Make best and second best trio out of these 9 classes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by pivoo, Jun 21, 2021.

  1. anotheregostar

    anotheregostar Well-Known Member

    No problem! That's also not to say you couldn't replace the Paladin with an SK in the first trio too, you'd just have to use FD splitting as your main pulling method, and you'd lose that secondary healing help from the Paladin with the shaman. Still totally doable though :)
    pivoo likes this.
  2. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Paladins and SKs may both be knights, but they fulfill their role in the group differently.

    Paladins I would say are more group survivable with their heals/LOH, and just stun locking the mob provided it is stunnable. Also being able to rez without a cleric in the trio is a big boon.
    Being able to pacify is superior/faster to feign in niche circumstances as well.

    SKs are much better pullers with snare and feign, and do more damage than Paladins. And if lifetap doesn't get interrupted, are arguably as survivable.

    I am an epix roleplayer though so I choose Paladin over SK any day.
    But ne thing to note though, in PoP the Shaman can actually torpor the melee without dumping their DPS so Pally HoT becomes less important.
    Then again, knights don't do DPS so its really just mage damage.

    But one of the strongest knight trios is definitely SK/Cleric/Enchanter, excluding the ability to evac and port around. That trio relies on charm DPS but charm DPS is always worth it.

    Or be a real chad and go SK/Pal/BST and hybrid it up.
    pivoo likes this.
  3. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    FWIW, paladin pacify caps at level 55 and they don't get an upgrade in PoP. Pally pac is great now, but its usefulness will drop way off in PoP. There just aren't a lot of interesting camps with level 55 mobs.
    pivoo, Sketchy and anotheregostar like this.
  4. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Ok Paladins suck massively. I thought they got pacification but no, thats cleric/enchanter only.
    pivoo likes this.
  5. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Druids and (weirdly) rangers can also pacify up to level 65 in outdoor zones, which is most of PoP. Bards also get an updated pac song that hits 65ers.
    pivoo likes this.
  6. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Thank you everyone!

    Since I'm relatively new to EQ world, I don't know game mechanics, and I didn't know how important is pacify. Heck i didn't even know about slow spell until few days ago ;-) (had it in my BST spell book but I didn't use it lol)

    Since I'm sloooowly leveling 3 diffefent trios, I will use both, SK and Paly at least until 40's, maybe 50's. But good to know, that in PoP, Paly is not that desirable any more.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
  7. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Great! And thanks for all other detailed and valuable info!
  8. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    But, maybe silly question, as long as one character in trio box has pacify, wouldn't then Paly be ok after PoK? Or, are there other reasons for Paladins to suck in PoP?
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
  9. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Paladins actually are quite strong in PoP.
    pivoo likes this.
  10. anotheregostar

    anotheregostar Well-Known Member

    Haha EQ is a funny game - While the Pally is less valuable in PoP for the reasons people have said above, they will also become a lot more valuable because of their ability to stun mobs, especially for trios with an enchanter who is charming. Just another example of why it is best to play what you're having fun with - There is just about always a situation where you can play to your trio's strengths, even if some trios have more utility and the ability to do more overall.
    pivoo likes this.
  11. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Well, good to know, since it is part of one of my trio.

    Hey, you are Zyzzix? Let me thank you for all your goodies (free items give away) and mass buff spells. Several my characters have an item from you, makes a big difference for low levels, thank you very much!

    Just got few minutes ago earring for cleric and collar for shaman. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2021
  12. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    So the same reason, as having Cleric in a group with Enchanter. Cleric or Paladin. For when charm breaks. (I've never charmed yet, but it is on my to-do list ;) )

    Looks like, the most important thing is, to learn specific of different classes and their synergy. Lots to learn. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Yea I am zyzzix. And glad to hear they'll help.
    pivoo likes this.
  14. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    Good info here. Yeah, Paladins lose their ability to pull in POP unfortunately. However, if you have a Druid, Enchanter, Ranger, Bard, Cleric, Monk or Necro in the group with the paladin, that class can be the puller. My favorite thing about having a paladin tank, is having rez and good enough hp buffs for my trio. This lets you choose either Druid or Shaman as your healer for more utility, and gives you some flexibility on what your third character is.

    Some awesome paladin trios:
    Paladin / Druid / Enchanter
    Paladin / Druid / Beastlord
    Paladin / Shaman / Mage or Necro
    Paladin / Shaman / Ranger or Monk or Rogue

    In POP, I think Paladin / Druid / Bard would work if you can find a place for the Druid to charm.

    Lots of cool options if you enjoy the look/feel of the paladin.
    pivoo likes this.
  15. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Yeah, pallies are anything but weak in PoP. They lose pac but their stuns stay strong and their heals (single, group and HoT) get way better. A paladin with PoP HP/mana/FT/focus effects is an absolute beast.
    pivoo likes this.
  16. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I do dream of a world where this quest was enabled.

    The NPC existed, the quest items existed, the spell exists in our spell data. But they quest didn't work on AK.
    pivoo and Ransom like this.
  17. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Force of Akera is a Ykesha spell though.
    pivoo likes this.
  18. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    pivoo likes this.
  19. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    The other 10s stun goes up to lvl 61 so I would still have it up.
    pivoo and Pithy like this.
  20. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I prefer Desist and Cease, Cease and Desist is reminds me too much of the legal phrase. Not that I have ever been served with such papers lol.

    But yes, the combination of the two would be for cheap aggro, you are right Pithy. Though frustratingly you aren't able to top slot either of them properly because of the cooldown. Instaclicky timing just results in a spell interrupted message.

    Paladins get some amazing spells and new AA's in PoP, it will the pinnacle of the class. I have excitedly spoken about it in previous threads. Luclin has been good to the class and PoP just builds on top of that. All the heal AA's, SU3 have been fun this expansion. The only other era where they were that good was Classic here. Ghoulbane and out of era Instrument of Nife made for a lot of fun times in Lguk. But only Lguk lol.

    My main trio now is Paladin/Druid/Enchanter. When you main a Paladin you need to have a some DPS coming in from another class. This is where the charming comes in. You have to learn to charm with this trio. I started not knowing anything about the Enchanter but over this expansion I have become more comfortable with it. Again, PoP will be interesting with the more explosive pets. I also wonder how the Druid healing will hold up. Right now it's fine because Luclin mobs don't hit very hard. I'm sure I can make it work somehow in PoP though. Pally stuns, heals, enchanter slows and Druid healing may just work.

    I did Pally/Dru/Shm over Classic - Velious, because I loved the classes individually. Together though, it was all tedious (even for EQ!), and I wouldn't repeat.

    Pally/Shm/Mage would probably be ok Ransom.
    Pally/Shm/Rogue I have played around with and really enjoyed for some laid back exp. It's not too bad doing 2 melee with this one because all the pally needs to do is hold aggro, so you can position the rogue and keep mashing backstab.

    People are making an excellent point about pulling in PoP with the loss of Pacify capability. I hadn't even thought of that but another reason why Enchanter is a great choice.

    Apologies for the long rambling post, I just enjoy the class immensely.
    sarxos, Ransom, pivoo and 1 other person like this.
  21. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Yes. It’s a bit unfortunate because eventually they added some more stuns for Paladins allowing them to more reliably stun exp mobs. In LoY they added Akera which stuns to 63. In GoD they added ancient stun which stuns to 68. All still level 65 and lower spells!

    Currently on TAKP my rotation is Cease > Desist > Stun. In PoP I imagine it’s going to be the same swapping Stun for Force of Akilae. With occasional Divine Stuns inbetween.

    I don’t use Quellious much currently because it’s a 4 second cast time which means basically 50%+ interrupt chance against a single meleeing mob and basically no chance against multiple mobs. The main reason I use it is to push mobs in tight spaces along with divine stun. The PoP upgrade gets reduced to 2 seconds. Perhaps it will see more use.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2021
    pivoo likes this.
  22. Secrets

    Secrets Well-Known Member

    I love the Quelllious line for Luclin content. Can stun (or should be able to stun) the Vhyz`dra ring mobs before the last one. Two paladins can keep them permastunned.
    pivoo likes this.
  23. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

    I wouldn't count out Quellious' or even the lower level Force on your spell bar. Push/positioning is pretty important, and Paladins are one of the few classes who can strong arm stubborn mobs where they want (without needing agro and more deliberate than pet pushing).
    pivoo likes this.
  24. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    I generally don't use Quellious either due to the longer cast time. The only exception is as DubRemix88 mentions, when needing to control push as much as possible. Divine Stun has a push component as well. You could always use a Strong Horn if you really want to see a mob fly! Overcompensation though.
    pivoo likes this.
  25. pivoo

    pivoo People Like Me

    Well after some of thinking, I decided that for a while I will just level with most of characters. At least 9 or them - 3 groups. I'm in no hurry, and can't hurt slowly learning more about this game through several characters.

    I liked @Tecmos.Deception trio: ENC/CLR/MAG, but then I didn't know, how to put the other two groups together. Also, for now, all my casters are bound in PoK for mass buffs, means I can't bind group in zone, so this trio is probably better at later levels, where I will have some buffs on my own.

    So for now, and based on most of yours inputs, I put together these two combinations: (This is for leveling only. In late 40's I will start experimenting and mixing things around.)

    ----------------------------- A --------------------------
    1st: SK/DRU/ENC (will try charming - )
    2nd: BST/CLR/NEC
    3rd: PAL/SHM/MAG (I'm leveling shaman only for buffs at higher levels, will not cani dance etc, shaman may be too demanding play for me...) :)

    ----------------------------- B --------------------------
    1st: PAL/DRU/ENC
    2nd: BST/CLR/MAG
    3rd: SK/NEC/SHM
    Each group has slow & some kind of heal. First two has rez. Well Nec can rez at some point also.

    I also have: RNG & WIZ if any of these two would be better fit

    I'm looking for easy, chill play. If you see better combination, please make a change. If not, which combination you suggest, A or B for bad clumsy player? ;)
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  26. anotheregostar

    anotheregostar Well-Known Member

    I'd say option A would be best. 1st trio is my main, its great. 2nd trio would be great too, I play a BST/CLR/MAG and it's a lot of fun. I think the mage and nec would be interchangable, but the snare from the necro is very handy for either trio 2 or 3. My third trio is PAL/SHM/NEC and its been fun so far too, though pretty low level. Could always swap the Ranger in for the Paladin instead if you dont really care much about the pally, and then he gives you a snare option on that trio. Each Trio would then have a snarer, a slower and balanced DPS. Healing might be a little light on the third trio if you swap the ranger in, but you could always snare and aggro kite around if you're getting beat on too much.

    Edit: for some reason I read that it was the paladin you weren't sold on, and not the shaman. I think your set up for option A will be good for sure. Each has some sort of lull/paci for pulling too.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
    pivoo and Phaeton like this.
  27. Auyster

    Auyster People Like Me

    Root is a good alternative if you cannot snare.
    pivoo likes this.
  28. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

    You can macro casting canni/sitting a few times. I'm working on replacing the paladin in my main trio, building her own trio with a shaman/mage. I imagine it's pretty powerful and surprisingly self sufficient.

    Pal/Dru/Enc is a really good build for charming. The druid has long lasting snares, hard dds, damage shield and can also charm. The paladin has good snap and stuns for breaks and can even help manage the pet's hp with heal over time. The pally has AC and HP(plural) buffs that stack with the druids main ac/hp line. All three are good pullers, root, and all that mana regen. Plus, if you're new to charming that res is gonna come in handy.
    pivoo likes this.
  29. Tecmos.Deception

    Tecmos.Deception Active Member

    Hah. This got into my head that there are trios where all 3 members can charm that are pretty solid even if you don't charm more than 1 thing at a time. Does anyone actually run something like dru/ench/ench or dru/nec/ench for the laughs?

    Could you even find digestible content for a trio with 3 charms worth of DPS though? Seems like you'd need to pull such a large portion of a dungeon to keep the pets busy that you'd oom trying to break so many camps with paci, and/or you'd get enough content broken but not be able to consistently clear it before respawns depending on the timing of your charm breaks.

    But man. Those (pretty common) times when you get charms lasting 10+ minutes... wowzahs.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2021
    pivoo likes this.
  30. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I ran Dru/Ench/Ench for our AoW kills wrangling 3 wolves early on in velious when we lacked DPS. I can't imagine doing it for EXP purposes. Really relying on a charmed pet to tank and not having a cleric for CH makes for no fun times. Druid CH is wildly inefficient for healing charmed pet HP pools, especially in PoP.

    Double charm with Dru/Ench/Cler or Enc/Enc/Cler is great though! I ran the former on AK. It wasn't too often I would charm on druid since druid charm is limited to a handful of PoP zones but when I could it was very powerful.
    Phaeton and pivoo like this.