
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by Speedz, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    * LoS check is disabled in non-city outdoor zones (the DB needs to be correct for this.)
    * Fixed interrupt messages so that there should be no more duplicate messages, and spell fizzles will always show in red.
    * Added rule to change spell fizzle base chance.
    * Changed color of AA spell interrupt on boats from yellow to red.
    * Moved Gate failure check to beginning of cast, fixing it.
    * Lowered player runspeed. (This was also made a rule.)
    * Implemented items with hidden pet focus. Pet stats may need to be tweaked in the DB.
    * Removed skill level check on most skills at when training at a guildmaster. Tradeskills are hardcoded in the client to stop training at 21, and there is also a server side check. Beyond that, you can only skillup the old fashioned way.
    * Corrected PoP npcid in LevelScale

    * A_Shady_Swashbuckler in EC Tunnel now has an Alpha only tester helper script.

    Just hail him and follow dialog.
    He offers coin, TL to bind, HP and Mana buffs, and Research skill mats.

    I will be adding TS mats for all tradeskills to get from 0 to max.
    Also going to be adding a level check zone list to be ported to in his script.
    It will list all level appropriate xp zones for your current level range and give you a dialog to ask him to send you to one of the listed zones.
    PC Live users will see it being much like how the Magus works.
    I will also add some fun goofy GM tricks to him just to keep things interesting, Easter eggs of sorts :p

    * Fixed summonitem for Klom Jysun in freportw.

    * Fixed zonepoints in SolA / SolB
    * Fixed a locked door in SolA
    * Added Ancient Cylops / Boog Mudtoe / a pirate in OoT
    * Fixed loots for Ancient Cyclops in South Ro