Account activations.

Discussion in 'News' started by Speedz, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    As some may have noticed, the rise and fall in the population has been slightly more stabilized as a result of a couple of things.
    (A GM based /who all still shows 80+ currently at various times of the day.)

    The recent issues that have taken GMs and devs away from server side progress have prompted me to turn all activations into manual only.
    So the rise in population is not automatic. Also as important and directly related is the fact that many have reached endgame (preplanes classic) already.
    As a result are getting bored, and firing off questions about when is more content going to be released, fighting over the highest content available, etc..

    So instead of having the same drawn out response multiple times further removing dev time that should be spent on advancing the server code and content, I'll answer it here.

    We learned from the fast release into beta that any further content clearly needs to be gone through extensively before subjecting the community to yet more bugs and imbalance issues.
    The previous issues have resulted in over a collective month of dev time removed which we will never get back.
    It tends to harm a community when imbalance and previously unknown bugs surface once the community is exposed to them.
    So Rob and I have decided that we will take a more cautious approach when it comes to release.

    Another side factor is the game mechanics.
    There are plenty of issues still existing that we stated early on that need to be resolved before further content is even considered. If we do not fix many of these issues, it will just expand the workload from a CSR side of things and remove us from actual advancement. There isn't any arbitrary reason to not release content at all. We (the devs) are here to develop the server codebase and database that anyone can use to start their own server.
    This is first and foremost. The server being online and using this platform is a necessary side effect that we will always have. But we really wish to not sacrifice the goal of preserving and developing the code and structure over doing CSR work on just one of the many potential servers that will run this code and database.

    This is not saying we will disappear from the server and let the monkies run wild. We just need some room to "get it right the first time".
    We will still make sure the Dev based server is ran as well as possible. This is not a retirement post of the staff to the community. It just is ment to convey the point that the more time spent dealing with issues players have, the longer it will take to get to everyone's goal.

    I am also working everyday to implement a new forum that will help automate much of the things that remove dev time.
    Once I have the time to get things like this done, I will be able to assist more in actual content development. As well as CSR related things.

    If you are one of the players that are trying to get a forum account and still waiting, please have a current member PM me with your account name you made, and details that may assist in the consideration to activate your account. You can also pop on our IRC and PM me directly.