What did you do this week

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Korbendallas, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    Monday was pretty good for me. Was in Highkeep, goblin group, the usual.

    Leaves was there, snaring things, getting punched sometimes, being a dog.

    Tirsi was there doing whatever Necromancers do. I think I offended him saying that he'll be even better once he's higher level.

    Beastlord who's name I forgot, you were chill, don't see many of you.

    Cleric, I think the BL was also you. Sorry you died in a pathing train.

    There were more but I am forgetful. I'm glad my Monk actually seems like she can tank things now without exploding. One hand blunt, you are a jerk to level up. Offense too, I'm always being offensive, how are you so low.

    Mage got 29 which was a major upgrade since the last fire pet I had was level 20. Also a better pet haste and targeted DS. All around great.

    Monk is 29 now and Shaman just behind her. Things only going to get better.

    And the guard who agroed through the floor, you died for good reason. Your buddy killed my Shaman earlier in the night. You got what you deserved you filthy scum.

    Guard Boner, and all the other sexually named guards, I might just kill you tonight.

    So what did you guys do?
  2. shortok

    shortok People Like Me

  3. Tesadar

    Tesadar Active Member

    But Guard Boner has a family!
  4. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    He should have thought about that before he became an Ogre racist
  5. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    Years ago, when the world seemed a simpler place, a farmer and his wife bore their only child, a son. Robert and Betty Bonner were so proud of their only son, and even though the farm was their only source of livelihood and they were too poor to hire help, still they poured their hopes and dreams into their son. He excelled at all his school subjects, and even won the Most Likely To Succeed award from his peers. Finally the day came when he graduated the 6th grade, the highest education attained by anyone in his family for generations, and he and his friends were having a pint of mead to celebrate when suddenly the news came. His father, always an early riser, had finished the chores and had gone into town to pick up some supplies when he ran into two drunken ogres. He tried to relate to the ogres in a good-natured way (Robert was always an easy-going kind of guy, quick to accept others no matter how different they may be from him), but the ogres became angry when they wanted to use Robert's bald head to bowl, yet Robert was "rude" and attempting to keep it on his shoulders. Robert's son was devastated at his father's death, and after years of considering differing career moves, he suddenly knew what he would do with his life: He would become a guard... Guard Bonner! He sped through the training, and was quickly promoted to a guard in the renowned High Hold Keep, guarding the nobles themselves!! His mother could not have been more proud!
    And then, one day, while doing his rounds (other guards would sometimes get drunk on duty, but never Guard Bonner), he froze: There, in front of him, was an ogre! Guard Bonner saw red, and immediately leapt up to defend the helpless people in the keep, and as he swung his sword with fervor he kept seeing his father's broken body lying upon the snowy ground.
    The last thing Guard Bonner heard as he lay bleeding was Isabella Cellus cry to just leave her alone..........
  6. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    10/10, would read again.
  7. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    You're a monster

    Maybe if he was level headed like his father, he'd still be alive.
  8. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    Boy makes good for his poor family, you slaughter him in cold blood, and I'm the monster? I'm not a monster, Leaf is my alt, AND I SAW WHAT YOU DID! I'll see you rot in the High Hold Keep jail, pal!
  9. Korbendallas

    Korbendallas New Member

    Makes good? His father died because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, there is no vengeance in attacking the first Ogre you see, drunk with bloodlust!

    I'll kill everybody in the jail before I rot in it! You'd think those silly alcohol dependent humans would thank my Shaman for ridding them of their goblin problem, yet all he's greeted with is cold steel.

    I'll take my chances laying the rest of the guards to rest.