
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    *** Patch Highlights ***

    Raid Windows has been implemented, Bazaar and Nexus is now open.
    *NOTE* Pok books and Stone has been disabled to zones that has Nexus Spires.
    /ooc and /auction is being disabled to stress test Universal Chat Server.
    See notes at bottom for Raid Information


    * Moved Nexus portal functionality from lua to server code. This has proven to be faster and more reliable.
    * The NPCIDs of the various Nexus NPCs (A_Mystic_Voice, The_Norrath_Spires, the Scions, etc.) are all hardcoded in the code, so that we can access them to cast spells or send signals. They cannot be changed in the DB, or the system will break!
    * Rule Zone:EnableNexusPortals can be used to disable the Nexus portals (defaults to true.)
    * Zones that use the Nexus portal system will not idle when empty when the rule is enabled.
    * Player corpses will now retain any illusion the player had on them at the time of death.
    * Implemented raid XP.
    * Updated special bind area rules to use coords found in the client. Thanks demonstar55 for the decompile!
    * Implemented lua methods eq.pause_timer("timername") and eq.resume_timer("timername"). This allows developers to pause and resume the given timer on the current NPC.
    * Fixed an issue with clicky items using the wrong level for their formulas.
    * Fixed an issue where some skills could incorrectly appear on a trainer's list.
    * Shadowknight and Paladin epics will now do bash damage.
    *** Bazaar Trader rewrite:
    ~~ Rewrote much of the trader code to work more efficiently and clear up some minor bugs I found.
    ~~ Moved all functionality from encode/decode to native code.
    ~~ Fixed a few structs that were a bit off.
    ~~ Traders will now receive a message in their window when a player browses their wares. (Thanks Haynar for figuring out the struct!)
    ~~ The buyer's client will now correctly update when a seller changes the price or adds an item.
    ~~ Added a new rule AlKabor:AllowPriceIncWhileBrowsing. When false, a trader cannot increase the price of an item while another player is browsing their wares. (Defaults to true.)
    ~~ Updated the bazaar.map. PVP will now work in the arena area (DB change also made for this fix.)
    ~~ Removed bazaar.path as it is meant for the newer version of the zone.
    ~~ Bazaar traders can now be used by multiple players simultaneously.
    ~~ Trader mode will now end if the trader goes LD.
    * Added support for raids. (see bottom of this note for functionality)
    * Using guildmotd by itself will return the current guild motd.
    * The guild motd will only be sent when intially logging in, not every time you zone.
    * Fixed an issue where players will move slightly on logging in, when their x or y coordinates are negative.
    * Changed how zoneinpacket_timer is handled. Changes are to prevent skipping spawn packets, between sending of bulk spawns and completion of client connecting process. This will help ensure spawn packets are all sent, before mob position updates start.
    * Fixed a minor pathing issue, used for culling end of route, when target moves closer. The end node to be culled, was not being trimmed correctly.
    * Fixed an issue where moving mobs would pause and warp forward.
    * Improved some of the mob movement code by removing some redundanct code pieces and sending through a common function.
    * Reduced the bulk packets sent when zoning in for npc movements.
    * removed an extra safe_delete that was crashing queryserv


    * removed charges from summoned: wisp stone
    * reduced the max hit on wraithbone champion in Dreadland.
    * add Sarnak Courier to another spawngroup so to give better chance to spawn.
    * reduced the spawntimer to the standard 6 minutes to the area near the ruins where Sarnak Courier and its PH spawns.
    * Shovel of Ponz should be clickable (reclaim energy) from inventory by any classes.


    * fixed the faction requirement for Shaman Epic for those are doing in order.
    * Furtog Ogrebane: Fixed Faction Rewards for Ogre War Maul, Randomized Coin Reward
    * Garuc Anehm: Fix message trigger
    * Added missing dialogs for the following NPC: Brohan Ironforge, Belyea K'Jartan, Dren Ironforge, Haggle Baron Klok, Hurrieta Ironforge, Lanhern Firepride, * Ratraz, Svenia Ironforge, Ton Firepride, Suuspa Clanim, Joffrey Clay, Crow, Shenro Kazpur
    * Mare X'Lottl: Added missing turn in quest
    * Guard Weleth / Lieutenant Dagarok / Nesiff Tallaherd: Reduced XP Reward for Crate Quest because it was too high. Additionally, the Quest now requires at least indifferent faction
    * Chesgard Sydwen: Lowered XP Reward for Bandit Sash Quest
    * Gharin: Reduced XP Gain from turn in
    * Hanns Krieghor: Added correct turnin message for Stanos Head and correct Faction Rewards
    * Added missing dialog regarding donation quest for the following NPCs: Largon Welsh, Danaria Hollin, Solani Dayadil, Gahna Salbeen, Moran Smith, Bassanio Weekin, Barthal, Rabley Trumend, Ton Firepride, Iala Lenard, Cassius Messus, Bait Masterson, Gerault Takenmaul, Rodgar the Tall
    * Lashun Novashine: Added missing dialogs, Fixed spell being cast when turning in gold, Fixed spell being cast when turning in bone chips, Now requires at least 2 bone chips to complete
    * Serna Tasknon: Fixed Faction Reward for Shark Powder Quest
    * Tonmerk Plorsin: Added missing Dialogs, Added faction check to start shark powder quest, and Fixed Faction Rewards for shark powder quest
    * Chesgard Sydwen: Added missing dialogs and Added missing faction checks for blanket quest
    * Daedet Losaren: Added missing dialogs, Added missing faction checks for specific trigger messages, and Added Cash Reward for Beetle Eye Chest Quest
    * Priestress Caulria: Fixed Faction Rewards for Rabid Grizzlies and Fleshy Orbs Quest
    * Lempeck Hargrin: Added alternate quest ending for turning in a bad Prime Healer Potion and Added missing dialogs
    * Astaed Wemor: Added missing faction checks for trigger messages, Added missing dialog, and Added possibility to return a bad cure for Lempeck Hargrin
    * Whysia Flock: Added Quest and Dialog for "Recharging" the Shining Star of Life
    * Cassius Messus: Added missing faction check for starting Lisera Lute Quest and Added missing dialog
    * Flynn Merrington & Moodoro Finharn: Added missing dialog trigger
    * Anson McBale: Adjusted Faction Check to spawn Stanos and Made sure Stanos is a unique spawn upon handing in the pouch
    * Lomarc: Added missing Quest Package from Lomarc
    * Renux Herkanor: Added missing Quest Package from Lomarc and Added missing message triggers
    * Den Magason: Added missing Quest Ghil's Package and Fixed Faction rewards for Package for Den turn in
    * Ghil Starn: Added missing Quest Ghil's Package and Added faction checks for starting Package of Dan Quest
    * Raz The Rat Misk: Added faction checks for turnin Quests
    * Phin Esrinap: Fixed message dialogs regarding Konem and Fixed Faction Reward for Note from Konem
    * Konem Matse: Fixed faction rewards for Phin's Message and Added Dialog
    * Seta Bakindo: Added faction check for starting Tomer Quest

  2. Palski

    Palski Member

    Great job peoples.
  3. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    weird text strings showing up in the loot list (not the result of attempts to add more people)
  4. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    are you using the PC version. I've seen those text before due to the differences between PC and Intel I think.
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    I also see that on mac in the same raid ATM
  6. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Can't edit - my two characters are seeing two different sets of weird characters but they are there.
  7. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    That info is stored in a simple array on client. It may not be getting initialized correctly. Will look into it.

    I remember an option in decompile that would reinitialize it. It might need called when setting to type 3.

  8. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Should also note that I don't think the weird characters started showing up until we all wiped. Before I died the loot window looked normal.
  9. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Good to know. Thanks.