The Developer's Table

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fadetree, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    The last couple days I have noticed that mobs seem to be able to hit me from much further away than I am used to. For instance, an approaching animal like a lion or bear will stop well outside of my attack range and be hitting me while I have to move up quite a bit before I can hit them. They used to be at more or less the same range, so when they stopped I could hit them as well as they could hit me. Has something changed recently? Has anyone else noticed this? Am I just having a stroke?
  2. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    yeah seems something is a little different
    felt like I was getting hit from further away than usual hunting in kael arena

    few other peeps mentioning hitbox stuff on discord

    i don't have science on this topic, but just mentioning something seems a little different
  3. Mokli

    Mokli I Feel Loved

    Now that I think of it, I noticed this last night from one of the giants on our shawl crawl. Was hard to tell which was hitting my Druid when they were all bunched.
  4. Kuron

    Kuron People Like Me

    I'm having similar issues - but mostly noticed that I have to stand much closer to things to hit them now. It's very disorienting.
  5. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Actually. Distance to hit them had no changes. They can hit you from further. Working on it. Its off. I know.
    Kaeril, Amirite, Fadetree and 2 others like this.
  6. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    Short races (gnomes/halflings) get hit by mobs outside their melee range, every time, every mob. Every pull have to move forward in order to be able to hit the mob I pulled.

    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:41 2018] Auto attack is on.
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:41 2018] You can't hit them from here.
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:41 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:43 2018] A Pickclaw guard slashes YOU for 5 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:43 2018] You are stunned!
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:43 2018] A Pickclaw guard bashes YOU for 2 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:45 2018] You have no idea what direction you are facing.
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:45 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 21:02:45 2018] You are unstunned.

    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:37 2018] Auto attack is on.
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:37 2018] Guard Bach slashes YOU for 3 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:38 2018] You have no idea what direction you are facing.
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:38 2018] Guard Xantar slashes YOU for 3 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:38 2018] Guard Xantar slashes YOU for 3 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:38 2018] You are unstunned.
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:39 2018] Guard Xantar singes as the Burst of Flame hits them.
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:40 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:40 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!

    [Sun Mar 04 20:57:40 2018] Guard Xantar slashes YOU for 3 points of damage.

    edit, just did another test, same for shrunk ogres, target outta range but it can hit me, tested in sebilis at juggs

    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:56 2018] Auto attack is on.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:56 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:56 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:56 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:57 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:57 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:57 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:58 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:58 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:58 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:58 2018] Sebilite protector bashes YOU for 56 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:58 2018] sebilite protector was hit by non-melee for 17 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:58 2018] Sebilite protector was burned.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:59 2018] Sebilite protector hits YOU for 103 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:59 2018] sebilite protector was hit by non-melee for 17 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:59 2018] Sebilite protector was burned.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:59 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:59 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:03:59 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:00 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:00 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:00 2018] Sebilite protector hits YOU for 163 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:00 2018] sebilite protector was hit by non-melee for 17 points of damage.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:00 2018] Sebilite protector was burned.
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:00 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:01 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:01 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!
    [Sun Mar 04 22:04:01 2018] Your target is too far away, get closer!

    Also getting hit through walls/floors pulling kurns 2nd/3rd floors, skeletons hitting me from god knows where, I have to drop down to the first floor in order for them to path to me so i can attack them back.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
  7. Tryfan

    Tryfan People Like Me

    Its not just short races.
  8. Yinikren

    Yinikren Well-Known Member

    It's everything ATM. My troll SK is out of range to attack when he corner tanks mobs.
  9. mackal

    mackal EQEmu Developer

    I've been looking into this on live too. NPCs seem to hit further than PCs can. I'm not 100% sure why, but from playing on live, NPCs will try to keep round the distance you can hit them if you don't have levitate, but if you have levitate, they you can get closer to their actual max, which is out side of your range. Can test easily with root on live.

    I suspect the bonus range is purely so they don't have to chase too much when levitating, which could cause issues.
  10. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    NPC's have always had slightly longer hit ranges than players.
  11. showstring

    showstring I Feel Loved

    eh, not like this... don't try to pass this off as normal

    this is very broken, I'm getting hit through walls / around corners everywhere I fight, from very far away
  12. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Yep, it is. Haynar is working it, I have faith.
  13. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I have fixes mostly done. Doing some final comparisons on eqlive. To check some stuff with large races.
  14. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I'm sure this isn't the preferred place for this post, Hay, but here's a related bug. Go to Icewell, stand on the first floor directly beneath Chamberlain Krystorf (or any random third-floor dorf). Make sure your (x,y) coordinates closely match his, so that you're within his horizontal melee range. Sic a level 1 pet on him. The bug: rather than chasing you after killing your pet, Krystorf will punchasize your face through 2 floors of castle. Seems like a z-axis check is missing. I bet this happens in other tower-shaped zones, though I haven't tested.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
  15. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    It is way more messy than that. It all goes back to dragons warping up to hit a levetating player. One minor visual issue. Dragon should still you player from ground.

    Working through the 10+ things that fix broke.
    Faults, Pithy and Ravenwing like this.
  16. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    I think it's probably the combination of the fact that

    1. Mobs should, in fact, ignore z-axis limitations when on dry land, and
    2. On TAKP, mobs can melee through walls and ceilings in LoS-strict zones.

    If the second issue were fixed, mobs would ignore z-axis limitations when players are floating over them in open air, but still have to move when aggro on a player a couple of floors away in an LoS-strict zone, right?
  17. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Its not just combat range. It also ties to movement code. And where the mob moves to. It cant move to the flying player. It has to move to below them.

    Previous combat range had client to npc and npc to client. And both had to pass. And it included z. But player levetating. Got to ignore z. But in water. Got to include z. I need to add some los check for players levetating in pathing area, so doesnt hit thru floors. If the mob can path to you.

    If you do manage to knock em below world. Then they should be able to hit, or got to make them warp back to you.

    It may take a few patches to get it all ironed out, there are so many different situations. And one change often effects multiple conditions.
    Ravenwing likes this.
  18. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    I know that the mob staying under world and hitting you to death is AKurate, but an eventual warp-up would sure be a nice bug fix!
    Ravenwing likes this.
  19. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I dunno how to warp up well. But I think the ability to path to you, should tie to hitting thru walls. So working that too.

    Oh. And all this. While not increasing cpu usage. Thats also a challenge.
  20. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Where is Zamiel when you need him, he was always good at warping around
  21. Fadetree

    Fadetree People Like Me

    Haynar, you mentioned CPU usage. Is that still a thing to worry about given modern hardware? I assume it must be since you mentioned it, so this is probably an academic question. I also assume you are talking mostly about server CPU...the modern client boxes can run multiple copies of client without even breaking a sweat. So are you still needing to worry about server CPU as much? I guess I'm thinking that it might be easier and more accurate to just use some brute force approaches instead of worrying about CPU? Do we need to buy TAKP a bigger box?
  22. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    If we had $10k to drop on a new server, that would be awesome. But we don't.

    We scaled back donations to minimal needs. And we really are not the kind that want to beg.

    Our resources are more than adequate.

    You always have to keep cpu usage in mind. With so many zones running, if the cpu is busy doing some extraneous calcs, something else has to wait.
  23. Loraen

    Loraen Well-Known Member

    Do you write unit tests Haynar? With all of the cases to consider it seems to me that unit tests would really help.
  24. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I code maybe 5-10 hrs a week.

    We dont have near the resources as you may think we have.
  25. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me


    (That was a programmer joke, right?)
  26. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I want all the support documentation needed for putting together unit tests.

    Show me all the software requirements. I would love to see what the "expected" functionality is.

    And I did not see it as a serious comment. Considering the source, it translates loosly to "do better testing loser".

  27. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    Yup, As someone who's general programming requirements are "make it work" I appreciated the humor.
  28. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Devs @Elcid has volunteered to cover any cost of new hardware you may need. Contact him.
  29. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Bumbank FTW!!!!!
  30. Loraen

    Loraen Well-Known Member

    I feel totally misunderstood in this thread. I suppose this is somewhat my fault for being a perennial troll, but in this case I have nothing but good intentions.

    I am only recently coming around to a more test driven development style. So it's new for me too. I've had to write unit tests at work for ages, but I'm really starting to appreciate that unit testing can actually reduce development time for complicated code. If you "only" work 5-10 hours a week that's all the more reason to write them IMO.

    You don't need software requirements or documentation or whatever. You know the cases yourself: player levitating, player underwater, etc. Just write them down and then you can verify the code passes them all (easy) rather than testing them on a booted up server (tedious) or reasoning about the code through 5000 tricky corner cases (hard). And the best part is that when you go to modify something you can do so with confidence because you didn't break the tests.