Not goodbye.. but see you soon!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Grosk, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Grosk

    Grosk Member

    For those of you that do not already know.. I have decided to leave EverQuest behind.

    With <Austerity> folding, and a few other factors that don't really need to be discussed -- it's time for me to at the very least step away for a while.

    A lot of you may not know me; but I've been on TAKP since very near to the beginning. I was a former member of the AK community and a member of <Vintage> (which was a really fun progression guild that was still in Velious when the server sunset).

    I had originally played EverQuest back in 2001 for a number of years and always looked back on it with nostalgia (looking up the music for Kelethin on always hit the nostalgia bone hard).
    So you can imagine how excited I was to discover that when I purchased my first Mac.. there was a Mac only server and it was frozen in Plane of Power!

    I played on AK for a few years, and then it was taken away.. Years later, I had some <Vintage> guildies pulling to get me to try out P99.
    That was fun, and extremely challenging. I played a Warrior up to L22 but just couldn't get into the community.. It wasn't the same..

    Then came TAKP. . and I just want to take a moment to remind you just how special this server is, and the community we are creating is.
    Thank you to all the devs, and players that have worked tirelessly to recreate this (Al'Kabor) experience.

    I found my guild home in <Destiny>.. a familiar name from AK -- and where I knew a few of the players.
    This was likely my most favourite guild experience to date! We had our ups and downs, and influxes of players -- we always strove to be a casual guild that was good at raiding.
    Despite my dice being borked, the company made it all worth it!

    Unfortunately <Destiny> had a major change, and it was one that saw many players leave to join other guildships, or to return to their ancestral homes in <Temerity>.

    It was at this point that I joined <Austerity> and very much found a new home with very thoughtful, helpful and welcoming players.
    While it was short, it was an amazing experience. Thank you Jon and Chelsea for welcoming me, and for all the <Austerity> members for making me feel so at home.

    It is my greatest hope that you all continue to grow with this community, to work together and have amazing adventures. I hope that you earn all the pixels you've ever desired.


    I may swing back around from time to time, to say hello -- if you need to reach me.. message me here on the boards.

    Grosk L60 Ogre Warrior
    Ksorg L60 High Elven Cleric
    Rakile L60 High Elven Wizard
    Rakkin L60 Kitty Beastlord
    Belthedor L57 Dark Elven Enchanter
    Enros L53 Barbarian Shaman
    Dorweb L52 Bard
    Trakius L40 Tracker bot
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    The Shade and Draeko like this.
  2. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    Take it easy bro... and hurry back! Definitely pop in on your time off sometime, come on a raid with us!
  3. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    Godspeed, thanks for the help and kind words.
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Can I have your stuff??

    Take care broseph
    Oiwon likes this.
  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Until next time Grosk
  6. Dane

    Dane People Like Me

    See ya, Grosk! Hope you find enjoyment in whatever you do next. Maybe we'll see you again down the road.

    Take care,

  7. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Grosk your a great time, and it seems like you have a good group of RL friends around you. This seems like a good chance to spend more time with them. This server will be around for along time, so come back to say hello when you get a chance. It was always great chatting with you.
  8. Tarkon

    Tarkon Well-Known Member

    Cheers Grosk. Wish you well in whatever you decide to do.
  9. lurari

    lurari People Like Me

    I'm sad to hear this for selfish reasons, but I wish all the best for you. I hope we cross paths again sometime (maybe it will even take fewer years than it did this last time)!
  10. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    Grosk, I'm sorry we haven't had many chances to adventure through Norrath lately. I definitely understand needing to take a break, and I look forward to the times you do pop in again. Take care bud.

  11. quesosauce

    quesosauce Member

    as a player who just joined here and have witnessed how aweosme this place is, i agree its the community here that sets things apart, ive had nothing but fun and great interactions with folks here, and i hope you come back when luclin and pop launch
  12. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    We all need breaks from EQ. RL will be there when the pixels are not. /hug
  13. Drudgee

    Drudgee Member

    Take it easy Grosk...was a pleasure being guilded with you for the short amount of time we were. Best of luck!
  14. Luddwig

    Luddwig Active Member

    Enjoy your break and come back soon sir!
  15. Starsha

    Starsha Member

    Wishing you all the best Grosk! I've been on vacay and haven't been around in Norrath much. Take Care and enjoy the real world!
  16. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    I guess he went to play on Agnarr. ;) Good luck buddy! You're a good lad. Don't forget us little people. <3

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  17. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Good luck Grosk. I'll keep the torch burning.
  18. snorks

    snorks Well-Known Member

    Nice Phinny killshot yesterday
  19. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    at least he picked a good guild on Agnarr.
  20. Dane

    Dane People Like Me

  21. pouky

    pouky Active Member

    See you later Grosk
  22. Grosk

    Grosk Member

    Lol What the heck... that is absolutely 100% not me :( /Boggle

    I don't like that
    Oiwon likes this.
  23. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    think of it as a compliment, you're famous enough someone would steal your name
    I've had my name stolen on a progression server also, the person stole and bunch of names and wanted ransom money (krono or something) to release the names
    the plan didn't quite work out...

    TLP servers bring out the finest people :)

    have fun on your break Grosk and see you again soon