Calm Mechanics/Modifiers

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Leaves, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Leaves

    Leaves New Member

    Hi all, I’m new to server me and my brother play a full 6 man party.

    Question about Calm/Pacify:

    WHY do I FAIL so much!!!???

    I have 179 Cha and 139 Int.

    I thought CHA was supposed to prevent me from failing so much. I’m also failing on mobs that con dark blue to me. When I try to calm a room of 4 DB cons I am garunteed to fail on one and as a result have rarely been able to break a camp for us.

    Someone please help me understand the Calm/Pacify mechanics and it’s stat modifiers on failure rates?
  2. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Are you calming with a cleric ? an enchanter ? a paladin ?
  3. Leaves

    Leaves New Member

  4. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Are you being resisted ? and the mob attacks ? ( bringing its friends )
    Or is the mob "unaffected" ?
    Also, 179 CHA seems a bit low for an enchanter ?
  5. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    There is a time limit too. Calm/Pacify has a limitted duration.
    Leaves and Neealana like this.
  6. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Pacify spells on this server are generally very reliable if you are using them on blue con mobs.

    For yellow/red cons you will see a lot of resists however.

    The roll to see if you aggro is based on level differential and charisma. So if you’re casting with low charisma against a mob that is deep red, you’re going to aggro it more often than not. If you’re casting on blue con mobs with max charisma, you basically never get aggro.

    So when you’re breaking rooms always Pacify blue cons first and then pull there yellow/red cons.

    Magic Resist is irrelevant for Pacify on our server.
    Leaves likes this.
  7. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    This has to be the first thread ever talking about how Pacify isn't working well enough.
    Paging Raev @Loraen
    Morbo and lurari like this.
  8. Leaves

    Leaves New Member

    Resisted, and mob attacks bringing friends.

    179 Cha buffed with Gnome Enchanter. New to server so my gear is what it is for now =/

    Taking donations for CHA gear! Haha
  9. Leaves

    Leaves New Member

    This happens super often to my group and really sets us back. It’s DB cons. I’m used to P99 where I can calm anything any everything without fail, and rarely does it fail...

    Also, what is the duration of Calm? Mine seems to last about ~20 seconds
  10. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    This is probably the opposite of what most people experience. On P99 Pacify resists are based on Magic Resist which leads to them failing very often. Whereas on TAKP they are unattached from Magic Resist, which makes them basically never fail on blue con mobs.

    Lull and Soothe each last about 2.5min.

    Calm and Pacify each last 42 seconds.

    Lull works up to level 30
    Soothe works up to level 40
    Calm works up to level 50
    Pacify works up to level 55

    Is it possible you were using a version of the spell that didn’t work against the level of mobs you are trying to pacify?
    showstring likes this.
  11. Leaves

    Leaves New Member

    Very valid question. Yes, I made sure I was using Calm on the lvl 35 to 40 mobs I was hunting. I guess 42 seconds feels like 20 seconds when you’re constantly in fear of Calm resisting!
  12. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    There was also a period of time when Torven coded in Pacifies to have a chance to end prematurely due to having unexplained circumstances of it happen during his testing on Live servers of this behavior.

    I believe that code has since been pulled because I can’t say I’ve ever actually run into it in the wild on TAKP. However I don’t really use Pacify much anymore, just a lot of facerolling and dealing with the consequences.
  13. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    It's not unexplained; Sony just coded a chance to fade early like many other effects. I casted thousands of lulls in my tests.

    My code comment is this: "fade chance per tick was about 2% per tick on white cons, 7% on a +5 a red con, 0% on a -5 blue, and 1% on a -1 blue."
    Cadsuane likes this.
  14. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Ah so that’s why I never see it. At level 60, Pacify caps at 55 and there’s a 0% chance for early fade. I’m so rarely pulling out Harmony of Nature or Wake of Tranquility to pacify 56+ mobs that I don’t run into it.
    Cadsuane likes this.
  15. Leaves

    Leaves New Member


    Tried some strategies listed above with major success!

    Thank you all for your input!

    Calm on DB mobs and pull higher level mobs first. Works great!
    Mechaike, showstring and Elroz like this.