Anyone runs TAKP on Linux Debian?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    If anyone is running TAKP on Debian, would you mind telling me, which distribution you are using and which version.
  2. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    Not debian here, but debian-like Ubuntu 18 and 20 have worked for me. Have we worked through my Linux getting started (v2) together yet? Find me on discord @Meriadoc if I can help.
  3. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Will do. First I will try with both versions of Ubuntu, that you mentioned. Two Arch based distros works great with your Linux (v2). But on Arch, things like to break with latest and greatest. (for example, latest wine start causing problems...) My main goal is, to get it work with Linux MX, (which I can't), since if I can get it working, I can then make an installabe ISO of my working system as a backup. I could even run game off USB stick, using that iso. It worked with P99.

    I suspect there are some 32bit graphical libraries, that are not (properly?) installed when I'm trying with MX. Maybe, if I get it working on Ubuntu, I can get an insight, what is my problem.

    If everything else fails, I will look you up in discord.