
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by Speedz, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member


    * Generated new loots for lower guk.
    * Fixed for ghoul arch mage to see invis and ivu
    * Added AirElementalInvisiblity buff to Ghoul Assassin
    * Adjust the Ashen Order for Monks.
    * Adjust the wood elves class faction.
    * Adjust surefall glades ranger/druid faction.


    * A_Shady_Swashbuckler:
    -Added ports to level specific combat zones only, based on player level.
    -Added bind function.
    -Cleaned up the say spam, he now talks only to the player, and in colors to make each feature more readable.
    -Added a text color list to refer to directly when changing text color.
    -Added corpse summoning to ease GMs need for finding lost or irretrievable corpses. (Big grind sync there that testers don't need for now)


    * Wizard spells will no longer shoot arrows.
    * Divine Aura now reduces aggro to 1 for every entity on the hate list.
    * Removed some unnecessary timers and removed unused code.
    * Trying a boolean flag so scaling only happens with a focus item.
    * GMs will no longer be kicked to character select when they camp.
    * Fixed training safe fall at GMs.
    * Disabled AdjustRates as a test.
    * When you buy a full stack of items from a merchant and already have a partial stack in your inventory, it'll will go to that slot first. (Buying partial stacks already worked properly.)