Old EQMac player returning

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Multisync, Feb 19, 2019.

  1. Multisync

    Multisync New Member

    Hey all, decided to give this a try, been playing EQ since early 1999, switched over to EQMac and loved it there but they just had to end all the fun, I even had a phone conversation with Smed about it and he claimed to support it but we see where that got us. Anyways, I am here and giving this a try, most likely will be here for the next 20 years. You can almost always find me on Multisync my shaman, will make others for boxing down the road.

    Verdent likes this.
  2. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    What was your character on alkabor?
  3. Multisync

    Multisync New Member

    Multisync, Menladar, Cerrin and Akiori. Just about every online game I play and or server I play a Multisync.
  4. DCortez

    DCortez Member

    Saw you on earlier today. Hello and welcome!
    Multisync likes this.
  5. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Mokli and Multisync like this.