
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Nov 25, 2020.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member


    * Fixed an issue where some merchants display an empty list in a no combat zone
    * Corrected an issue with NPCs displaying plate texture tunics instead of their correct textures.
    * A faction check has been added to GM trainer NPCs.
    * Fixed some very minor issues with merchant rejection responses.


    * Timorous: raft should now properly zone players to Oasis
    * Firiona<->Timorous: Maiden Voyage sailing through Timorous should correctly zone players to Firiona.
    * Tradeskill: Fixed various Large Dark Yellow Fine Plate recipe to yield the correct result.
    * Tradeskill: Added a missing recipe for Small Blue Fine Steel Breastplate
    * Tradeskill: Added a missing recipe for Elven Chain Veil
    * Tradeskill: Added missing recipes for Tier`Dal Chainmail armors.
    * Tradeskill: Added missing recipes for Troll Culteral weapons.
    * A handful of NPCs in the world have had their erroneously low hitpoints increased.
    * City guard and GM NPCs have had their stats adjusted. Most notably, they have been made charm immune and resists increased.
    * jaggedpine: The potameid NPCs have had their contact proc spells added/changed.
    * highkeep: Guard respawn times increased by about 5 minutes. Aggro radii and MR reduced.
    * highkeep: Goblin aggro and assist radii increased. Higher level goblin damage reduced slightly.
  2. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Were the highkeep guards spawning too fast compared to AK or is that a feature to have people XP in other places that aren't Highkeep?
  3. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    They were spawning faster than AK from what I can tell. They were spawning faster than Live servers even.

    I was in the zone because I was checking guard NPC stats in all city zones, and while I was there I checked other things. If we were going to nerf the zone's exp compared to AK, we'd have done it eons ago
  4. Celeborn

    Celeborn New Member

    Any reason or logic behind removing the ability to charm guards? I can't find anything from my research from where or when guards were rendered immune to charm. Just curious on if you have info about that particular change.
  5. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Most guards on Live servers are immune and I found AK log comments about it
    Cadsuane likes this.
  6. Celeborn

    Celeborn New Member

    That makes sense, but live servers are 20 years past this era - are we trying to emulate future or current eras? Do you mind sharing the AK logs?
  7. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I vaguely remember this change. Looks like it was early Kunark:

    May 12, 2000:

  8. Celeborn

    Celeborn New Member

    I also do recall this as well - the two Freeport stationary guards, the 3 stationary Grobb guards in Innothule, the two static in Feerott, etc. Never had any immunity issues with guards inside the cities.
  9. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    City gate guards I definitely remember being immune. Guards inside the cities themselves I don’t think were but I can’t say I spent much time in home cities charming on AK.

    I vaguely remember charming a guard in felwithe to kill the Ghoulbane NPC?
  10. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    So you’re having issues with guards inside cities? That might be a bug then or accidental overreach of the change? I have charmed some guards in certain cities.
  11. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    This was my experience that I recall. The two gate guards were either immune or had such high MR that it was impossible to charm them, but the green and lb wandering guards were fair game. I didn't play on AK though, this is what I recall around this era on live PC.
  12. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    You're new here so I'll explain how this works:

    Since Al'Kabor doesn't exist anymore, we can't use that as a data source. Things that would otherwise take a few minutes to verify if the server still existed now take 10+ times as long or are no longer possible to verify with absolute certainty. That means the primary source of data comes from Live servers. From there I try to figure out if Live's data is correct using logs, patch notes, old posts or simple reasoning. Since I've been doing this for over 7 years I also have a sense of what was likely changed and what wasn't.

    Also we're emulating EverQuest nearly 4 years after launch. Changes to classic zones were usually made before our era. In this case it is much more likely for Sony to have made guards uncharmable before our era than after.

    As for logs, I cannot find a single instance of an NPC with 'guard' in the name killing another NPC with 'guard' in the name outside of Kael.

    Here's a few comments:

    [Sat Mar 31 13:55:00 2001] Spookey tells the guild, 'you can't charm a guard.. =('

    [Sun Sep 15 11:35:12 2013] You tell your party, 'guards used to be mezz/charmable'
    [Sun Sep 15 11:35:34 2013] Tranok tells the group, 'Especially funny on the paineel guards.'
    [Sun Sep 15 11:35:43 2013] You tell your party, 'heh the green skeles?'
    [Sun Sep 15 11:35:44 2013] Tranok tells the group, 'Level one skeletons resisting spells from a 65 character.'
    [Sun Sep 15 11:35:48 2013] You tell your party, 'yep yep'

    [Wed Jan 09 17:07:00 2013] Friendlie tells alliance:1, 'why can i not charm guards in HHK?'
  13. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    did they also make this a logic to the guild masters in the cities? or is that just a nerf this server has?
  14. Celeborn

    Celeborn New Member

    Thanks for taking the time to explain the methodology behind the changes - I really appreciate it. I definitely have clear recollection of charming guards in Oggok, Grobb, and HK from live somewhere between 2001 and 2003, but like you said, it's tough to prove when or if those changes were made. The May 12 update definitely updated guard timers and buffed gate guards, it defines that pretty well. There was also an update on May 16th with some more context:

    "Several problems with the guards that were buffed up last week have
    been addressed. Some guards that should not have been buffed have been
    fixed. In addition, due to the level of the new guards, they all gained
    the ability to innately see-invisible. The level of those guards has
    been reduced so that they no longer automatically get this ability,
    making it a bit easier to sneak by them."​

    It's definitely possible Spookey tried to charm a gate guard, which definitely would fail, and the comment gap from 2001 to 2013 isn't super definitive. Ultimately just trying to help accuracy as much as I can - although maybe my old brain is failing me.
  15. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    The guildmasters were always tough, lots of hp, and immune to almost all spells. The nerf sony put in for them was to make them completely unattackable. I think about half the guildmasters in the game were never killed, or at least recorded being killed. My friend Raaj wanted to kill the rogue GM's in halas because he found out they dropped the White Rose daggers that were tradeable and we took like 2 full groups with 3+ clerics to kill them (during luclin I think). Guildmasters were all pretty much clones of stanos/brother zephyl stat wise.

    I remember wanting to eventually go and kill every guildmaster to see what kind of weird loots they had hidden away, but they were made unattackable shortly after (I think it was LoY or LDoN era). Some guildmasters that are still killable on live had loots discovered after lots of kills. Kithicor (the ranger GM) drops Griffon Helm pretty rarely. I remember Qeynos monks dropped Black Headbands and WFP monks dropped Black Sashes. There's a dark elf rogue GM in neriak that apparently dropped his head, a quest item, probably a long forgotten/broken quest for something cool.
  16. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    The 2013 logs are from Al'Kabor, so era wise they equate to around November 2002.

    As for guildmasters, Sony buffed them at least twice. They originally had typical HP for level 40something NPCs, then in Kunark gave them 32k hp, then in Luclin gave them 2 million.