Spell: Lesser Succor
Charges: 1
Skill: Alteration
Mana Cost: 150
WT: 0.1 Size: SMALL
Class: DRU
Race: ALL
Spell Scroll Effect: Lesser Succor

Used in:
- Unfired Crucible Of Escape (Pottery)
Sold by (***no spawn table):
- Greater Faydark
- Zelli Starsfire (2p 6g 1s)
- Plane of Knowledge
- Wanderer Frardok (2p 6g 1s)
- Surefall Glade
- Sallah (2p 6g 1s)
- Rivervale
- Staria Longhair (2p 6g 1s)
- Shadow Haven
- Teriesl Windwalker (2p 6g 1s)