Regarding the kiting of large numbers of NPCs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Torven, Dec 1, 2018.

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  1. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    after 50 mobs just set one to randomly summon, fixed.
  2. necra

    necra People Like Me

    If you aggro more than 50 mobs then eat a DT
    Beaaden likes this.
  3. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    I edited this before you saw it and you used the edited version because you are an admin Eh? I do think its more than a single digit percentage. It wasn't hard to see that if you made a new toon especially during F2P the best way to aa was spend a few days in valor.

    I edited this on purpose because my original post didn't reflect my thoughts.
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I thought everyone on AK just did pit wars for AAs
  5. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    Guys I'm suddenly having second thoughts about this plan.


    The guys in ME that this seems aimed at, this might not be as bad as you might think. You will probably still be able to pull the zone, you'll just have to do more than one pull. Since you can pull while you med back up it turns out you don't actually lose as much time as it might appear at first, and the exp still rolls in.
  6. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    What actually concerns me more about this now is just that. Something going in, then it needs to be hotfixed anyway because something else breaks, disrupting timers OR it doesn't actually accomplish what its intended to accomplish. The changes to ME mobs in the last patch I can only assume were a nudge in the direction to make these kites more difficult and not worth it. Those changes did nothing honestly to stop these kites.

    I recommend whatever fix is being applied be put on the dev server so it can be tested (not a day or two before the patch to the live server). For two reasons, to see if it is going to affect other gameplay before it hits the live servers and a hotfix needs to be put in. The other reason is to make sure the patch is actually going to accomplish what you want it to.
  7. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Actually no I just happened to be going to bed at 4am and caught you live editing.
  8. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    It was brought to my attention a day before the patch and I didn't even observe the behavior until after the patch. First order of business is to make sure it's not too easy due to bugs/oversights, of which I found several.
  9. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    AK was a very custom server. The exp bonus here is gigantic.

    The tears that would flow if we had real 2002 era exp rates would fill an ocean
    necra likes this.
  10. Beaaden

    Beaaden Active Member

    I like this and also have it announced to the whole server for the sake of entertainment.
  11. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I agree, serverwide death touch notifications please! Just naughty ones, not regular
  12. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Someone starts kiting more than 100. Serverwide DT for any name matching *bum*.

    Slayzz likes this.
  13. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    This DT should wipe out your platinum on your person and in the bank too.
  14. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved


    The server economy would fail
  15. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    Why not just DT when you login and delevel to level 1 and reroll to halfling ranger
  16. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    That sounds like a recipe for getting the corner archery thread reopened. Nobody wants that.
  17. necra

    necra People Like Me

    good point thucy….. DT then respawn as a level 1 monk
  18. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved


  19. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    trickle down EQnomics is a lie
  20. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I thought I convinced devs that monk AC bump would be ok.

    But not sure what was final outcome on that.
  21. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    I'm a self made man. With just a small loan of 1 million platinum when I started, I've done some great things. The best things. You wouldn't believe it. I don't know how anyone could have a hard time making money here.
    Sketchy, Morbo, Bum and 2 others like this.
  22. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    just ask me i am terrible with money, just in generel
  23. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I'm going to clarify: this does not just apply to Maiden's Eye and this does not just apply to PBAoEing for experience.

    Depopulating entire zones with a bard running in circles is not acceptable for any reason.

    I'll provide more guidelines for VT: Training around so many NPCs in Vex Thal that it allows waltzing up to raid bosses from the zone-in is not acceptable. We will however make an exception to allow pulling TVX out and peeling it. Don't kite mobs from beyond the door near blob 1.

    Pulling trains to enchanters who color stun lock them is acceptable and is not considered kiting.
  24. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    There are many ways to plant coth bots in Vex Thal, we just opted for kiting some stuff around today because our bard was in the mood.

    We were pretty far from "huge number of mobs" like the 300 mobs in ME that prompted this whole change, and "depopulating entire zones". It was just courtyard + hallway to blob 1 + some partial DXX wing mobs. Probably a lot less than a Plane of Growth kite, and I even doubt it was 80 mobs like the limit you are proposing.

    Wonder how these new rules might affect future Planes of Power encounters.
  25. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    Does this mean that every guild needs to come up with a new pofear strat?
  26. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Which ones? We'd be happy to answer.

    Maybe if Fear had gear that would be used in perpetuity throughout the server's life and had literally any mechanic like warders, one way doors, trap mobs in seemingly safe spots, indicating it shouldn't be done.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
  27. Nemce

    Nemce Active Member

    I appreciate the clarity. Listen, I'm a big team player and I believe in authority structures. I'm not someone who threatens to pick up my ball and leave if the person who owns the court changes the rules. What I'm absolutely not a fan of is having to follow rules that aren't written down or clearly communicated. I have a history of being a harsh lawyerquesting champion on p99 but that was out of necessity. My favorite thing about this server is that there is no need for any of that. In my mind, I moved my family out of the slums of Chicago to the Grand Cayman Islands and we are living it up in the paradise that is TAKP...but tonight felt more like p99 than any gaming session I've ever played on this server. A rule was implemented on us during a raid that had never been written clearly, spoken directly or enforced on any entity before us.

    We dont need to lawyer quest and we dont need to have 11th inning rule changes if we just understand your intent. Are the devs going to persist with rule changes until NAG clears through VT to place our coth bots? There are other ways that dont involve bards training through excessive amounts of mobs that can be used to place bots. Very clever things that can be done with few people and still overcome the cumbersome obstacles of the zone without excessive raid force. Are all strats other than clearing to place bots going to cause NAG to be an enemy of the devs? I dont want that. I want to play on a server where there's mutual respect for and from the devs. I just want to know what we should be doing and I don't want your whole team internally bickering on our behalf every time we walk into VT. You all work too hard on coding and making a great server to have any one guild cause you to lose sleep at night.

    Tell us what the unified will of the devs is and we'll do our best to follow it.
  28. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    As I have previously said, there is soon going to be code in place that will enforce a kiting limit so nobody will have to worry this.

    If I had ever witnessed anybody kiting an entire plane, I'd have brought this up sooner. As for fearplane, those mobs are easily enchanter stunnable, so killing them en mass is very simple. The last guild I saw in there was clearing the zone before CT. This rule was not thought up during your raid, either. I had never said that the rule only applied to Maiden's Eye.

    NAG was kiting all the mobs down to the southern staircase raid boss, not just to blob 1. I have never witnessed this with Temerity and they in fact cleared to place their bots as far as I know. Frankly I'm not keen on their kiting either and it had some influence on this policy.

    These rules apply to all guilds. I'm not picking on NAG. I didn't summon your mage out even.
    Cadsuane likes this.
  29. Inacht

    Inacht People Like Me

    If fear dropped better gear, would kiting be disallowed? Also, fear quite explicitly has death touch mobs that require (fairly simple) workarounds for kiting.

    As for the matter of intent and indication - I am content to see things as they are myself. A tree is a tree (and trees are quite up front about this) - but might still be turned towards another purpose.

    Something to consider: I typically direct our mob engagements and form up NAG raids. Before coming here, I had no experience at all in EQ raids. Each mob we killed in Velious, I would ask basic questions - does it ramp? can we slow it? does it have adds? does it aoe? and try to adjust our approach accordingly. The same has been true in this expansion - when it comes to Luclin we have limited institutional knowledge on a great many aspects of encounters. We've relied on old Alla posts, potentially some fiddling on live, and on the recollections of raiders who may have last seen this content when it was first released, many years ago. It has been fun to learn and adjust and be surprised by boss behaviors.

    What this means is I don't explicitly know how things 'ought' to be done. We can end up doing things differently from how things were done in the long ago because we don't know how mobs ought to be positioned, or how many clerics we need, or how good wizards are, or whether an aoe can be effectively ignored. The same is true when it comes to parking bots. We thought about how to do the things we needed to do, and took what we thought were the sensible approaches from our perspective.

    As Nemce said, if the devs require us to kill trash in order to plant our cothbots, we can do that. Even if we don't agree with the principle or understand why this is a concern.
    pharmakos likes this.
  30. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Well you did something unforeseen and never previously attempted on this server, or to the devs witnessing, on ANY server. Can't make policy on something you've never seen or expected.

    No one is being punished for "creative" tactics. Devs are just saying, hey, maybe don't do that.

    Please guys don't say that you don't want to rule lawyer and follow up with paragraphs justifying the behavior. There are no punishments being doled out. You're just being asked not to do something.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2018
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