A few quick newbie questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shadewe, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. Shadewe

    Shadewe New Member

    Before I begin, I am NOT a EQ diehard at all so I won't know a lot of EQ details. I did look online for all of this though, so if I'm asking a dumb question it's just because I couldn't find a good answer.

    Q1: What's the level cap, and which races/classes can we play? I'm asking here as I'm seeing people in the forums with lvl 60 char's but I thought the level limit was 50, or at least I have no seen anyone in the game > 50 yet. I also can't play Iksar; not sure if I even want to, but I was told I need some edition of the game to play one of those. How would I get this addition? Same goes for I think it's called the Beastlord; game saying I can't play that either. I did notice there were four versions of the game so this might be why, but I'm not sure. If it helps I'm playing the one at the bottom.

    Q2: How useful are the p99 wiki's for this game? How much of those sites are useful to Quram? Just asking to see if they're useful sites to get info from.

    Q3: Is there a polite channel for selling stuff (trying not to flood a channel not meant for trading)? I have a few stacks of bones I'd like to sell to get my next bunch of spells and I'm in Qeynos (so no EC yet), so I'm not sure how to or if I can chat on a trade channel to let people know I have some goods they might want to buy.

    Q4: Is there a good newbie thread/webpage people would recommend? I have the basics at least somewhat hammered out (i'm almost lvl 5) but I'm going to have to venture out into the world soon and I probably should figure out a few things before I do.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    You may have more luck with these questions on the Project Quarm discord. This is the forum for a different server entirely. Good luck!
  3. Shadewe

    Shadewe New Member

    Is there a discord server address? There's one listed above but, if this website isn't really what I'm looking for, then the discord may not be either.
  4. necra

    necra People Like Me

    Quarn have their own discord, the discord server above is for the takp discord
  5. Kithani

    Kithani Well-Known Member

    I’ll try answering a bit because even though you’re on the wrong forum it’s somewhat rare to find a true EQ newbie so we should let it slide a bit IMO

    (The guy who runs the Quarm server decided not to have his own forums, so we somewhat frequently have people posting questions here about that server which gets annoying when it is a regular occurance.)

    This server you’re posting about is modeled after the Macintosh server of EQ that went up to Planes of Power (EQs 4th expansion). The Quarm server I think is starting out with the base game that came out and releasing expansions over time - so the max level is 50 there because that’s what the base game had. Iksar (and level 60 cap) will come out with the first expansion, while Beastlords come out with the 3rd expansion.

    The p99 wiki is probably pretty useful for a newbie and should have some newbie guides there although that server also features the first two expansions so some of the information will not be relevant to the Quarm server until those expansions come out. The two continents on p99 that have not been released on Quarm are “Kunark” and “Velious”

    Can’t help you much on the trade situation as I don’t play there so not sure
    jjwoodmoon and pivoo like this.
  6. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    They are fairly useful for most things. Not everything is accurate, as there are differences between p99 and Quarm, and sometimes it's also useful to use Alla Clone (on this website, under the TAKP Resources dropdown in the menus above) to check for an item and whether there's a trader selling it and compare to p99.

    The buy/sell zone is East Commonlands, in the tunnel to North Ro, where there are now a few bankers for convenience. Quarm Server Auctions will show you the history of items being bought and sold, average prices, etc.

    There is no webpage for Project Quarm, just the Discord. Stuff gets announced there. Joining a guild helps to learn from other people. You can use p99 wiki for quests, etc - you just have to keep in mind Quarm is in the classic era with no expansions yet.
    jjwoodmoon and pivoo like this.
  7. Frosst

    Frosst Well-Known Member

    I realize you were asking about the Quarm Server, but you can also try playing on TAKP. We have levels up to 65, Kunark, Beast Lords, all of it. We could always use new players, so come on out and give us a try!
    Mukk, pivoo and Break like this.
  8. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    If you play on Quarm, you can play 1 character simultaneously. Population is bigger and easier to get into groups.

    If you try to play here, on TAKP, then you can play 3 characters simultaneously - 3 boxing. Population is less, but if you enjoy playing on your own, with trio characters, leveling is easy, fast, and you can get to do lots of stuff with them, without the need to wait for some camp or zone to become available or to find a group. Depends what kind of play style suits you better.

    My RL keeps interfering with my play, I'm constantly afk. I can not group most of the time. TAKP is for this reason perfect for me.