A positive post

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Velili, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Velili

    Velili Member

    Hi fellow Norrathians --

    I really am just a little bored and wanted to add a positive post to these forums cus I think it deserves one. I started on AK last month and have been having a very fun and engaging time 3-boxing my toons. It is something new to me as I always preferred to single box my way through EQ. But damn, 3-boxing is fun and challenging. Not to mention this community is top notch. I did move from a different, more popular, server to this one. I thought I would play both, but I find myself addicted to this one now and the community has a lot to do with it. I meet people that I can have actual conversation with instead of uber elitist go-hards who would be extremely frustrated if you were camping a named they wanted. Although there might be some of those on this server, I would imagine a lot less. All in all, a very cool and fun server, will keep loggin in as I can.

    Oscar, Stanley, Percy (30's)
    Ghakim, Neealana, Draeko and 7 others like this.
  2. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    hey welcome to server. i have a 36 war alt if you wanna group look me up!
  3. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Welcome! Glad you are enjoying the server.