Keeper of Souls PoSky Mechanics

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wellmine, Aug 25, 2020.

  1. Wellmine

    Wellmine Active Member

    Hoping for some insight into Keeper of Souls spawn mechanics. We cleared one of each type mob after killing just a griffin first and an hour and change keeper of souls spawns and we kill them kill 2 more and it wouldn’t spawn again. Hoping those of you more familiar can give insight on how to spawn more keeper of souls? I’ve got so many conflicting spawning guides with tracking a npc which we do not have. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    The NPC people are referring to is Mike Patton backwards.

    A level 46 ranger on the port up island should be able to track Nottap.
  3. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny was an album, not a song :p
    Sketchy likes this.
  4. Wellmine

    Wellmine Active Member

    Nottap isn’t on this sever I’ve had a ranger there on every kill. I don’t believe his mechanics work on this server.
  5. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Nottap is an invisible man npc that uses a timer to spawn KoS. We don't use that invisible man for a timer.
  6. Wellmine

    Wellmine Active Member

    Rob would you shed any insight on the mechanics? I’ve been trying to figure it out and can’t. I’ve cleared one and no spawn I’ve cleared 2 and spawned repeated after death and no spawn of KoS again.
  7. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    you kill a tamer, should set a timer between 60 to 85 minutes. There's a 4 hours cool down once a timer ticks in and it spawn.
    Tesadar likes this.
  8. Tyrion

    Tyrion Well-Known Member

    Ok so 4 hours after first kos dies you kill another tamer and wait another 60-85 min?
    Wellmine likes this.
  9. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

  10. Wellmine

    Wellmine Active Member

    From the post about Keeper of Souls and Torven:
    He shouldn't see invis. I just fixed that. Thanks.

    "I have an AK log of a wizard casting spells on him. Wasn't a lot of casts, but what I see here aligns with the resists I parsed on Live. Keeper's resists were typical for a resistant boss NPC of the era. Lures are required to do any reasonable spell DPS.

    Here is what my notes say (I didn't write the script, dunno how it works) from when I was parsing the zone: "Always spawns ~48 mins after a TAMER is killed and despawns in 48 minutes of cumulative non-aggro time. Can't spawn again until 96 minutes after tamer killed."

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018"

    This also dosnt seem accurate from our kills but will test again, we often wait 60-90 mins but I will be curious to test the 96 mins after keeper of souls death to start a new cycle.