Opening the Bazaar

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by abacab, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. abacab

    abacab New Member

    Since we already have Luclin partially unlocked and PoK is here, is it all possible to just open up the Nexus and the Bazaar? Since we don't have a trade forum it would be nice to set up a trade zone, and I don't think those zones need anything done DB wise cause they're just hubs.
  2. Lyrad

    Lyrad Member

    Alternatively, if we wanted to keep the nexus closed is it possible/desirable to create the bazaar tools in another zone? or even make the Nexus stone, zone directly to the Bazaar until we open Luclin?
  3. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member

    Or we could just make a trade forum.
  4. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Bazaar would be cool, depending on the amount of work for the devs. I suspect if it was going to be implemented it would be in the bazaar zone, rather then creating somewhere else. Robregen has said that he prefers to do the work once for things like this, then to do it somewhere different, then change it back later. I dunno. But bazar would be nice
  5. iance

    iance New Member

    I think PoK is already huge in this regard, a place with 2 banks where nobody is KoS to anything, it beats other classic venues like GFay, EC Tunnel or NFP. You will also be able to use custom channels, I am sure there will be a bazaar like channel. That being said, I don't have anything against introducing nexus and bazaar zones. Correct me if I am wrong, there might be luclin spells available in bazaar, so that might be another thing to consider, along with horses...
  6. abacab

    abacab New Member

    Who is going to have 80K to blow on a horse in classic? You'd have to farm seafuries for months on end. The benefit to the bazaar is I can put my Lodi shield up for sale while I'm at work for 10 hours and attempt to sell it that way instead of spamming OOC every night for hours.
  7. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    We've already discussed this and the only reason we open PoK and luclin/kunark newbie area is for the Playable Race Iksar and Vah Shir. Everything else will remain closed until we reached the appropiate expansion order.
  8. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Ok thanks for the ruling rob. It does make sense. I am sure most of the auction spam will be happening in PoK since it is such a central hub with multiple banks/vendors/spell sellers.
  9. Khorpus

    Khorpus Well-Known Member

    I wonder if it will automatically start happening in EC.
  10. Trukx

    Trukx New Member

    No it will be POK
  11. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Why would people run to EC, far from a bank, just to auction. Only reason is nostalgia, and laziness overrides nostalgia imo. I bet it will be pok =)
  12. Theus

    Theus Well-Known Member
