New server idea

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by drelk001, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. drelk001

    drelk001 New Member

    I know this will be YEARS off.

    But I was explaining to my Girlfriend that TAKProject is what P99 wants to be and she was still being dumb about TAKProject.

    Well it got me to thinking, what if the next time you guys open up a server like TAKProject, do it like P99... where you start with classic with no Iksar or Beastlords or Vah Shir or anything 50 Level cap try to make it as much like classic as you possibly can.

    one of my biggest complaints about TAKProject is it says its "classic" but allows PoK and Vah shir and Iksars and stuff.

    Pretty much I want to see an actual classic server, mainly because TAKProject is using an older client so it is capable of doing more classic things. and I think it would be fun to do.

    PS: I LOVE TAKProject and I would play it more, but I am currently no-lifing Lockjaw... Keep up the good work =D
  2. drelk001

    drelk001 New Member

    I just realized this should have been on the Suggestions forums... if a Admin could move this thread over, that would cool =D if not its fine... my mistake :p

    Speedz: No problem here. Moved to General as we can't take on this idea for TAKP. But someone else could?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2015
  3. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

  4. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Takp has never had the intent of being "classic," that's just where we are at this point of the process. From the very start this has been a project to replicate Al'kabor which was PoP/2002 era.

    Edit - However, given the open source nature of TAKP, it is entirely possible for someone to create.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2015
    Khorpus and drelk001 like this.
  5. drelk001

    drelk001 New Member

    I was aware it was trying to emulate EQmac, however I just wish when they were doing it they did a 100% progression.

    I have no clue how to make my own server. but if I did I would totally make one and try to compete with P99 XD

    but I was thinking it would be a fun idea for the Devs over here to do it.
  6. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    the amount of work involved in making a true progression server is exponentially larger than the amount of work involved in making a server that is a snapshot of a single era
  7. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Great idea, but not something we could do in this team currently.
    The resources are already spread thin. Code hours and server space.
    Small target audience aside (low population split) It would be great if someone did pick up this ball and run with it.
    It would be a huge undertaking to research actual drops/stats etc for each era as the server climbs through.
    Plus the work to change the database on each launch.

    Tho I wouldn't go so far as to say Takp is what p99 would want to be.
    We don't really have a competition mindset and I think p99 has their own unique style that works.
    They were first and I'd like to say in some respects we are similar due to having stopping points that are not "live like".
    Meaning we don't chase live like the parent project EQEmu does. (Not saying or meaning anything bad about that at all.)
    We are just different due to top end goals, team size, resources and experience.

    I would hope that all servers that stay online for a long time are unique in some way.
    Too many of the same server types can get boring and spread like minded players across many servers too thinly to be enjoyable.
  8. drelk001

    drelk001 New Member

    I sometimes dabble in there... but I mean that the TAKproject Client is older that the one P99 uses.... the older the better I guess...
  9. drelk001

    drelk001 New Member

    I understand what you mean by the team and actual man hours.

    P99 is going for as classic as possible, well I feel like P99 would require you to use NewUI=FALSE and all the fun classic stuff that TAKproject has... if P99 did a full transition to this client or older I feel like it would add more nostalgia and more of a classic feel that it already has thats why I feel like it would be like a competitor to P99. and yes I agree I hope all servers stay online a long time, I have actively played on a server that got shut down, it broke my heart :p

    If I knew how and had the hardware to do it, I would make a classic server using this client or earlier.

    is there a straight "Velious Client"? I know it would be trilogy but I know there are 2 variations of trilogy and the velious one is hard to come by.
  10. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    P99 has always had a goal as being classic as possible. The older clients net code is totally different. P99 always intended to use new netcode with current eqemu login.

    If the goal is to is to have as many users as possible, you end up doing things not in interest of a more specific goal of being "classic" or a reincarnation of "AK".

    P99 never had a desire for old classic crappy ass experience playing through a window. They may force a Velious style UI at some point.

    If you think AK is what p99 wants to be, you don't have a good understanding of the project goals.

    Mokli likes this.
  11. Swish

    Swish Member

    P99's continued popularity is due to community integration which is helped along by a 1-box rule. I know that disgusts a lot of people here but it's a recipe for success.
  12. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    You didn't play on AK if you believe that a box limit is a major reason for a good community. AK was pretty tight and many people at least two boxed.

    No, the real reason is that P99 has been around for a very long time and the devs put massive amounts of work into the quality of the server to be as close to the era its emulating as possible while most other servers are fly-by-nights or atrocities to what made EQ great in the first place.
    Elrontaur, robregen and Speedz like this.
  13. Kuron

    Kuron People Like Me

    Sorry, not trying to start anything but when I think "P99" the VERY LAST words that come to my mind are "good community".

    At least, that was my experience during the early months I played there. Perhaps things have changed since then, all I know is what I experienced there was enough to send me away for good - from the players as well as the staff.
  14. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Just like what we had here early on. A few loud voices and forum questers don't hold the sentiment of an entire server.
    I never played anything past single digits on p99 so my experience is limited. But as a general rule this holds pretty real for most servers.

    I'm not breaking your heads, but I am slowly starting to not want bashing of other servers on here. (p99, p2002, Official DB servers or any others really) Each server is made of real people that work and play on it. Different servers have a varying degree of effort put into them. Tho I agree, fly by nights are obnoxious at times, but the ones who do stick around deserve some respect.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2015
    Elrontaur, Neealana and Mokli like this.
  15. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I'm going to break from my colleagues here and say that boxing limits are good for community building. Limits force people together when they otherwise would avoid them. Speaking as a highly introverted individual, I would never LFG if I didn't have to-- nor would I drop one of my boxes for people in most circumstances. A lot of EQ nerds are introverts. I like to play druids for a reason.

    What ends up happening is that people like me will box as much as they can and get exhausted from it. The advantages of not sharing loot, never waiting for people to arrive, never having to look for certain classes, not needing to coordinate strategies or negotiate what content to do, etc are massive. To add people who aren't close friends in place of a box is almost always a large sacrifice.

    On top of that, boxing means content is less available because fewer people are needed to consume it. We've already seen that here with four humans killing dragons in classic gear.

    I was honestly very disappointed when the poll went in favor of 3 boxes instead of 2, which I consider to be the best compromise, and still think that poll outcome hurts the server.
    Oiwon, Kuron and Lenas like this.
  16. Kuron

    Kuron People Like Me

    ^ That pretty much sums up how I feel most of the time as well.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  17. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Most of the time i play, i have absolutely no desire to group. Forcing me to group, means I basically don't play. I do not play for a "social" interaction. I play to kill shit. Raiding is not grouping. Thats more ppl getting together to watch stuff die, with a common goal.

    Dalaya has a 2 box limit. Having played there, it is a bit limiting on what you can do. Thats why I like 3 better.

    If takp had a 2 box limit, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I wouldn't be here helping. I help because I like to play some too.
  18. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Bee on the lookout for a frazzled looking VahShir ... bet that is Haynar !
  19. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    My shaman is. But she is only like level 14. I prefer evil races. DE SK is the life for. Loot and pillage all the goodie cities is the life for me.
    Mokli likes this.
  20. drelk001

    drelk001 New Member

    I see... what I meant by "TAKproject is what P99 wants to be" is that P99 goes for classic and TAKproject has classic graphics and stuff... I guess I worded it incorrectly lol
  21. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    We have Luclin models. I don't follow.
  22. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    TAKP is based on AK. AK didn't have a boxing limit and like many, i feel that really threw the balance of the server off.
    I think most people that voted in the poll played on AK and understood that 3 is the magic number.
    I wouldn't have been opposed to two, but in the long run 3 will work out for the best for everyone, especially on a low population server.
  23. vannari

    vannari Well-Known Member

    Personally I think P99 is only popular because it is the name that just happened to get spread about and people heard about it. I don't think it is an especially good server. I played on it to about level 55 so I gave it a good shot, but single box servers are not the group heaven some people say. It was sometimes hard to find groups even in real EQ back in 2002 when there were about 3000 people on my server. On P99 the only chance was during US times, and on my timezone the server was down to about 30 people. It also has bad corruption problems and problems with the high end being on lockdown with the cockblocking guild which is also unnatural because of the corruption and because they all have manastones etc. It also has been on Kunark far too long. Technically it seemed good, but these other things are important and the server was bad with that.

    I think PEQTGC is under rated, they have a very accurate server and it has a huge number of expansions so there is more content. But that server is all about boxed armies running MQ which can be boring (it was for me). For single character players I think the new Legacy of Froststone server would be the best option, it is like P99 but without the corruption and they are good people. I played Shards of Dalaya a LOT, have several characters and played it for about 7 years and saw all the raid content. It is a great server and I love 2 boxing, but they have changed the game too much imo, and taken it too far from EQ. I think the result is that they dumbed it down, made it far too easy and yet it is tedious as EQ ever was. They developed it in the wrong ways.

    For me this server is perfect. Once you have got used to multiboxing it is just so boring going back to one character, so I can't do the solo servers long term, and having 6 or more just becomes too automated and also too easy and it really does kill grouping if you can have your own group. So for me 1 or 2 extra boxes makes for the most fun and this server has that. Also I don't like modern EQ with the mercs and crazy gear so again this server is great because it is locked at PoP. I think it will also be like a progression server too because it will take them time to develop each expansion. This place is great. Hope it lives long and prospers.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    Khorpus, Oiwon, Sturmm and 1 other person like this.
  24. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    After AK went bye bye i have no desire to play on live. P99 has too much going on for my liking. Hopefully more people learn about this server which i feel is a great alternative to both. It's a pity we can't get on the EQEmu server list. More people would know about it.
    Khorpus likes this.
  25. shortok

    shortok People Like Me

    Would be cool to get something on the list, but when you log in you get a character select full of info like when your files are out of date on p99.

    ("Your client is incompatible. Please obtain an Intel Mac or Al'Kabor compatible Titanium PC client. Also this is the wrong login server. Visit and fix your eqhosts file.")
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
    Oiwon likes this.
  26. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    Exactly man
  27. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    While I share your sentiments. It's not that simple. The way our login works from what I understand is completely incompatible even for an error message.
    Oiwon likes this.
  28. vannari

    vannari Well-Known Member

    Well there are downsides to being on that list too apparently, I read about another server which died after it went on the list because a bunch of trolls showed up and started exploiting and whatnot and it all went bad. There is another server I played for many years called Shards of Dalaya which was independent of that list and they have their own install and login setup which is really slick. Not sure why they are not on the list, but they did really well without it, it has been going for about 12 years. They peaked at around 700 players a few years ago. Whenever population is a concern they just do an Account Drive where the players try to advertise the server on forums and reddit and stuff, and I think they give prizes to people who bring in the most new people. Nothing that gives a big advantage, mostly just cosmetic fun stuff.
    Oiwon likes this.
  29. Skorris

    Skorris New Member

    Al'Kabor was awesome before it went free to play, and the community was great. Boxing actually helped the server and the people who boxed were very helpful to those who didn't. There were many times where I was soloing and then joined a group of someone 4 or 5 boxing and it out helped me tremendously. 1 boxing is NOT the answer as it was never that way on Al'Kabor.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
  30. Cerebro

    Cerebro Member

    P99 has a bustling RMT community. Most of the server is one big economic RMT wheel. I was in a couple guilds there for a couple years and we'd have new players to the server app all the time decked out in nearly BiS droppables at level 46... literally hundreds of thousands of plat worth of gear and they all say the same thing when asked about it, "I buy low sell high in EC"... damn I wish I could have made that in a couple weeks WHILE levelling!

    The RMT is definitely a draw for a lot of people, when they can start at level 1 on an epic'd, twinked out toon and buy a power level for some petty cash.