Opening beastlords?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by abacab, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. abacab

    abacab New Member

    I'm just curious about what they will do for gear in a classic setting? Most leather is just +wis stuff as is, and there really aren't any weapons for them considering that classic-era was notorious for making rogue only daggers, shaman only spears, and cleric only maces.

    I think looking at it, top end gear for a beastlord in this era would be like whatever the fear armor is and Enameled Black Maces from LGUK, that could change if the Hole is open on start since Smoldering Brands and Enforcers are pretty great melee weapons for beastlords
  2. moonage

    moonage New Member

    Wont Bst unlock with luclin?
    item wise bst are SOL unless its raid/faction armor till then.
    did Beast on Alkabor have the hinderd pre 50 skill caps on non H2H? know the cap was lower at 65 for non H2H.
  3. abacab

    abacab New Member

    There BiS pre-raid is as follows (this assumes no Hole, and no Stonebrunt for bloodclaw weapons)

    Ear: 2x diamondine earrings
    Head: Executioner hood
    Neck: Runed Lava Pendant
    Shoulder: Bloody Mantle
    Face: Polished Mithril Mask
    Belt: FBSS
    Leg: Gorilla hide Legs
    Arm: Lupine Armband
    Chest: syythrak hide vest
    Feet: Dwarven work boots
    Hand: gem inlaid gauntlets
    Weapons: 2x enameled black mace
    Range: Dragoon Dirk
    Rings: 2x 55 hp rings
    Back: hooded black cloak
    Wrists: hero bracer, serpentine bracer

    There gear isn't that bad just takes some farming and trading, it's just you're stuck with weapons that monks will sell off as vendor fodder; but that isn't too bad and probably can hold you off until you can snag some ringed maces in Kunark and SoS...

    but there is no question that you'll lag behind a bit as your epic needs Luclin (and you get zero PoSky weapons) and some of the better craftable items for BL are Velious farmable, but a top-end Kunark geared beastlord with Golden Efreeti arms, Wild Lord's tunic and VP items is pretty fearsome as you'll be rocking 200+ in some stats and around 3K HP self buffed.
  4. Placer

    Placer Well-Known Member

    Beasts need testing like everything else. They can wear and use essentially the same gear as monks. If they are a little disadvantaged until Luclin, that is hardly the end of the world. There is plenty of solid stuff available in Kunark pre-raid level. Some handy clickies in there.
  5. abacab

    abacab New Member

    I wouldn't say they are disadvantaged, they just aren't optimal up until Velious or end-game kunark and not because they are a bad class, it's just there is very little itemization going their way in these old zones so you'll lag a bit in DPS compared to other hybrids, more so until you can grab yourself a feverblade and a SoS. Sony just never took the time to add "BST" tag to most of the classic stuff as they did for a whole swathe of velious gear.
  6. abacab

    abacab New Member

    Their regen, tank level pet, and ability to slow/cripple and spot buff is a good enough reason to bring them to raids or to groups, especially if you can't find a shaman and need a dedicated slower.
  7. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    BLs will probably still be more effective than pre-luclin rangers, so no complaining allowed! :p
  8. abacab

    abacab New Member

    Your skill in archery has increased (200!)

    --Your bow HITS a gnoll for 12 points of damage---

    Feels ya
  9. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    Yup, haha. I plan on playing a ranger as my main again, so it should be fun ;) .
  10. abacab

    abacab New Member

    I promise in critical raid moments to let the tanks die so you can shine in all your ranger glory as you weaponshield tank something.
  11. Trukx

    Trukx New Member

    Beastlords have the same h2h weapon damage as monks so at level 50 your fists with no weapons would be 14/30
  12. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    Which will make them better dps than monks with the pet dps....or at least comparable.
  13. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    BLs don't get double attack. And I assume thier base ATK is lower than Monks (I could be wrong about this).
  14. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    Correct, but monks don't get a pet with a monster proc! nor do they get triple attack till 60
  15. Zianae

    Zianae New Member

    So, Iksars, Vah Shir and PoK will be in at the start?
  16. wharhogg

    wharhogg Member

    Correct and FOB...but no kurns/pauldal
  17. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    My impression was that these races + beastlords ( and FOB, Cabilis, POK ) will be in as soon as possible. I think Beta will not come until all the zones are available.
  18. Placer

    Placer Well-Known Member

    Beta likely boils down to 1. larger mechanical issues like de-sync, LD... and 2. making sure the content itself is as solid as it can be. The new content being added right now will probably have some impact on the latter. But it is probably not a deciding factor.

    I'm watching the tracker intently as I am greatly looking forward to testing the VS/BL side of things. It looks like they are making impressive progress towards bringing on the last 2 races, 1 class, and 6 zones necessary to get them connected to everything else. I didn't look to see if the classic zones that have races which can be BLs had everything in already. So there might be that as well.
  19. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    The content for these zones and classes should be mostly in if anything is missing at all.
    I think that beta launch will be including all that we will have online once these zones are released.
    So if we do happen to complete and release further content in alpha, we will be reverting back to Classic + SV, Cab, SW, FoB, PoK.

    I have a neat lil plan in place for progression tracking once beta and such that I will try to design. If I am successful I'll let ya know.
  20. moonage

    moonage New Member

    If shadeweavers is open at least the High Apprentice's stuff is available for beasts... not exactly the best items but a hand to hand that has the magic flag.
  21. iance

    iance New Member

    if the newb armor quests are in, you will have this> ... quest=2860

    I think theres an equivalent in Oggok also. Have only done the troll one myself so far tho, back when I started my beastlord on EQMAC

    Also, stats might be a tad different than that alla entry. The newbie quests were buffed at some point. And the quest was actually from Grobb (alla says its in Neriak, where it got moved to at some point)

    which brings up an interesting point. Since this server will start at classic, will newb armor and weapons quests like these be available right at the start?
  22. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

  23. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member

    Beastlord in classic?

    Shit just got real yo
  24. sourdiesel

    sourdiesel Active Member