
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by Speedz, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Web Page:
    * Cleaned up web code a bit to scale correctly on different browser sizes. **You need to clear browser cache for the changes to work correct**
    * Added a theme so the logo and menu scroll with the page as before for those that prefer that.
    * Changed external links to open new "target". Meaning I did not take the choice away from the user and their browser to have it be a new tab or window.
    * Reorganized the Server Status block a touch.

    * Added 2 save calls in forage.cpp (handling forage and fishing) to test if that smooths out desyncs.
    * I left in a save call I put in tradeskills.cpp that I used to test, but commented it as the previous should cover that well.
    - I wanted to have that to refer to later if needed.