broke though.
    pivoo and sowislifesowislove like this.
  28. John Stark

    John Stark People Like Me

    pivoo likes this.
  29. Kabouter

    Kabouter Member

    That is a fine tactic if you are an extremely lazy 3boxer :D. But the bard won't add a lot of utility besides "easy mode" when your mez breaks. Better to get a mage with an earth pet so at least the npc you were fighting is rooted at all times and you'll have a lot more DPS than a bard as a 3rd box.

    One major thing I don't think is mentioned yet is that here you don't have to out damage your pet to get full xp. Where on p99 you'll want to break charm at the last moment and kill both the npc and your pet for double xp, here you can just buff your pet, heal him with your healer and move on to the next mob.
    That is assuming that you are at least 2boxing.
    pivoo likes this.
  30. Break

    Break People Like Me

    So I had never heard of this. It is really cool. I think mez requires a wind instrument in most cases. I have noticed that if you start singing a song that requires an instrument (invis), that it will keep playing after you remove the instrument. Does this work the same for mes for pre-epic bards who want to try this mez trick?
    pivoo likes this.