Old-world raid targets (Naggy, Vox, etc...) question

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HelHound989, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member


    So me an my RL friend are starting to hit 50, and will be working in towards the low 50s levels.

    One of the things me and my RL friend wanted to do was get a chance to do old school raids such as the old world dragons and the early Planes.

    We did join a guild, but from what I understand, pretty much all the guilds only focus on Luclin raids, with a bit of Velious raids, and no one really does any of the Classic / Kunark raid targets anymore.

    Even though I know many items in the Luclin raids are better than epics, he and I still wanted to work on our epics anyway. While he and I know we can easily do PoF / PoH as a 6-man group in our upper 50s, when we get there, the question boils down to, specifically, Vox and Naggy, as dont we get banished if we are over level 52?

    So the question is: Do players sometimes do pick-up raids for the dragons? Could he and I 6-man Vox / Naggy at level 52?

    actualspaide likes this.
  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    You are better off to ask in your guild, if you want to go and do naggy/vox.

    But can 6 man do them at 52? If the right 6 chars. But that usually means 3 epic mage pets.

    So no, you wouldn't be able to 6 man them.

    The odds of finding them up is also low. If you want to stay 52 or less for awhile, you basically won't be playing much.
  3. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    You can trio these with the right set ups. Mage epic pets aren't necessarily the most effective way. You will need a warrior with 210 mr or so then max out your hp and fr/cr as high as possible. A cleric with as high of mana as possible, then dps. Rogues with the 210 mr and as high as fr/cr as possible work really well. Also wizards against nagy in particular are strong. Those 1100 dmg ice comets add up. Then of course mage pets help but can also mess up positioning a little. But basically you need all of your dps classes to hit that fear immunity point of 210 mr.
  4. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    Oh also you probably want extended range 2 or 3 on your cleric to be able to hide from the ae and still have ch land. Also you'll want a chanter for vox unless you feel like fighting through what feels like endless ch
  5. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Two brand new people on server. First chars that reach 52. They are not going to be able to do naggy/vox 6 boxing.
  6. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    Not with that attitude . You can do it with less than expected:p

    Prove haynar wrong new members!
  7. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I’ve been 3-boxing Nagafen and Vox for awhile now.

    I use different combinations for each. War/Cler/Wiz for Nagafen and War/Cler/Ench for Vox. I’m planning on trying to PL an SK up and try Vox with an SK as well.

    As spaide said, you want to have over 210 MR on your tank to prevent fears. I’d suggest over 230 because you frequently fight a dragon with a tash orb. Also a cleric is critical. ER3 is nice for Vox but not required. For Nagafen it’s not necessary if you position intelligently.

    If you’re aiming to do this on your main characters before you go beyond level 52, you would need to focus your gearing efforts into your tank. You also probably want to have a bard for resists since your gear is going to be lacking if these are your first characters, and hitting 230 MR without a bard can be tough.

    What classes are you using? Also I know this is more just to do it, but if you’re specifically after the epic pieces the red scales, white scales and book of scales are all very cheap on this server. Probably just a few hours at hill giants would buy you each of these items.
    actualspaide likes this.
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

  9. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Yeah, single-grouping (much less 3-boxing) Vox and Naggy is a twink's game. You'll need help.

    The Kunark dragons, which aren't level-capped, also drop the Vox/Naggy epic pieces if you end up out-leveling your dragon dreams.
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    You can stay 52 and gear up.

    Most guilds have some gear that can be MQ’d to help.

    Most guilds wont allow you to raid at 52. So raid gear will be minimal.

    Lots of plat needed. So lots of hill giants.

    If you want it bad enough. Its doable. But a huge investment.

    PS. 6 chars in a zone alone, 3 on a vpn, will look like possible boxing. Just saying. Consider it a friendly reminder of the boxing rules. Haven’t had time to actually watch you yet. If ur not 6 boxing. Nothing to worry about.
  11. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    He and I do play from the same home, but whenever he gets on, I just put on a VPN.

    At the moment though, he hasnt been playing as much as me, and thus, hes still in the 35-38 range, while I just hit 49 on my 3 characters last night. Im a Paladin / Cleric / Necro, while he is playing an SK / Shaman / Mage, and he and I had planned, once I hit 51 or 52, to slow down and help catch him up.

    He and I wanted to get our epics. Specifically, my Paladin Epic and his SK epic first, and the roadblock, regarding the dragons, for me appears to be the Frost / Burnt books. Everything else looks doable as a group later on 55+ (unless the Fear mini's that drop his Soul Leach are still too tough for a 6-man group 55+)
  12. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I’m pretty sure I have a Book of Scale listed in the Bazaar for like 2-3k, of which you have to spend 1k turning the burnt and frost books in.

    However if you’re gung-ho about slaying the dragons and looting the books yourself, I can provide you some tips to doing it. Based on the crew you listed your struggle is going to be getting your tanks resists up high enough. At a minimum you’d want one of those characters to have 210-230+ MR buffed which is very difficult to hit without raid gear and/or a bard.
  13. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    considering better-than-epic pal/sk swords rot frequently, probably just wanna skip it
  14. Walex

    Walex I Feel Loved

    I have a soul leech on my SK that I never intend to turn into an epic. You can have it. Unless I have to do a ton of factioning or something to be able to give it to you. Idk i never got interested enough in that quest to even read up on it.
    lurari likes this.
  15. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    I really never felt that the SK epic was worth the effort. Getting your Greenmist is a better time investment, IMO. At least that has a damage modifier for Luclin snake people.
    lurari likes this.
  16. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    lurari likes this.
  17. Liegezen

    Liegezen People Like Me

    SK epic is Fashion Quest gold, follow your heart.
    lurari and Lenas like this.
  18. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    Hilt wizards rule.