New player, some questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by HelHound989, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    Greetings everyone,

    Funny how the TLP itch got to me a couple weeks back, and just today found out about this server, which is perfect (just created my account too).

    Also, a long time friend that used to play EQ with me (both back in classic and on some of the TLPs) got talked into playing as well, and we both are gonna setup our 3-box characters later today. Did have a couple of questions

    1) [BIG QUESTION] My friend is gonna come over later today to my house, and we plan on starting together. Will we have any issues setting up our 3-box(s)? My understanding is that the 3-client limit is based on IP, so if he and I are sharing my home network, will that prevent us playing together with our 3 box (i.e. 6 characters together)?

    2) Is the Beastlord class available to be created? I wanted to have my main be a BL, with a CLR and ENC has my 2nd and 3rd box. (my friend is going SK main / SHM / BRD)

    3) Any better suggestions for boxing with a BeastLord main?

    Thank you everyone!
  2. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    You will need to petition for an IP exemption.

    Ya, beastlords are available, and they are an amazing choice.

    You can't go wrong with CLR / ENC as support.
    HelHound989 and Ripwind like this.
  3. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    Thank you for the reply!

    Great, do I petition in game, or do I request it through the forums?
  4. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    Bst/Clr/Enc is a great choice. I leveled up with the same trio, and eventually replaced the Enc with an epic Mage (Once my BL had SP). You'll be able to do whatever you want with that trio. SK/Shm is great as well (for your friend) but Bard is a tough class to play well 3-boxing. People do it, though. And they're great for having in your pocket chain-mezzing powerful charmed mobs with your enchanter.
    Elrontaur likes this.
  5. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    make sure you and your friend have their own forum account and use their own game accounts. Make sure you read the rule 11 that stated 3 characters + 1 trader per forum account up at any time regardless of IP. In addition you will still need to request IP exemption if both of you are playing in the same household.
    Elrontaur and Verdent like this.
  6. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    1) make sure all of your game login accounts are created (you may want to create more than just 3, in case you want other characters than just your main 3 to be exempted -- like a "bypass faction problem and buy stuff from vendors" alt)
    2) make sure there is at least 1 character on each game account, and that the character has been logged in once
    3) post all of the login account names (i think) in the Petitions section of the message board

    IP Exemptions are tied to each login account, not a forums account, and not an IP address.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
  7. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    Definitely understand. I guess the first step is he and I need to go create our game accounts, and then petition for the exemption.

    Thank you!
  8. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    How often do you see your buddy coming over and playing with you in person? If it's going to be a common thing do the exemption but if you boys are just getting set up I wouldn't request something like that.
  9. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    I know hes only coming over for this evening. I dont think its gonna be a every time we play thing.

    If we dont do the exemption, is there a way, for a one time thing, to allow us to play together temporarily?
  10. pharmakos

    pharmakos People Like Me

    One of you could set up a mobile hotspot on your cell phone
  11. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    a simple question now that we are on the topic of people coming over for playing, how would the server handle if there was arrange a lan party ?. like back in the early 2000ies it was common that people gathered and play eq together in a big room
  12. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    We ended up doing that for the time being, using my cellphone as it has unlimited data
  13. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    welcome to the server

    nukem, the lan party idea would probably not work
    lurari likes this.
  14. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the server. Beast/cleric/ench is a great group. If interested in charming, the beastlord is a solid addition to the dominant duo of cleric/enchanter. If not interested in charming, the chanter pulling (incorporate the enchanter pet) plus haste and Mana regen will be a boost to the beast/cleric combo. Either way it works.
  15. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    We had a blast last night, and everyone online was super helpful!

    A level 60 druid by the name of Leanora (I think thats her name?) ended up helping us immensely in Blackburrow last night, and thus we were able to burn through levels 1-9 in record time, enough time for my BST and his SK to get their first set of spells!

    I think he and I found our EQ home
    Mokli and Draeko like this.
  16. Nakunaru

    Nakunaru People Like Me

    What's your character names and play times? Hit me up if you see me around and I can swing by and buff you with my cleric and shaman if I am not raiding.
  17. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    Our play times are sporadic, as we play around our schedules, but I do know we plan on spending Saturday night + most of the day Sunday to play, and see how far we can get to.

    My characters...
    Alebar (Barb Beastlord) - my main
    Aleruni (Human Cleric)
    Aleraei (Erudite Enchanter)

    His characters...
    Irtur (Ogre SK) - his main
    Cami (VahShir Shaman)
    Toots (Halfelf Bard)

    Thinking of hitting Befallen first to get some starting gear for his SK (Barbed Armor + BBC), then head over the Kurns after for Beastlord armor + Iksar Club
  18. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    Oh my God you must hate seeing at night
    Choir, lurari, Ripwind and 1 other person like this.
  19. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    So, after playing for a few days, my friend realized something...

    Trying to control 2 melee type classes (SK and Bard), just wasnt working out, and now hes swapping the Bard for a Mage
  20. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    Yeah, this is tough. Especially with a bard. :(
  21. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    Only thing y'all lacking is a porter lol...but with PoK it's not that huge of a need
  22. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    Maybe consider wiz over both but here in Luclin wizzes are rocking
  23. Tuluvien

    Tuluvien I Feel Loved

    I've got a 3 box in their 40s that consists of SK, Bard and Wizard. It's really weird and I take long breaks to heal by Regen, but it works. Bard obviously doesn't live up to his potential, but singing a song while meleeing from behind is still a great help .
  24. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    All the Ales... you might want to reconsider your naming policy. Unless you will ALWAYS ONLY play with your buds.
    Speaking as a cleric, I /tar ale ... and just hate healing some squirmy enchanter instead of the manly tank !
    Nakunaru likes this.
  25. Nakunaru

    Nakunaru People Like Me

    Yes, this is very annoying.
  26. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    Yeah, in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have done that LOL, but already we are hitting 14-17 after about a week of playing, and would hate to have to re-roll just to rename my characters. My RL friend did the correct thing LOL

    Also, when my friend re-rolled his Bard into a Mage, I ended up joining him by swapping out my Beastlord for Rogue. We spent a couple of days PL'ing the Mage and Rogue, and they are now in the same level range as our other boxes. So the new group setup is thus...

    Alerethi (15 Halfling Rogue) MAIN
    Aleruni (17 Human Cleric)
    Alereai (17 Erudite Enchanter)
    Irtur (14 Ogre Shadowknight) MAIN <his poor SK died 4 times in a row on accident, and lost a level and quite some XP, poor thing>
    Cami (15 VahShir Shaman)
    Eubu (15 Erudite Mage)

    So other than ports, I think we have everything else covered for our well rounded group (good buffs, CC, Clarity, decent DPS + some burst DPS, dmg shields, good healing, good amount of pet DPS)

    Me and my friend's schedules align most of the time, so I estimate 80% of our play time will be together, though when its just me, I will still be able to do some soloing (even though I know Rogues cant tank well... with cleric and enc, its doable... dont know how that will be in later levels)
  27. HelHound989

    HelHound989 Member

    LOL, I actually did hate it, until I swapped the Barb Beastlord of a halfling Rogue, and now at least the rogue has infravision
  28. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    These early levels are all about learning what you like ( and how you like ) to play !
  29. Nakunaru

    Nakunaru People Like Me

    People said I couldn't tank as a cleric. Don't let others tell you what you can and can't do!
    Ripwind and Elrontaur like this.
  30. Elrontaur

    Elrontaur People Like Me

    Nothing pisses off a mob more than a PC that can heal itself. Summon a hammer and GO!