
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    (Cavedude) Lowered kick damage. (Still may need to be tweaked, feedback welcome, I'll need your race, class, kick level, str, and level.)
    (Cavedude) Added Bash and Kick damage to #showstats. It'll show for all NPCs, but for clients it'll only show for classes who get the skill.
    (Robregen / Demonstar55) Switch path stuff to vectors.This should be more CPU cache friendly compared to lists so should
    be faster. (profiling looked promising)
    (Cavedude) Pet taunt button will now toggle between turning taunt on and off.
    (Cavedude) Feign Death now always has at least a 5% failure rate.
    (Cavedude) Fixed double messages from damage shields.
    (Cavedude) Fixed unknown string error when mez wears off.
    (Cavedude) Harmony will now hit all targets in range.
    (Cavedude) Fixed the broken bind sight spells and songs.
    (Cavedude) NPCs should no longer warp when fleeing.
    (Cavedude) Added fleespeed to #showstats when an NPC is fleeing.
    (Cavedude) Changed NPCs spell recast timing.

    (Robregen) Added Faldos Hendrys in South Qeynos,
    (Robregen) Added Yymp the Infernal in Beholder.
    (Robregen) fixed factions in Beholders.
    (Robregen) adjust factions in Rivervale and Erudin.
    (Robregen) Added Talym Shoontar to North Qeynos and Surefall Glade.
    (Robregen) removed the unsnareable options to fear trash.
    (Robregen) fixed zone in to Plane of Fear.
    (Torven) hitpoints, damages, attack delays, resist values, spell sets, aggro+assist radii, immunity flags set for airplane isle 4

    (Robregen) Edit the script that was originallly for Assistant Kiolna and moved it to Bank_Clerk_Jaylin.