Invisibility Invisibility
Classes: Shaman (29), Wizard (16), Magician (8), Enchanter (4), Beastlord (49)
When cast on you: You vanish.
When cast on other: Target fades away.
When fading: You appear.
Mana Cost: 30
Spell Type: Beneficial
Skill: Divination
Cast Time: 5 seconds
Recovery Time: 2.25 seconds
Recast Time: 2.25 seconds
Fizzle Adjust: 25
Pushback: 0.00
Spell Range: 100 units
Target: Single target
Resist: None (Adjust: 0)
Cast Time Restriction: None
Duration: 20 min (200 ticks)
Spell Effects:
  1. 1: Invisibility by 1
Items with this "scroll" effect:
  1. Spell: Invisibility
Items with this "click" effect:
  1. 10 Dose Cloudy Potion
  2. 5 Dose Cloudy Potion
  3. Beguiler's Slippers
  4. Cloudy Potion
  5. Cloudy Steel Mask
  6. Cobalt Greaves
  7. Dazzling Slippers
  8. Deathwing Orb
  9. Illusionist's Slippers
  10. Mask of Espionage
  11. Potion of Invisibility
  12. Resplendent Slippers
  13. Tae Ew Ritualists Mask
  14. Transparent Mask