Code Update 1-14-2015

Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Several Bard fixes:
    * Bards will now receive messages as detrimental spells pulse. (If too many songs are spamming, please let me know which ones should and shouldn't - I've never played a Bard.)
    * Detrimental Bard songs will now display the yellow worn off message when the song wears off (unless the target died.)
    * Bard Charm will now be castable over Bard Mez. The new pet will be mezzed until that song wears off, and then function normally for the duration of the charm.
    *Bard group beneficial AEs no longer have a range check.
    *Fixed the SPELLS__STACKING log category. DO NOT enable this category unless you need to work with the stacking code. It creates HUGE logs!!!
    *Removed the newline tacked on the end of logs that were royally pissing me off. Added some more misc spell logging.
    *More changes to Knockback to handle pull, and for further accuracy.
    * Removed REVERSE_AGGRO define, since at this point it doesn't need to be disabled.
    *NPCs will no longer aggro players while engaged unless they have done something to get on the hate list. Added the PROX_AGGO (42) special_ability to override that.
    *Summoned pets will no longer generate aggro on their own.
    *Tweaked the calculations for charm/pacify resists, also moved it to the resist check method so it's much less hackish.

    XP overhaul.
    * XP formula has changed. I have added code so the first time a player logs in, they will have their XP adjusted so they don't lose their level. This process will boot them, and they can then log back in normally. All XP towards their next level will be lost!! (Though technically, they never earned in the first place...)
    * Racial modifiers have been added to the XP formula.
    * AAs will now use the XP formula method to determine XP needed for a point instead of a rule.
    * Solo XP gain has the base formula changed, ZEM modifier corrected, rules cleaned up, racial/class modifiers removed, 20% AK bonus added, and 12.5% per kill cap added.
    * Group XP gain had the base formula removed, member bonus percentages corrected, out of range players will no longer receive XP. They will count towards the bonus, but will not count towards the split. The 6th member of a group will also no longer counts towards the split.
    * Added #xpinfo command.
    * Removed unused XP rules, and set XP rules to use 1.0 as the default. That can be changed if need be.
    * Cleaned up the bind coords section of the PP struct a bit more.
    * Target weirdness that occurs with charmed pets should be better now.
    * Spell worn off messages should no longer be sent for buffs and the message has been corrected to no longer include the target's name.
    * Moved the Gate failure check to a better spot.
    * /pet health will no longer tell you how many tics each buff/debuff has left.

    * Swapped PlayerProfile bind location. This makes gating to the same zone work.
    * Evac, Death, and other forms of inter-process zoning have been revamped to include a pre-disconnecting state. This ensures that the client is only sent the packets it cares about while zoning. Should clear up zone changing issues significantly.
    * Fix for bind wound crash. (no idea how this is happening)
    * goto/zone fixed up to behave with the new zoning logic.
    * OP_MobUpdate change to help alleviate too many acks going out on the wire.
    * Fixed gating under the new predisconnect code.

    * Added #updateserver
    This will fire off a 10 min warning broadcast and then update git, build and start server.
    Included needed scripts to facilitate this. All in utils/updateserver folder. Usernames and passwords need to be set.
    * Renamed #questupdate to #Updatequests to have all server update commands grouped together.
    * Added a output to the client of exactly what #updatequests has done.
    * Fixed linux zone crash in #updatequests. Verified on dev and windows.
    * Reorganized the update commands.
    * Added reboot and rebootNOW commands.
    * Commented out what looks like orphaned code in zonedb.h

    (Robregen) All GM will now summons and increased hp regen
    (Robregen) added undead mobs to Gnoll camp in Lake Rathe
    (Robregen) Disabled various loots on DE Cabins in Kithicor.
    * kedge: a swirlspine seahorse's assist radius and mana regen increased.
    * kedge: Phinigel Autropos' mana pool increased, mana regen increased, triple attack removed.
    * kedge: a fierce impaler's aggro radius enlarged, resists estimated, and max hit slightly reduced to a probable precise value.
    * kedge: Cauldronbubble's damage set to precise values and resists estimated.
    * kedge: Shellara Ebbhunter, Undertow damages increased.
    * permafrost: Lady Vox's mana regen increased.
    * permafrost: Giant mana and AC increased.
    * kithicor: Armor class increased for cabin DEs.
    * soldunga: Charred Guardian Shield/Charred Guardian Brestplate drop rates changed to 75%/25% from 85.7% 14.3%. (magelo had a very small sample size)
    * unrest: Included more NPC types as possible spawns in the undead knight room and the barkeep.