Guess i should have come to forums first

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by gwarm, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. gwarm

    gwarm New Member

    Setup for the server got on then noticed no scroll wheel view, that is a deal breaker for me, oh well good hunting all guess my search is back on for an alternative server.
    lurari likes this.
  2. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    It's a pretty easy thing to get past, honestly. Having played on P99 for years before moving here, it doesn't bother me at all anymore.
  3. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    He was like a mentor to me.
  4. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator


    You get used to it.
  5. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Back in my day, my mouse didn't even have a wheel. I had to squint through raids with the stone UI too. My camera only zoomed out when I died.

    PS: my camera zoomed out a lot
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
    Bum and lurari like this.
  6. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Why bother even posting
    Devour_Souls and lurari like this.
  7. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Forever in our hearts
    lurari and Slayzz like this.
  8. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    just let Jesus take the scroll wheel

  9. Nakunaru

    Nakunaru People Like Me

    Time to pay respects

    lurari and Ripwind like this.
  10. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    I am a clerics
    Walex, Tesadar and lurari like this.
  11. Slayzz

    Slayzz People Like Me

    1st person view only 4-life

    I guess ignorance is bliss. Can’t do the f9 thing and never had scroll wheel.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  12. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

  13. Locnar

    Locnar Member

    I'm glad we have at least this one server that retains the no-mouse wheel aspects. Plenty of other servers out there with mouse wheel.

    First person view all the time is more immersive and really takes me back 20 years
    Mokli and pharmakos like this.
  14. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    As much as no scroll is a pain for a lot of people, for better or for worse it is a defining aspect of our client. No other server has our client and the restrictions inherent to it. This is no doubt frustrating to some. Our interaction to the client directly effect our experience with game world. It's not for everyone, but I feel if people stick it out for awhile it doesn't become that big of a loss, you adapt. Though as others have said, it's what your used to, and sometimes adapting to another server or client can be a challenge.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  15. Tyrion

    Tyrion Well-Known Member

    Gumgak likes this.
  16. Tulnavara

    Tulnavara New Member

    I had issues with it a few weeks back when I started but you really do get used to only playing in first person again just like the old days. No longer bothered by lack of scroll wheel. You should give it a try. Server is worth it.
  17. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Top down F9 camera is actually superior to 'EQ cam' (mousewheel cam) when your back is to a wall for whatever reason. (e.g. corner tanking) It's really not that bad. You can raise this camera farther above the avatar by holding alt and pressing up arrow.
    Thunderace likes this.
  18. Thunderace

    Thunderace People Like Me

  19. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    1st-person 4 lyfe.
    Mokli likes this.
  20. DCortez

    DCortez Member

    Can I have your stuff?
    Tesadar and Mukk like this.
  21. benoeb

    benoeb People Like Me

    Tesadar and lurari like this.
  22. Tesadar

    Tesadar Active Member

    I feel old.

    *edit* wait, i am old now