Do we get healing potions in PoP, or is it a later era?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Loadsamoney, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. Loadsamoney

    Loadsamoney Member

    I'm talking about the ranked healing potions you can buy in PoK. One of them is Divine Healing and is an instant heal, while the other is Celestial Healing and is a HoT.

    Do we finally get those in PoP?
  2. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    those were added quite a bit later, I want to say it was after DoN expansion
  3. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    DoN was the potion revamp.

    those potions will thankfully never be on this server. They completely trivialize raid this era of raid content. They last 30 seconds are instant cast and have a 2 minute reuse.

    [6919] Elixir of Healing X
    Target: Self
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Focusable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 30s (5 ticks) Song, Dispelable: Yes
    1: Increase Current HP by 702 per tick (Random: 635 to 769)
    Text: Your wounds begin to heal.
    Heals between 635 and 769 hit points every 6 seconds for up to 30 seconds.

    That is the level 65 HoT potion. Basically it is a superior version to the level 62 Cleric HoT which is 600 HoT per tick for 25 seconds.

    Im not sure what compelled them to offer a vendored HoT potion superior to the best cleric HoT available at 25% up time. It basically negates every AE in raids except maybe Bertox and Quarm in PoTime.

    Sure they’re nice for soloing though.
    Tesadar and Break like this.
  4. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Yeah, it was part of the long decline from people whining about soloing. In a multiplayer game.
  5. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    'not sure what compelled them'

    WoW had potions
    Ikeren and Mechaike like this.
  6. tragedie37

    tragedie37 Active Member

    Because there are people who play on here that have odd hours where groups are next to impossible to find. When I get lucky, i'll forgo sleep to keep exping in a group because I've not been able to find one in weeks.

    3 boxing is great for people that are good or even okay at it; for those that like to play a single box or max two and who are on at odd hours, well, we could use all the help we can get. Potions help bridge that divide.
  7. Azair

    Azair New Member

  8. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    But healing potions weren't developed here, with no groups. They were developed on live, with lots and lots of people in all time zones. While they could be handy here, they changed the game for the worse on live.
    tragedie37 likes this.
  9. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Totally get you, was there myself a lot. But from an overall game integrity viewpoint, it was a bad move. I shouldn't have characterized it so generally as 'whining', because as you say there are some legitimate things to say about certain aspects...but in general, there was a lot of just complaining/whining that got things changed slowly, a bit at a time, until one day the game was no longer recognizable.

    Ironically, things like the heal pots and so forth most likely had the effect of making the grouping situation even worse by removing another bit of impulse to force someone to actually consider forming a group.
    tragedie37 likes this.
  10. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Healing/buff potions, Mercs and the like were simply a result of the group game declining and since everyone was a paying customer on live its what super casuals wanted. They wanted to simply log on, do something and log off and not have to wait around to form a group, get needed buffs, etc. If there was something specific you wanted to accomplish, it could take forever to get setup. Not everyone was willing to pay for 2 or more accounts, or even had systems that could play extra toons simultaneously. These were the $20 (or was it $15?) a month days.
  11. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Yes, that's the all gets done for good reasons at a local level, meaning down where you as a player are operating, but globally it slowly ruins the original game. Games are supposed to be 'fun', but the meaning of 'fun' is so complex and subjective that the eventual compromise is to bring it all down to where it's 'easy' can pop in, do your thing, say hi to a few folks, and be gone again. If you want to play hardcore, feel free, they say...but still there's something that was destroyed about the challenge of the original game and people eventually wander off. Reputation stops meaning so much, and you get things like pay to play, kronos, etc. It's inevitable.

    I think, for me personally, the point at which EQ was at its best balance for these issues was right where TAKP is (will be), the PoP era.

    But ironically, most people eventually wandered off to WoW, which is the epitome of easy mode, and it is still in active play today by more people than play Live EQ. There is still a live EQ, right?

    So, there's no real right and wrong here, but for me EQ died by becoming too easy. Yes, I could solo to my heart's content, but...why? I quit in GoD (I think?) when it started raining OP gear in newb zones.

    For me, nothing can replace the sense of actual danger when you were deep in a dungeon and you knew you were f*cked if somebody screwed up, because the game itself was so unforgiving. When you looked at somebody at max level and knew that they really had earned their reputation. Is that 'fun'? Not really I guess, but I liked it none the less. Meridian 59 was like that too.

    Anyway that's a whole lot of semi-philosophical bull from my own opinion to say that I am against adding heal potions to TAKP, and I will now shut up.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
    Phaeton and tragedie37 like this.
  12. tragedie37

    tragedie37 Active Member

    I agree :) The best memories I have are playing during the early days on both PC and Mac EQ. I made more friends, had more intense CRs and did way more in the game than I've done since (explore, lose gear, regain it, raid, etc). I loved that the game was unforgiving; compared to WoW, it was refreshing to get back on EQ. I don't think healing potions should be on TAKP, since it is not era-appropriate. I love TAKP precisely because it's difficult; however, for those of us who can only play odd hours and don't box, life can be slow going. I've watched people skyrocket to 60 on their characters while I'm stuck in my 50s on many.

    But as more and more people boxed and the population declined, groups became tougher to find. On a positive note, I was able to find a group late last night
  13. Tecmos.Deception

    Tecmos.Deception Active Member

    People wanting to play in an online game by themselves? The audacity!

    Anyway, time to go fire up hotkeynet and my 4 characters to solo on takp for a few hours.

  14. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    I often box but rarely am alone on takp.
  15. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Hah! See what he did? That's what I'm on about! ;)
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
    Tecmos.Deception likes this.