New player saying hello with some questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zanderklocke, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Zanderklocke

    Zanderklocke New Member

    Hello All,

    I'm planning to get my client up and running this weekend and planning to roll a bard, monk, and shaman box. I've never boxed before, so trying boxing looks intriguing to me. I played on Project 1999 for a few years but virtually no knowledge of Luclin and Planes of Power. I'm interested in casually experiencing content, and Project 1999 is not the place to do that.

    Two questions:
    1. I have an iMac with Bootcamp, and this is how I ran Project 1999. What are the pros/cons of playing on Mac OS vs Windows OS? I loaded it up in Mac last night, and a lot keyboard keys were not working in game like F1 through F12, and I noticed keyboard defaults were not WASD and other settings I was used to on Project1999. Side questions, will defaults/settings be different in Windows, and/or is there an easy way to copy over keybindings from my Project 1999 settings to TAKP settings?

    2. I'm assuming to change models back to classic models you just edit the text file and change some of the lines from TRUE to FALSE. Will this also work for things like skeletons and other mobs?

    Looking forward to meeting many of you.
  2. Loraen

    Loraen Well-Known Member

    Hi Zander!
  3. Linkamus

    Linkamus People Like Me

    I'm not sure what the pros and cons are, but I use the PC client and it works very well. With hotkeynet you can switch between boxes with a single key stroke instantly. Every once in a blue moon a client will crash, but that's the worst of it. Welcome to the server! It's the-place-to-be.
  4. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    You have to go into your settings > keyboard > and check "use all F1, F2 etc" button to enable the Fs

    Use the mac side, the client was built for it and it works perfect, my main machine is a 2008 24" iMac with 6gb ram(max) and it runs 3+trader perfect
  5. Velili

    Velili Member

    Welcome Zander :)
  6. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Ooooooo thank you for that.
  7. Neealana

    Neealana People Like Me

    Bum the King of Mac Support )
  8. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I've never used the Mac client, but from what I gather it has far fewer issues than the PC Client.

    The only benefit in my eyes of using the PC client is being able to use GINA and Gamparse.

    You can set all the character models back to classic graphics. But the skeletons and wolves there isn't an easy way to do this as far as I'm aware.