WANTED: angry goblin

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Opttimus, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. Opttimus

    Opttimus New Member

    Hey guys. Been camping out in droga for a while now, did my faction and have just been sitting for a few days waiting for this guy to spawn. I can't sit for 24 hours straight let alone 72 so its very possible that warlord has been killed even multiple times since i started "camping" this fool. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    I figured since this mob is so sought after, this would be a good thread to post on after you get you warlord kill so others can have an idea of when to expect the angry. Cheers!
  2. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    There is a tracking post on our guild forums...
  3. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I know the timer this patch cycle but can't share it since my guildmates are doing the quest... patch in a few days so it'll get reset anyway

    fyi it's a very contested spawn and I doubt anyone will share the timer publicly, I've seen it maybe shared in alliance chat twice in the past year

    suggestion: create a lvl 1 halfling rogue, then hide/sneak in skargus' room for up to 3 days, you'll get your timer then
    ensure logging is enabled for EQ so you can just read the log file and see the chat in case you die/get disconnected, etc

    fyi same kinda dealio with Stormfeather, it's unlikely people will share the timer but you can figure it out by having a lvl 1 tunare druid/ranger sitting on the hill, the cougars won't eat you but Stormfeather will, so you just check your eqlogs for time it's killed your lvl 1 character

    gluck and happy hunting!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
  4. Opttimus

    Opttimus New Member

    ok well i guess we can scratch that idea, i just figured because of our population an idea like this might work but i guess it was pretty stupid one.
  5. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    We don't have a huge population, but the quest you are trying to complete is in very high demand. Even in velious, when it has been out since Kunark. Follow showstrings advice and you too can figure out the spawn timer. Just takes a bit of work
  6. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    its more fun to kill the angry goblin