
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, May 12, 2021.

  1. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    surely there could be something in logs if this was popular on AK
  2. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I don't think minor illusion was popular on AK. It was sneaky good. I occasionally used it + memblur as a kind of crappy FD, but I don't remember anyone else using it much at all.
  3. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I used minor illusion + perm illusion bug to get to Plane of Mischief. Screenshots are from June 2002 EQLive. This has been fixed here.



    Cadsuane likes this.
  4. Dominar

    Dominar Well-Known Member

    I noticed mob summon change my heading today. Might have been a double summon with two mobs, one on either side of me. But my character turned to face the mob that summoned me instead of keeping his heading.
  5. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Bump. I'm curious about minor illusion. Is the plan to keep it in the current state of not changing faction?
  6. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    I don't think minor illusion had its faction component disabled. Factions are just hard to pin down and get them correct. I used it just a couple of weeks ago to turn in a white dragon helm to Yelinak, and also for skyshrine armor turnins.
    showstring likes this.
  7. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    Some factions has been disabled, because they were prone to exploit if figured out :) there is also a client bug that let you log in with minor illusion once you have have permanent illusion. So i think the componet is toned down due to those factors
  8. Break

    Break People Like Me

    I disagree that using a spell with faction modifiers would be an exploit. It seems like it was just very powerful. As some have stated, it was powerful on AK.
  9. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Darn no edit button.

    I also asked the question because none of the devs ever commented on the change. I know they are busy, so it's possible they didn't notice or forgot to answer.
  10. Dairmuid

    Dairmuid Active Member

    Not sure if this is related but I was sad when they nerfed the indifferent faction the skele illusion on Amulet of Necropotence gave you in Overthere.

    RIP safe hammer gates