
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Dec 12, 2018.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member


    * NPC AI will now cast heals while chasing players.
    * NPC spellcast AI will now cast detrimental spells a bit more aggressively.
    * Lifeburn now takes the caster down to 20% hp instead of 10 hp.
    * New database fields were added to allow NPCs to have individual experience multipliers and bonus avoidance.
    * Undead/proximity aggro NPCs are no longer restricted to melee range when seeking targets that are not the tank.
    * Significant additions to Haynar's anti mass-kiting logic.
    * Add initial code which limits kite/train sizes.
    * Pathing updates.


    * Factions: Factions throughout Norrath including Kunark, Velious, and Luclin has been adjusted to be more accurate.
    * Ocean of Tears: Added a missing NPC "a greater skeleton"
    * Ocean of Tears: a gargoyle and a greater skeleton will now aggro on each other when close in range.
    * Ocean of Tears: added a missing pathgrid to a gargoyle and a greater skeleton.
    * Ocean of Tears: AC and it's PH will now roam the island.
    * Game command: disabled #loc
    * templeveeshan: Symbol drake respawns are now 7 days +/-12 hours.
    * veeshan: 25% experience bonus applied to non-dragon NPCs which brings their exp gains more in-line with log data.
    * vexthal: Small avoidance bonus applied to most boss NPCs.


    * Ak'Anon: Windlebeck Tobokog should now accept the parchment and give out the kit as the reward.
    * vexthal: The TVX encounters have been modified in an attempt to mimic behavior observed on Al'Kabor.
    * Lomarc Already uses a Death Emote from DB
    * Beek_Guinders Fixed Faction Reward for Gather Quest
    * Lars McMannus Added missing Text Triggers
    * a hermit Fixed Faction Reward for Winds of Karana sheet 1
    * Rueppy Kutpruse Added Faction Check for stout Quest
    * Sir Morgan Add missing dialogue and message for turning in the wrong amount of gold/item
    * Squire Wimbley Add dialogue
    * Sir Morgan Fixed Reward, was giving out Sonic Wolf Claw Earring instead of Drom's Champagne
    * Uner Gnarltrunk Deputy Tagil's Debt Quest - Added Faction Check and Fixed Faction Reward
    * Beek Guinders Adjusted Faction and coin Reward for Cleric Supplies Quest
    * Toelia Snuckery The Torn Pouch Chomper Quest added Faction Checks and Fixed Faction Reward
    * Silna Songsmith Fixed Mail Quest text to indicate the correct person to deliver to.
    * Felisity Starbright Fixed Faction Reward for Mail Quest Fixed Message for Mail Quest
    * Deputy Eigon Added Hail Trigger Fixed excessive Cash Reward
    * Marshal Anrey Added Faction check for Leatherfood Raider Quest
    * Xelha Nevagon: Added missing faction based text/corrected reward text and added rewards. Increased faction requirement for cyclops eye to kindly. Improved xp and coin reward.
    * Gren Frikniller: Fixed Faction Reward for Broken Heirloom turnin
    * Sir Lucan D-Lere - Add correct turn in message for traitor quest, fix faction rewards for traitor and messenger intercept quest and add money rewards
    Mechaike, Lyrina, Elroz and 1 other person like this.
  2. Thunderace

    Thunderace People Like Me

    Why change the hot drakes to 7 days from 3?
  3. Thunderace

    Thunderace People Like Me

    Curious to see the pathing changes
  4. thefrayman

    thefrayman New Member

    Thank you so much for fixing the faction issues! I was starting to thing I was insane. I checked a few and they are much better now. =)
    Manstache likes this.
  5. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Because I found hard evidence that they were 7 days
  6. Thunderace

    Thunderace People Like Me

  7. nworbetan

    nworbetan Member

    Is the pathing fix still a work in progress? I've seen a couple mobs whose pathing issues weren't fixed by this update. I didn't report them because there were already multiple reports of nearly identical issues and I waited to see if the generalized fix in this patch would take care of it. Would another bug report be useful at this point?
  8. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Anything you encountered after this changelog date, yes, please report. As specifically as you can.
  9. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Ramps still having issues. Here is a video recorded in plane of hate on dev server

  10. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Certain zones I have enabled traps to keep people away from my farmlands.

    You're welcome
    pharmakos likes this.
  11. Placer

    Placer Well-Known Member

    FWIW, only the burrower in AC was more than a 7 day spawn. Near anything 7 days was actually 6 + 0-24 hours.