New to the Server

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by internalprime8, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. internalprime8

    internalprime8 Member

    Hey guys,

    Just started up a couple of trolls (warrior and shaman) to 2-box with. Figured I would make my first post and say "hello". I started playing EQ back during the trilogy days when I was 12 or 13 up until the launch of WoW. Played mostly on Tunare but started on a different server I can't remember the name of very early on. Never got super heavy into the end game since I was always a more casual player but raided a bit in WoW until I got bored and quit MMOs. Dabbled in P99 a bit when it started and have been on the EQClassic forums since 2009 but found this server and thought I would check it out. I'll still be a more casual player as far as time investment goes but I know what I'm doing while I'm in the game so hope to get some parties going once I grow up and leave the swamp.

    Anyway, "hi".
  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    What's up man. You should share your character names so we know who to look for.
  3. internalprime8

    internalprime8 Member

    Sorry, they are in my signature. Zubruk (warrior) and Kargub (shaman). Both level 2 at the moment since I just started them last night but I hope to get them moving up slow 'n steady like.
    Lenas likes this.
  4. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    <insert ranger joke>
  5. Dane

    Dane People Like Me

    Welcome aboard! This server needs more Trolls (the race, not the class).
  6. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Whoops, have mobile signatures off.
  7. Morbo

    Morbo Well-Known Member


    Is your profile pic from Calvin & Hobbes?
  8. internalprime8

    internalprime8 Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome. And yeah it's from Calvin & Hobbes. Here's the full comic:
    Morbo, Ransom, Neopolitan and 5 others like this.
  9. Morbo

    Morbo Well-Known Member

    I have loved that comic since I was about 5. I remember when the author stopped writing it I was maybe 8 years old and since then I always thought that he had died. I guess to 8 yo me him stopping the comic was the same as him dying. Still love it and read it from time to time.

  10. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    There's a 2015 collection called Exploring Calvin and Hobbes with a long, lovely Q&A with Bill Watterson. He talks a lot about his creative process, his influences and the roots of C&H, his early struggles to find his voice and style, butting heads with corporate advertisers, and what he's been doing recently. I highly recommend it. The collection is a companion to an exhibit of C&H originals that opened at Ohio State in 2015.
    Morbo likes this.
  11. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    A year (or 3) ago Bill watterson wrote some strips for Pearls before swine (I recommend this comic highly).

    Morbo and Pithy like this.
  12. internalprime8

    internalprime8 Member

    I had a lot of the C&H collections growing up and I loved them. I still have them and some of my Far Side collections which I hope my future kids will someday enjoy. I will have to check out Exploring Calvin and Hobbes if I can find it. I considered (and still might) buying the complete collection that came out a few years ago but have so far held off because I have a lot of them already. But I may splurge for the hardcovers at some point.
  13. Rabitz

    Rabitz Member

    Welcome to the server! I too used to play on Tunare and p99 as Rabitz but my main on the server is Dakota.

  14. Morbo

    Morbo Well-Known Member

    I totally missed that you played on Tunare. I used to play on E'ci that merged with Tunare in the guild Grey Horizon.
  15. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    Calvin & Hobbes and... Is your username a Mudvayne reference? My early teen years were basically those two combined into a weird amalgamation, haha. :)
  16. internalprime8

    internalprime8 Member

    I think you are the first person to pick up on the reference in the probably 17 years I've used it as a handle lol. I was a big Mudvayne fan in 7th/8th grade and I've just continued to use it as my handle for forums and games ever since. At least we had better taste in comics than music :)
    pharmakos likes this.
  17. Oiwon

    Oiwon People Like Me

    Welcome to our little slice of heaven. Nice troll names! Hope you enjoy your time here.
  18. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    Yeah, going back and listening to LD50 makes me cringe for the most part. :p. Tho Severed and Prod are still good.

    The End of All Things to Come still really holds up I think, tho. (Per)Version of the Truth and Mercy/Severity are great.