Misc feedback requests

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Torven, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    Torven Holmes
    Ransom and Mokli like this.
  2. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Did anybody on AK use necro pets to powerlevel while feigned? Currently on TAKP a necro can use his pet as a neutral damage dealer while feigned, and I cannot find a single mention anywhere of people doing this to powerlevel. Furthermore this is not possible on Live servers.
  3. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Did it on AK. You had to FD after the dot damage stopped but dots worked as well.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
    RossGuy likes this.
  4. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Also a mention of it here:


    "The "Feign Death" spell, when cast by a Necromancer, will now have a fixed duration. The Necromancer will receive several warnings prior to the spell wearing off. This change was necessary because some Necromancers found a way to gain experience through their pet while being AFK for an extended duration, such as being in bed for the night. Note: This does not affect Shadowknights or Monks."

    However, on AK I don't believe there was a fixed duration on FD. Likely there is a another patch that rolled that duration back before AK went live. Unless there already is one and its set really long that no one noticed.

    FD killing on live was likely patched somewhere after AK.
    RossGuy likes this.
  5. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    At some point prior to PoP that was changed to where the pet died after being FD for 2 minutes. I don't remember trying it, but that is the behavior I would have expected on AK.
  6. necra

    necra People Like Me

    yea on ak necro pet poofed if you fd'd for too long, cant recall the time but remember having to resummon pet after being afk fd for a while
  7. RossGuy

    RossGuy Well-Known Member

    Sounds like we need PoP before we start nerfing necros.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2020
    Bragon likes this.
  8. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    sounds like we need pop before nerfing all our xp
    Bragon and RossGuy like this.
  9. necra

    necra People Like Me

    We haven’t met our nerf quota to unlock pop
    Slayzz and Bragon like this.
  10. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    OK, to clarify. You needed to RE FD when using dots to FD pl. You had to wait till the dmg stopped ticking then you could FD, pet could still be doing dmg.

    I do not remember the Necro pet poofing from FD at all on AK. IF it did it ever poof it wouldn't be in 2 minutes...

    IIRC you could remain FD and just /assist /pet attack and you would continue to gain xp on the toon you are PLing. Necro PL was very much a thing at nobles with OOR xp groups.

    Put OOR xp back in and we can call it even =P
  11. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Let's move on from the past now, wait for PoP, and then maybe go back to the bargaining table.
    Slayzz likes this.
  12. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    February 17, 2000 7:00 am:
    - The “Feign Death” spell, when cast by a Necromancer, will now have a
    fixed duration. The Necromancer will receive several warnings prior to
    the spell wearing off. This change was necessary because some
    Necromancers found a way to gain experience through their pet while
    being AFK for an extended duration, such as being in bed for the night.
    Note: This does not affect Shadowknights or Monks.

    March 21st, 11:00am
    *Feign Death and Pets*

    The Feign Death spell will no longer wear off. This change had been made due to an issue that was discovered that allowed Necromancers to solo creatures while feigned and AFK. The change had some unintended effects, as we discovered that there are a few cases where someone could be legitimately feigned for a longer period. Instead of having the spell wear off, any summoned pet will automatically suicide 2 minutes after its owner feigns. This is the solution requested by most of the players who voiced an opinion, and should serve the same goal as the original change.

    June 16, 2004:
    Undead Pets
    Pets no longer go away after their master has feigned death for more than 2 minutes. *

    March 11 2004
    "- The pet poofs after 2 minutes FD. So far I got the "your enemies have forgotten you" always before the pet poofed, so there is time to stand up."

    June 2004
    First round of Changes
    Hey folks,

    Our first round of changes is going to the Test server today and tomorrow. This round includes the following changes,
    Necromancer pets will no longer despawn after 2 minutes when their master is feigned.
    Thanks for all of your support.


    [Sun Jun 17 17:02:44 2012] Flayed tells alliance:1, 'if you're fd for long enough as a necro does your pet just poof?'
    [Sun Jun 17 17:02:51 2012] Jato tells alliance:1, 'yes'
    [Sun Jun 17 17:02:54 2012] Xillith tells alliance:1, 'yeah'

    [Tue May 23 23:33:02 2006] You say to your guild, 'Pet remains a couple of minutes after FD' (Said by Tigertugger on his necro)

    [Thu Mar 26 23:27:39 2009] Gugok tells alliance:3, 'we kind of had that when necros could FD'
    [Thu Mar 26 23:27:49 2009] Gugok tells alliance:3, 'and pets would kill'
    [Thu Mar 26 23:27:52 2009] Pheny tells alliance:3, 'Necro FD in Seb. XP all night'
    [Thu Mar 26 23:28:01 2009] Knovo tells alliance:3, 'Believe necro pets poof after awhile of FD '
    [Thu Mar 26 23:28:06 2009] Gugok tells alliance:3, 'they did it in solb and lguk a long time ago'
    [Thu Mar 26 23:28:11 2009] Gugok tells alliance:3, 'they didn't always do that =)'
    [Thu Mar 26 23:28:20 2009] Cromis tells alliance:3, 'yeah pets didnt poof early on'
    [Thu Mar 26 23:28:29 2009] Gugok tells alliance:3, '2 fs daggers + fd = all night xp'

    So Sony put in the FD timer because necros were AFK killing while FD, which meant that necros got credit for pet damage while FD. It was like that in 2000, and it's like that on Live. If they had made pet damage while FD neutral/ownerless like damage shields instead, then the timer would not have been necessary at all. Sony had very good reasons to not do that. There is no indication of that ever being the case that I can see. The reason why emu code is ignoring pet damage credit for FD players is because of the way our hate lists work: we remove FD players and then re-add them when standing instead of the way Sony does it, which is keep them on the list while having the NPCs simply ignore the player and reset the damage and hate on use.
    Devour_Souls likes this.
  13. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    I think there are more phases of changes than listed there too. For example, when pets were set to neutral faction to not agro things, which also would have nullified the afk-exp exploit.
    Do we have any logs of pets poofing? I'm sure that there must be some in there if it was happening, I just can't recall 7+ years ago...

    ( I could have sworn that fd-PL was accurate though. /shrug )
  14. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    I really don't remember them poofing after only 2 minutes. It has been awhile I guess...
  15. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

  16. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I did some greps searching for 'as you wish, oh great one' and 'soandso dies' and neither resulted in producing evidence. So either pets suiciding didn't produce log text or it's something else. I really wouldn't expect it to produce either of those text lines however since one is from issuing a command and the other is from DoT deaths.
  17. necra

    necra People Like Me

    2 minutes seems short but it has been a while but it did happen
  18. necra

    necra People Like Me

    I think as long as you give your pet commands it reset the timer though I do remember leaving myself in Droga fd overnight spamming pet attack xxxx for faction without issues

    Edit: this is incorrect I wouldn’t have been fd to receive faction
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  19. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Isn’t this something you can search in the logs, sounds like if it made it to AK there would have been some text?
  20. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    Neither of those quotes would have applied to AK. One was way earlier and the other way later.
  21. necra

    necra People Like Me

    We didn’t have the enemies forget you message but the pets did poof, rank 2 suspend minion gets around it easily though for afk breaks
  22. RossGuy

    RossGuy Well-Known Member

    I don't see how nerfing FD will solve the problem it's intended to fix seeing as all a necro has to is just fd before the mobs dies. Nerfing FD will just make having to afk for longer than 2 mins a pita (mana, meming spells, and reagents).

    If the "real" problem is players being afk while sending their necro pets in, then maybe we need a better system for catching and punishing said people knowingly break the rules rather than punishing all of us who don't.
  23. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

    Making it operate as it did on AK, isn't really nerfing it.
    Sketchy and solar like this.
  24. RossGuy

    RossGuy Well-Known Member

    Mained a necro on ak, never ran into this.
    Bragon likes this.
  25. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Lulz. These last 2 patches, and soon to be third. Operate on AK? Who knows if some of it even operated on EQ.
    Bragon likes this.
  26. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Give me a break. You never even played on AK.

    Do me a favor, insult me in other threads instead of spamming this one
  27. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Did charm work on any merchant NPCs on AK? Can somebody think of a single example?
  28. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    It's been a while, but I'm fairly sure I tried charm on "monster" merchants like the goblin merchant in Sol A, and the result was that yes, it landed, but you couldn't buy or sell from a charmed merchant. It got you the same "busy" message you got trying to buy or sell from a merchant who was in combat with another player (or otherwise out of position).

    Also, people definitely charmed Crow (the merchant who sells a single stack of Crow's Special Brew and needs to be killed in order to renew the supply) and let him die to guildmasters etc in order to avoid the faction hit for killing him.
    Neealana and sowislifesowislove like this.
  29. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Nitram Anizok in PoInnovation is another example. Vendor who sells tinkering components. People would charm him during the Xanamech escort to SoW him and buff him.

    However having said that I checked my logs on chanter and bard, don't see any merchants I charmed. For Crow I used Necro to DoT and Levant.
  30. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    There are comments online and in logs indicating that many merchant NPCs were flagged uncharmable. P99 has a thread here: https://www.project1999.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2555344

    So it seems that Sony just applied this individually to many merchants instead of hardcoding it. Unfortunately we can't know which NPCs it should apply to other than the anecdotal ones. On Live servers most merchants are flagged to be unattackable. I checked the goblin merchant in solusek A and he was flagged immune to charm but is attackable.