It's Time. No Seriously

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Torven, Apr 26, 2018.

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  1. Dane

    Dane People Like Me

    You're likely not getting it back without this information. Maybe if you had the original game codes that were attached to the account, and you can show ID reflecting the same name that's on the account. But it's still a long shot. Also, DBG customer service is awful.

    But EQLive is F2P. You can make a new toon and level it pretty quickly.
    Asteria likes this.
  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Fun fact, this is called Call of the Zero and multiple mobs here (like Aaryonar) are supposed to use it also. Second fun fact, this never worked on AK and as such I don't believe it will be implemented here.
    Asteria likes this.
  3. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    With so many heros on AK there was no room for zeros
    Asteria likes this.
  4. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Next Live EQ patch, assuming they don't remove it from Test, the level of your target will be displayed in the consider message.

    So those of you without hacks can now see exact mob levels when harvesting data.

    This should go live next Wednesday (16th).
  5. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Time for Faults the Legend
  6. benoeb

    benoeb People Like Me

    Not to necro a thread, but anything ever come of this? According to daybreak's server status page all their stuff is still online.
    Asteria likes this.
  7. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Looks like Daybreak will stay alive. This thread could be un-stickied. Elidroth was saying that people working there for 20 years were being laid off, so I just assumed the worst. They might go into some sort of maintenance mode and not make expacs anymore or something.

    I did collect a lot of PoP data just in case.
    Asteria, phresh2k3 and Linkamus like this.
  8. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Dane likes this.
  9. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Being right or wrong didn't matter. One had to act as if it was going to happen, because the likelihood was so high that failure to act could have easily resulted in significant loss of data that would be forever unattainable. Most of the data doesn't take much time to collect either; I can shoot video and log HP and measure aggro radii pretty quickly. Inaction would have been a foolish risk.
  10. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

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