New to Server - Rec for third class to team with Chanter/Pally and race advice

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matteo123, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. matteo123

    matteo123 Member

    Hey all,

    I am going to jump into this server this weekend and am debating what trio to make. My initial take was a pally, chanter, and cleric, but I am thinking that a druid might be better for the addition of SoW and porting. That said, if PoP is going to come out soon, is the need to have a porter lessened? As to SoW, I assume that Najeena Jboots is not avail on this server?

    Also, for the pally, I am thinking to make a HE as then he would be in the same location as the HE chanter and HE Cleric or WE druid, but are there any specific reasons to go with another race (deity/race specific quests or items)?

    Finally, any recs on what easy quests or money making sources to get the pally geared? I want me a ghoulbane ASAP so I can have my revenge on unrest :)
  2. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    For the SoW alternatives, there are AA's for runspeed3 and you can do the jboots quest but najena doesn't drop jboots in this era. PoK books are already in, so porting isn't quite as big of a deal although it is still handy.

    For easy money, Darchon recently typed up a good post for new players on how to make money :
  3. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    pally, Chanter, and druid is a fine combo I would think.
    Money is easiest to get by farming/clicking mats that people us for tradeskills. Silk swatches/thread, skins of various sorts, celestial essence, etc. Anything time-consuming and/or annoying to make but needed for skilling up tradeskills is good.
  4. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Jboots are on this server, they just aren't found in Najena, it's the quest version. There are a few items, usually raid quality, that have the ability for any class to cast SoW on themselves or others. PoP is out in the sense that Plane of Knowledge and all the books work. Development continues onward to complete PoP. All other expansions are active and usable. This was never a progression server, the idea was to recreate the EQMac server.

    Race is about esthetics. Well, other than frontal stun immunity or regen, something paladins aren't allowed to have access too for some reason. I chose human, out of tradition, because I had started my first paladin on live decades ago, that way. Also the rigidity of thought process that leads to since I was a human, why would I play another race? I would recommend against this. If I could choose I would be an ogre for frontal stun immunity, unfortunately unlikely. (Though I believe on PEQ:TGC, there is an ogre paladin named Apollo. I think he even gets his FSI and spends all his time in skeleton form. How wicked is that?) The only minuscule benefit of choosing high elf, or half elf for paladin would be access to Nature's Defender, and you would also have to worship Tunare. The sword isn't all that great, certainly not worth changing beliefs over.

    In this case, I wouldn't worry about the starting race of your characters. The trio you are deciding on will work ok once the druid gets better healing power at 58. You still can't beat the healing power of a cleric though. In PoP when charms have so much more health, a cheal becomes even more powerful. Having done Pal/Dru/Ench through Luclin it has been a blast. It still should hold up fairly well in PoP, but maybe I will need to change things up once again.

    Plat. Look around to find tradeskillers and do subcombines such as celestial essences. Or rockhopper hides. Or acrylia farming. Anything like that will allow you to get some plat flowing in. Gear is cheap in the bazaar.

    I would quest Ghoulbane though, it's a fun quest. And Paladin with Ghoulbane, and Instrument of Nife (PoP spell in our era), in Lguk, is the best thing ever.
  5. Braven

    Braven Well-Known Member

    Ive never run this combo, but its been my understanding that one of the major benefits of druid over cleric is that the charm pet is ensnared for breaks.

    Also note that PoK is open so syncing starting location is a very minor issue.
  6. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Pally/Chanter/Cleric is a solid trio.
  7. matteo123

    matteo123 Member

    I think I am going to go pally/chanter/cleric. Thanks all for the advice.
    DubRemix88 likes this.
  8. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    Pally cleric is very redundant. You will in fact find later on that it is faster to just leave the pally out completely and rely on charm. But if you want a tank with enchanter cleric, sk is the best and that is one of if not THE most recommended trios here.
  9. matteo123

    matteo123 Member

    The one class I want to play the most is the pally lol. If I wanted to go pally, what’s the best classes to pair w him?
  10. solar

    solar Administrator Staff Member

    Cleric+enchanter are the best support for any other third in terms of raw power and self reliance. But since that's the most common setup, you could go with something else if you plan to duo with another trio and they've already got those 2 covered.
  11. matteo123

    matteo123 Member

    As this is my first go-round, I think going with “raw power”. :)
    Elroz likes this.
  12. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    i like the druid for him instead of cleric. The two heal sources should work out ok, and you can't beat ports for mobility. Plus dots-n-nukes and 2 sources of charm if you like high-APM situations.
    Audiva likes this.
  13. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

    Pally can tank/stun/pacify/root/ivu/pull/backup heal.
    So you need slows, dps, travel, main heals, and haste if you are by yourself.
    So pick a healer and bard or caster dps to round out your trio if the Pally is your focus.
  14. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Druuuuuid. I’ve always been envious of that trio. You’re pretty much not doubling up on anything each class has its own unique abilities. Plus you get double dire charm no XP penalty once you start getting some aa
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2021
    Audiva and Break like this.
  15. Dominar

    Dominar Well-Known Member

    Pal/enc/dru is my go to trio for a dungeon crawl
  16. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Druid/Paladin/Enchanter is the combination I currently run on TAKP. I definitely enjoy this trio.

    What I would say is there are 2 main weaknesses of the trio.

    1. Druid CH. It is a strength in many capacities. It doesn't generate almost any hate compared to complete heal. However it only heals for around 3k~ in Luclin and it cannot critical. This means that for a top-tier Luclin geared tank (around 7-8k HP) your best heal lands for 50% of the tanks HP. For most of Luclin this is fine, however in PoP there are group mobs that can do 3k in a single round. Granted PoP offers druids an 'upgraded' CH at level 64, however this upgrade still caps around at 5.6k HP and it costs an additional 50% mana compared to the Luclin version/CH. For most of PoP content this is fine. Once we are getting into Elemental content though druid CH is getting very inefficient and likely becoming the limiting factor in your groups ability to clear mobs. If you are not planning on raiding and are going to end up capping out on group progression zones (BoT/Tactics/HoH) druid should be fine outside of some multi-group named in these zones.

    2. Resurrection. Paladin 90% rez isn't the worst thing in the world, however your tank is often the most likely member of your group to die in this trio as you are often going to be handling CCs/heals on your other characters while the paladin tanks. I have on a number of occasions gotten a pull locked down with slows or CC and happened to let the paladin die. If my trio was instead Cler/Pal/Ench the cleric could just rez the paladin. But since my tank is my rezzer I am more or less dead in the water until I port the paladin back or log on a cleric box to rez. Also having to meditate for rez is no fun, clicky epic rez is definitely good.

    Also come PoP paladins tend to want Virtue + Paladin self buff, so I am expecting to camp out druid every 4~ hours to recast Virtue. The Glades/9s mana regen conflicts with the Paladin self Shielding line unfortunately so Glades + Paladin Symbol isn't as good.

    Beyond that the trio is quite strong.
    Audiva and MojoBojo like this.
  17. MojoBojo

    MojoBojo New Member

    I am really enjoying the Pal/Enc/Druid setup. Darchon has a great post about this setup on a similar thread:

    Having the druid utilities has been great, not really missing cleric heals yet, but I am only near 40.
  18. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Go druid. With a leveled druid you can PL a cleric in no time.
  19. Cillipis

    Cillipis Well-Known Member

    And hold up - Nature’s Defender is totally worth a religion change. That look! That AC! That look! That stun proc! THAT LOOK! Also, you can get it in, like, an afternoon.

    Go High Elf Tunare, make your third a mage so everything is just permanently stunned until level 55, and stand out on a server of overly redundant race/class combos! Achieve what you were meant to be!!
  20. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Wait....or a Ranger, that'll be REALLY unique. 2 Pets for your chanter.
  21. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Agreed that cleric and druid are the obvious choices. I think druid would be more convenient (more utility now; better power-leveling later), but cleric would be more powerful in the long run. For what it's worth, a good friend on AK played paladin/chanter/druid, but eventually leveled up a cleric to replace the druid. That was for high-end PoP play; YMMV in other settings.
    Audiva likes this.
  22. Kabouter

    Kabouter Member

    I chose a cleric instead of a druid, to complement my enchanter, but wished I would have gone with a druid :)
  23. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I suppose you're right Ciillpis, the sword isn't that bad and is fairly easy to get for someone who isn't in a guild and doesn't have access to NToV type stuff. Paladin epic is fairly easy too, the books can be found in the bazaar, and in fact I may have one just sitting around waiting for the right Paladin to give it too. I'm glad you decided on your trio, I really enjoy it. Glad you're on team Paladin, best class ever.

    Good to know that in PoP it may be better to have a cleric around for the heals instead of a druid, I may have to switch things up eventually, though I will always love the druid.
    Cillipis likes this.
  24. Cillipis

    Cillipis Well-Known Member

    Oh I’m just playing around, the sword is sort of a “cherry on top” looks thing if you have no true race/class preference. I had it on the AK version of Stanton, and I think it took two hours at 65 to get. It’s not great, but neither was my Paladin.

    Anyway, Sketchy and Pithy’s suggestions are great. I also have tank, enchanter, druid/cleric as the set up I started to try some new classes (ie the enchanter). It’s a “basic” set up in every connotation of that term, but it works.

    You’ll like it here. It’s fun and lighthearted.
  25. Devour_Souls

    Devour_Souls People Like Me

  26. matteo123

    matteo123 Member

    Thanks all. I’m going High elf pally, high elf chanter and wood elf Druid
  27. Verdent

    Verdent People Like Me

    Missing out on some hairy feet my friend, but at least you chose the right class for your trio. It's an extremely capable, versatile, powerful trio.

    DPS is slow if you don't charm but the chanter pet is fairly effective. Sometimes nuking a mob down is more efficient than just healing. Make sure your druid and chanter tank a bit at low levels so defense gets skilled up. Skip the majority of your chanter/druid spells if you don't have much cash and come back and buy them when you can afford it. There's a million things to maximize your potential of course so don't be afraid to ask questions. Good luck!
    Phaeton likes this.