I'm playing on quarm and found it very frustrating that the mouse cursor is locked to the game window, especially when using 2 display screens. Anyone know how to unlock the mouse and have it working like P99?
I believe the modification you're missing is "FreeTheMouse" (a modified eqgame.dll). It's included by default in the installation for TAKP. I would have thought it would be included by default for Quarm too, but apparently not? You may have to ask on the Quarm discord what's going on, as these forums are specific to the TAKP server.
I play on Quarm and have never had issues with my mouse being locked to the EQ Window. Maybe has something to do with not playing in windowed mode? It's all I can think of.
Hi, I think you should try to this process to unlock the mouse cursor on Quarm and have it work across dual displays like on P99 you typically need to enable Fullscreen Windowed mode or adjust the games settings to allow the cursor to move freely between screens. Check the games options menu under display settings or look for community mods or patches that might offer this functionality. Thanks
According to me To unlock the mouse cursor you can try these: Run the game in windowed or borderless mode. You can check for mouse options in the settings. You can use tools like Cursor Lock or Borderless Gaming. Hope this will help you
What glasses does you pray on tHe Alk' abor server?? I find the Warlcok classes to be nifty for mouse locking the cursor to those client.