Do Bards get Double Attack in Al'Kabor?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Loadsamoney, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    Play what's fun! There's plenty to do and learn and I think you'll find rewarding play styles for any class, especially the ones discussed (straight up melee classes have a little less optionality)
  2. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    For a pally. The AA divine stun (i think) stuns mobs up to level 63.

    That. Is a game changer.
    lurari and Cadsuane like this.
  3. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    working on my divine stun right now, 3.5 more AAs to go, then I will finally be cool

    Azair, Tesadar, Ripwind and 1 other person like this.
  4. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    There are so many more important AA than 2H Bash ability for Paladin. Divine Stun is great for interrupting spell casters, same with the spell Quellious Word of Tranquility. Maybe around 150+ AA 2h Bash starts becoming worth the expenditure but it won't really be until then.
  5. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    its all about slay undead
    showstring and lurari like this.
  6. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    I really wanted Slay Undead first, but you know, gating Eoms in VT are quite the bundle of joy aren't they - Level 68, #winning
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2019
  7. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Depends if ur in vex thal.

    Soloing a dwarf pally to 60, should be plenty of work already. Wont have to worry about AAs for some time.
    lurari likes this.
  8. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    That is correct
  9. echofinder

    echofinder Member

    Either Bard or Beast is probably good to pursue if solo player. I'd think about the perspective of how when you do role into a group it will probably be with one or two players playing more than one toon you can really add a lot to the session. Often I'll bd slogging away with my trio and see someone LFG solo , a bard coming along to all of a sudden chain pull & bump up haste DPS or a beast to buff with their handy buffs & spells and add IMO a LOT of melee DPS. SIngle players can really help an XP group get rolling. Nothing again pally's but a solo pally rolling into an ongoing XP group doesn't add that same boost.
    Tesadar likes this.
  10. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    What is a beastlord's dps compared to a bard's? They get kick, and a higher riposte skill (which only comes into play when tanking, but would also mean getting stunned *unless it's an ogre bst - so you gain riposte dps, but lose dps from stuns), but otherwise their offensive skills have the same caps (post-50) if I'm not mistaken?
  11. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    a) don’t worry about Haynar, he is actually a dev that is not let out of his closet

    b) Overking Bum does not approve of your name since all of the economy sits in my bank

    c) bst > bard, cause all bards are good for is autofollowing with mana songs. Only crappy people play them like Faults and Spaide.
    Tesadar and Slayzz like this.
  12. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Have to look at the whole equation- bst by them self is meh but they have a pet and together they form Captain Planet
    Hyacinth, lurari, Ransom and 2 others like this.
  13. Tyrion

    Tyrion Well-Known Member

    Frontal stun is moot when you can look as cool as a lizard in a pd robe!
    Mokli likes this.
  14. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Soloing a paladin is doable, but that is a long lonely road to 60 compared to a beastlord or bard.

    Beastlord dps here is pretty good when adding in the pet. When soloing they can share tanking with the pet, and act as the slower/healer too. Very versatile.

    Bard soloing is doable without swarm. Early on some fear kiting works decent. Fear + dots also isn't bad. Charm soloing has options as well. Best thing about bard would be the ability to join a 3 box and pull plus Mana song. Any group would take that with the exp bonus.
  15. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    Good that i own @Bum
  16. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    I hate to break it to you, but that's just a lie we tell paladins. You will never be cool.
    Hyacinth and lurari like this.
  17. Avocado

    Avocado New Member

    Little rusty here, but as an AK bard with some PoTime gear, the only time I would melee for DPS was when in a tight spot that didn't allow me to run. Even then, it was never straight melee dps, it was always a brass instrument in hand for max DS (which is considerable) and something charmed nearby to add just a little more dps to the fight. I typically had a pocket druid for heals. Fun alternative to running in circles.
    Hyacinth likes this.
  18. Hyacinth

    Hyacinth Active Member

    I can with some experience on the issue say that yes, bard melee is a real thing. It also feels way more impressive if you've never played a real melee class at high levels!

    Also, bard & wizard duo is a wild combo. It forces you to get good at rotating charm & mezz on ugly pulls, using mezz to interrupt caster mobs (awesome skill to have for trash mob gaters in VT), and wizard damage helps you burn down bad pulls to manageable levels. And evac. And teleporting & selo's is the only way to travel.

    Wait, why did I roll an SK this time??

    *also, by bard/wiz duo and meleeing as a bard, I meant I could wreck older content like Sebilis and Velious zones, and get by melee/tanking in tier 1 Pop/Ssra mines/etc as a two box. Tanking as a bard is far more accurate to say than melee dps'ing as a bard. The melee damage is light years better than caster melee damage, but it pales in comparison to monk/rogue/ranger/beast dps. The class is really about knowing how to use your entire bag of tricks, staying on your toes, and keeping an eye on what you're fighting as well as potential adds (and having a plan for dealing with them).
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  19. Savok

    Savok Active Member

    Bards are awesome and I played pretty exclusively as a Bard until about level 50 where bard dps tops out and doesn't really give you much more utility out of a group. I then also started up a Beastlord, Cleric, Druid combo until the early 30's where I could drop the druid and add the bard back in. BST are great tanks, can take damage, can slow reliably and can buff. Honestly I wish I had started with the BST, it would of made my life much easier.

    If you want solo over boxing I would highly recommend the Beastlord over the Bard.
  20. Palarran

    Palarran Well-Known Member

    Beastlords are also great as first characters because they have cheap spells, and their pets can tank early on when gear may be scarce.
  21. Loadsamoney

    Loadsamoney Member

    Okay, you were right, I don't like the client for this server, no mouse scroll and it's inexplicably choppy, with an inconsistent framerate that I just can't figure out. Even in simple areas like Kaladim my FPS drops into the teens for seemingly no reason.

    Is there no other client to play Al'Kabor with? I really like this server, am enjoying my time on it, but this client is hard to play with being that I'm used to Titanium.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2019
  22. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    You get used to the client. It is the only one we have.
  23. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    Yeah, this client is fantastic. As for framerate you need to either play on a Mac (as intended) or run a framerate limiter to keep it steady.
  24. Loadsamoney

    Loadsamoney Member

    Was this never intended for Windows?
  25. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    The PC client is from Feb 2002. At that time it used dx8 and only ran fullscreen.

    You likely need dgvoodoo2 and to install the v3.4 updates to run windowed better.

    Still no mouse scroll wheel support.
  26. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    The TAKP client is authentic.
    p99 is very much not
    actualspaide likes this.
  27. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    I thought p99 was a perfect replication of EQ as it was in velious though?
    Ripwind and lurari like this.
  28. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    P99 uses a Oct 2005 client.

    Ours is closer to classic.
    Linkamus, Quirk and actualspaide like this.
  29. actualspaide

    actualspaide People Like Me

    My sarcasm does not come through here very well:p
    lurari likes this.
  30. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    p99 client is closer to the first classic EQLive progression servers (2006 when The Combine/Sleeper came out) than to the classic Velious era (2001)

    I'm surprised they haven't re-enabled the Marketplace button as a way of getting 'donations'
    Tesadar and lurari like this.