Possible Class Combos for 3-box?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Trosh, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    necro gets a pretty beefy undead-only slow in luclin :) and paladin gets a self-only haste at level 49.
  2. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Good points. I like this trio that much more come Luclin!
  3. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Like Shortok said, this is a good trio. Cleric is the least-busy of classes (as a box) and Shaman can turn into a slower/dps. This trio lacks in mana regen for the cleric and is light on dps, but it will be almost unkillable unless swarmed. FD, snare, solid tank, best heals and buffs, slow, haste. Very solid.
    Louis likes this.
  4. surron

    surron People Like Me

    cleric ench BL

    there is no better combo, this trio only lacks ports and FD. you might say snare but if you go DE cleric then you get clicky snare

    this can be laid back killing or you can charm (best method of killing) when charm breaks its np because BL pet takes agro while cleric and ench can get the pet recharmed
  5. Break

    Break People Like Me

    This is what I have started. Childish indeed. Getting to level 4 took some patience, but it was worth it. I'm currently working on my newbie armor quests. They are way easier than they should be. I've almost completed them on my dark elves at level 6.
  6. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Have you found beastlord pet intercepting and taunting to be reliable? This trio definitely seems to have versatility in pet tanking, BL tanking, or charm tanking. I guess it lacks a long term snare for the charmed creature, but if you're quick with the cleric you can stun as the pet taunts while you recharm.

    Definitely a good combo of classes to support the beastlord.
  7. Murrpau

    Murrpau New Member

    I've got a new combo I'm enjoying, and this exact comp. hasn't been mentioned in the thread yet:

    • What it's got:
      ● All 3 can gate and bind.
      ● Enchanter charms, other pets taunt and do other utility stuff like grab aggro in a hurry when charm breaks
      ● Necro can heal the enchanter.
      ● Necro can twitch the enchanter.
      ● Mage ensures that all pets are armed at all times.... for free!
      ● Mage=vending machine for snacks too
      ● Mage makes sure everyone is practicing their bind wound
      ● If mages can summon daggers and bandages and bread and water, why can't they just summon malachites? [philosophoraptor.jpg]
      ● Enchanter for clarity and haste. Everyone else for their own invis and/or invis vs. undead
      ● Mage for damage shield
      ● Necro for summoning corpses when you F up. Necro can feign/rez you way later, too... always a good thing when you're trying to charm kite Drusilla
      ● 2 roots, 1 more earth elemental root, 1 snare, 2 fears.

    What it lacks:

    • ● SoW/Selo's
      ● Ports. So farming in NK or Rathe Mountains can get old with the corpse runs.
      +STR/The ability to carry all that Fine Steel (until mage gets dimensional hole... late 30s? Probably just in time for hill giants) disregard this, they get the first dimensional hole at level 8. It's just not sold in PoK, instead being sold by the triangular trade of Akanon/Neriak/Erudin
      ● Durability. Often a problem when you're trying to get your pet to taunt something off off you.
      ● No Sneak. As 3 int-casters, there was no sneak ability in the classes, and races were limited to ones that wouldn't get sneak(no Vah Shir or Halfling). This means no ninja vendoring by standing behind dubious merchants, or turning in quests to people who hate you. I miss this sort of skullduggery
      ● Real Heals.

    11/10 group comp of the year
  8. surron

    surron People Like Me

    The beast lord rarely tanks (he is useful for slowing to save ench mana), its either BL pet tanking (no problems with aggro) when feeling lazy or charmed pet. No need for snares on charmed pet. You main the enchanter when charming so you are quick enough to handle charm break. The BL pet doesn't taunt the charm break pet, it stays on the mob you are fighting so the enchanter only has to deal with 1 mob on a charm break. When charm break happens you stun with enchanter to get a mezz off or just mezz right away and then recharm. As soon as you cast stun or mezz on ench you swap to cleric to begin heal on enchanter or keep pet targeted with cleric to quickly assist with a stun. The combo is actually supporting the enchanter charming, which is the best method of AA's in PoP besides shaker paging.
  9. Reiker

    Reiker New Member

    Really enjoying my Warrior / Monk / Shaman, even though the Shaman will always be a bit underwhelming until Kunark.
  10. Suriinya

    Suriinya Well-Known Member

    But they can inviz, and unless it was nerfed at some point on AK, you can easily do quest hand-ins by opening the trading window, invising the toon, and then hitting trade. Dubious merchants the Enchantress can usually take care of with the Alliance line of spells. Or the combination of that plus an illusion.
  11. Murrpau

    Murrpau New Member

    No, you're right, but in my experience handing in Gnoll Fangs as an Iksar, the emu we're using just isn't ready to handle this yet. I handed in a fang .1 seconds before the invis landed. Then Captain Tillin killed the iksar anyway. (The hand in through-the-wall trick worked though... worth mentioning because even when I had the enchanter invis the necro during hand-in, with a wall between them, Captain Tillin would see through the invis and con threatening even though the character was now invis to everyone else)
    I'm always hesitant to post bug reports because I don't know if AK handled things different than FV and other live servers.
  12. Trosh

    Trosh New Member

    You can always PM a gm on forums if you aren't sure if something should be posted. They will either go all secret squirrel on you, or just say "that's fine, post it in bugs forum". either way you've helped :)
  13. Senan

    Senan New Member

    I was thinking about going with this combo as well. I'm set on an SK main and I was hoping for a not-too-insanely-busy trio. I was curious though -- is there any merit to taking a druid instead of a shaman for the ports and evac? To be honest, I'm really not all that familiar with the spells that both druids and shamans get, but if I recall correctly, the shaman was a considerably better buffer; at least when it came to melee classes. If that's the case, would it be worth it to consider giving up some buffage in exchange for the travel convenience and extra safety?

    Also, that program that was mentioned that made it easier to switch between boxes -- does anyone know where I can find that? I'm still new around here so I'm not really sure where to look.

    Thanks :)

    Edit: Nevermind about the program. I didn't notice the "Guides and aps" section earlier. I found it.
  14. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    The reason shaman trumps druid for melee, is primarily haste and slow. Focus line of buffs (str/sta) is great as well, though.
  15. Senan

    Senan New Member

    Yeah, that's what I figured. I'm still a little tempted to do with the druid for the ports but I don't know. I'm also thinking of maybe replacing the cleric for a monk, so I'll have less healing power but more dps. I don't mind positioning an extra melee; in fact, I think I'd find that easier than having an extra character to cast with. Choices, choices.
  16. Trosh

    Trosh New Member

    If PoK didn't exist, I'd say ports would be super nice to have.. but as it does, not really a top priority. Shaman's are a HUGE asset for later levels, especially in Kunark and later expansions. 75% slow is no joke.

    Just an FYI, Monks right now are getting beaten like rag dolls because the AC is messed up. I tried doing Monk/Sham combo and couldn't kill blues with it.. Changed to Clr/Mag and that pet can tank reds.
  17. Senan

    Senan New Member

    Oh, is PoK already available on this server? I figured it would have been gated until the appropriate expansion or at least till a bit later on in the server's life. I certainly wouldn't complain if it was already available though.

    Yeah, I've been reading a bit about the AC thing. That's a bummer. I plan to do most, if not all, of the tanking with the SK though so hopefully the monk wouldn't be taking direct damage too often. It's probably better to be safe than sorry, so I'll consider just sticking with the original trio for now and maybe try something with the monk down the road. Thanks for the info :).
  18. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Reviving an old thread because class combination talk is fun...

    So I started out with Paladin/Shaman/Necro. While this is a powerful trio and I would suggest it to skilled boxers, I found it to be very busy. I'm only 16 now, but found I wasn't using the Necro for even half his capabilities. Most my time was spent between the paladin and shaman after sending in the necro pet.

    I'm going to try to alleviate the busy feeling by swapping necro for a druid. Druid will provide the DS I've been missing. Back up heals, eventually ports (useful when limited on time or deep in a dungeon), macro nukes (stand, nuke pause nuke pause sit). Another plus will be the ability to power level a new class if I get bored at 50+. I just hope this Paladin/Shaman/Druid combo has enough DPS.
  19. Ghakim

    Ghakim Well-Known Member

    There are a few people who run paly/shaman/druid that can probably give you insights into that combo. Look up Sketchy in game. It does fairly well against undead because paladins do a lot more damage to undead.

    Just something for you to consider...a mage is a lot less busy then a necro if that is what you are worried about. They also provide the DS and can switch over now and then to nuke...it is a lot less to manage. You might be light on the heals though.
  20. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    For sure mage is gonna be more bang for your buck on the dps box. I'd definitely recommend a mage for your third box.

    Another thing to consider is that the earth pet is probably going to be as good a tank as your pally and a lot less work, and doesn't even really need heals, just summon another one. I'd definitely recommend a mage for your first box.

    Lastly the shaman isn't really doing much with two mages. You're probably better off with a mage in that slot. you're going to be spending a lot of time on your other two mages and adding a mage can add a lot of dps and utility without a lot of time investment. I'd definitely recommend a mage for your second box.
    Ghakim likes this.
  21. Sturmm

    Sturmm Well-Known Member

    "I'd definitely recommend a mage for your third box"
    "I'd definitely recommend a mage for your first box."
    "I'd definitely recommend a mage for your second box."

    LOL Thucy, did you just recommend he box 3 mages? I'm not saying it's bad, but it's just funny going from paladin/shaman/druid to mage/mage/mage :)
  22. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    that was the joke, yes.
  23. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member


    Sadly through classic and maybe Kunark Mage/Mage/Mage probably does beat out a tank based combo!
  24. Pinoit

    Pinoit Well-Known Member

    You can 3-box anything. There are really only 2 variables to consider:
    • Min-maxing, or
    • Pure enjoyment
    I've seen a guy level from 1-50 with a 3 wizard combo. While I would never personally do this, it can be done.

    If you're looking for a fast and effective way to 50, pick a tank, healer, dps combo that considers buffs, mana regeneration, haste, and other essential elements for success (e.g. Class-level: Cleric, Warrior/SK/Pally, Enchanter Pet-Level: Necro, Mage, Enchanter). Factor this into feasibility and ease-of-use in a 3-box setup. (e.g. Clerics buff, stand and cast CH for 10 seconds on a tank with 3k HPs is easy-mode for boxing)

    Go with whatever inspires you. Your choices only effect the amount of downtime and corpse runs you'll be making :)

    I personally don't think it gets any easier than Warr/Chanter/Cleric. Cleric buffs and heals, Warrior (with proccing weapons), taunts once and goes nuts, the Enchanter does most of the work (including pulling, if desired--lull/root/mez plus buffs is outstanding). I do not, however, recommend this trio for raiding, unless you want some stress in your life.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  25. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    As Ghakim mentioned I do a pal/shm/dru combo. It is very defense oriented with an insane amount utility. I always main a paladin so from there in my mind, having a shaman as second is a great combo. The druid I added b/c I was always borrowing my buddies druids on different server b/c I wanted ports/tracks/pl. The druid is also versatile enough to fill a lot of different rolls in my 3 box. Come luclin and pop these 3 classes only get better. To up the dps of the group I make sure I dot/have a shm pet/or charm. The shm/dru dots work very well in this team, since it take a long time for mobs to die =) It isn't for everyone, and I cant even say it is the most powerful, but it is what I enjoy.
  26. Ghakim

    Ghakim Well-Known Member

    If you want the most powerful in classic I think you should take Thucy's advice lol. A charm based group could also be arguably more powerful but then it's hard to AFK farm.

    If you can manage to get all 3 mages their epics then you probably got the most powerful triple box through luclin.
  27. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Sounds pretty similar to my reasons for this trio! Of the three I've only had a main shaman on live, so it should be fun learning paladin and Druid. And if i can eventually pursuade some friends/family to play, it'll be perfect to pl them.