Suggestions requested

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ugmar, Sep 29, 2019.

  1. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    Going to try and talk the wife into loading up TAKP. She has done MMO's before, but started around 2010 with WoW so EQ is foreign to her and should be an awesome experience.

    She will 100% play a wizard. I highly doubt she will be willing to box for any reason.

    I'm comfortable with EQ and 3 boxing. So any classes are fine for me.

    I suspect most of what she will want to do is dungeon crawling. More important that we have access to 4 boxing content than the speed we exp at. That being said we have limited overlapping play time so it will take a LONG time for us to actually level up.

    With that in mind, what 3 box would you pair with a wizard with the ultimate goal of being able to dungeon crawl the hardest content in PoP?

    My EQ experience ended early in PoP so I'm not very knowledgeable past luclin.

    Thoughts I had included:

    SK/cleric/enc (I suspect charm DPS will be an issue so don't count on perma charm pet for this trio)

    Pally or SK (Rez traded for FD)/Shaman/rogue (lockpick ftw)

    Beast/cleric/rogue or monk

    War/Cleric/Bard (Bard would be where I put all my actions per minute)

    Any thoughts are appreciated
  2. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    SK/Cleric/Chanter is the most balanced and powerful three box for dungeon crawling. You don’t necessarily have to Charm with a wizard in your group for DPS but it definitely would speed things up if you can control the pet.
    Cadsuane likes this.
  3. Kriptik

    Kriptik New Member

    How about Paladin shaman Necro ? You pull with Necro. Good dps without charming and you have Paladin Rez as a back up if he dies and fd+Necro Rez in super oh shit situations.

    No mana regen for the wife unless you feed with the Necro tho. But if you’re fine with just feeding her the necros mana, that works too.

    Edit: and you have access to shaman and cleric buffs.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2019
  4. Sketchy

    Sketchy People Like Me

    Pal/Shm/Necro is going to be an extremely busy trio for one person doing the 3 box. You're right, it would be a great trio. Both the shaman and necro need a lot of attention to be played well though.
  5. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    Where does a Necro fall in comparison to a beastlord in damage in a 4 toon group with a wizard doing DPS? I know the Necro is dot based so that's a complicated answer.

    I did a Necro on live from launch through velious but rarely grouped with the toon so I know it does great solo but very unfamiliar with it's performance in a group.

    Oh and how do Necro / shaman dots stack in AK?
  6. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    This is 100% correct. SK/Clr/Ench/[Wiz or Dru] is an ultimate core dungeon group.

    at 60, a single-boxed necro will generally outdamage a single-boxed beastlord at any tier of gear, but the gap will be even wider at lower gear levels.
    I haven't compared them while leveling up in groups though -- I'd be inclined to say BL may be better for multiboxing as it requires less micromanagement.

    Necro/Necro DoTs stack, as do Necro/Shm.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2019
  7. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member


    Do Necro dots or dots in general stack unlimited? Could you have 3 necros all dot stacking at the same time?
  8. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    If you're going to charm, knight/CLR/ENC is certainly the most efficient option.

    If you're going to charm, of course, you're going to die. More often than you would using a non-charm-based group. For that reason, I would argue that paladin makes a far better charm complement than shadowknight: fast-casting, powerful group heals; fast stuns to use against the pet on charm breaks; even the ability to rez a dead cleric. The shadowknight's sole advantage is FD (and I play SK/ENC/CLR because I want to be able to FD pull on raids), and you don't need FD pulls in a PoP dungeon crawl.

    If you're not going to charm and the goal is maximum ability to push the envelope of what four characters can kill in PoP, I'd actually suggest a warrior instead of a knight.

    NPCs can have up to 30 effects active at any given time, so yes, three necromancers could each land Funeral Pyre (for example) and expect to do upward of 700 damage a tick. The only dots that don't stack beneath the 30-effect limit are those that include debuff effects: so, for example, only one version of Cessation of Cor (STR/AC debuff DoT) or any DoT from the Darkness (snare DoT) line can be active on a given NPC at a time.
  9. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    Thanks for the dot clarification.

    My personal 3 box here is a paladin / druid / enchanter. While I'm only 56 because my life is a bit hectic with two babies and a 50+ hour / week job, I have gotten decent at charm killing. There really is no comparison to charm killing for pure speed. My reasoning for shying away from it is that the whole point of doing a group with my wife is for her to get exposure to EQ and us to do awesome dungeon crawling. I know her personality and if the group hinges on a charm pet DPS strat she is going to have dramatically less fun. That being said I am not opposed to enchanter just for the buffs / cc and short use charms to make dungeon crawling super viable. I was just wondering if a Bard ( or twhatever) might not be a better choice if I'm using charm for cc only really.

    Makes me really want to consider a war/cleric/Bard. Low actions per minute on war and cleric so you get the most out of the Bard.
  10. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Makes sense! WAR/CLR/BST seems like another solid option, with the BST providing more DPS and a much stronger slow than the bard. Though I personally hate managing melee push with more than one toon. BST/CLR/MAG or BST/CLR/NEC is also an interesting option if you don't mind giving up the ability to tangle with a few of the really high-DPS mini-bosses in some of the mid-tier PoP zones (and maybe red con trash in PoFire/PoWater; I'm unsure how well BSTs stand up to e.g. quadding flameheads).
  11. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    Yeah if BST can truly fill the tank role plus provide slow, a few QOL buffs (sow, kitty crack, weak haste), then I feel like it deserves serious consideration in a 4 toon dungeon crawl group.

    I could see BST and cleric getting you pretty far with a DPS wizard. Would just be a matter of what that 4th slot would bring.

    BST/Cleric/Rogue/Wizard feels like it would be great damage and provide most things you would want in a dungeon group. (Assuming a BST truly can handle the tanking side without crazy raid gear)
  12. Lusiphur

    Lusiphur Member

    For dungeons you need Crowd Control. Either pre-emptive (Pac or FD) or after the fact (ENC, BRD). With BST/CLR/Rogue you are pulling with the CLR .. that could go bad.
    Also, without ENC buffs your wife's wiz will be limited for what she can do in each fight. Might get boring for her.
    Just my 2cp.
  13. Tyrion

    Tyrion Well-Known Member

    If you're boxing 3 you could also do bst/cler/dru with the dru doing dps and the utility it brings plus potg for wiz. No one likes the wiz port to skyfire either amirite?
  14. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    DoTs stack in general, up to the total-debuff-slot limit (30?)
    non-damage detrimental effects (like snare) will overwrite each other, pure damage stacks.

    Darchon beat me to that I see.
    Also there are some bugs with the wearing-off message of the non-stackable DoTs -- if Mordir overwrote my Cor, I won't get a message at all. I'll wonder why it hadn't worn off yet a minute later, and reapply, and he won't get a message about it either. The Darknesses though seem to reliably give the worn-off message when overwritten and when worn off normally.
    Que Sera
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
  15. Ripwind

    Ripwind People Like Me

    I main a BL, and love her. She's very well geared at this point, and she's able to handle most normal content handily. Although she can handle tanking things like Lord Rak, Brother Zephyl, Phinny, there are other mobs that give her fits - like The Va'Dyn and other mobs in his class. It's different if you can get a slow in, but BL just don't have the mitigation that a plate tank does. With the right gear, though, there isn't a whole lot that's going to stop you. I personally leveled up with Bst / Mag / Clr, and eventually dropped the Clr for a Dru. The agro-free CH a druid has gives a lot more flexibility, so you're not panicking trying to regain agro.

    I don't mind the melee push that much, and would think a War / Bst / Clr (or Dru) would be an awesome group. Bst has plenty of DPS, slows, regen, and other utility. And can offtank. And a Bst will likely never draw agro off of a warrior with their melee DPS.
  16. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    Lots of really good thoughts.

    After all that I'm really wondering if a pally / druid / enchanter wouldn't be a great group for her. Which if I go that way I'll just use the first 40 levels as a chance to level alts that are ideal for the 1-40 game
  17. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    love my trio but I’ve always thought longingly about that trio.
  18. thucydides

    thucydides I Feel Loved

    I can imagine it being more enjoyable for both of you, to have her join your main trio / what you like playing anyway. Nobody feels lile theyre being excessively accomodated.
    I would recommend leveling up a cleric with her wizard, itll be a nice thing to have in your back pocket later on, both for rezzes and for encounters where druid heals arent cutting it.
    Ripwind and Oiwon like this.
  19. Nakunaru

    Nakunaru People Like Me

    Main a cleric and you can tank quite a bit!
    Ripwind likes this.
  20. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    This combination is pretty amazing due to the Druid CH having minimal aggro. The problem I’m running into now is that the Druid CH is no longer a full Heal aa I gear my Paladin more.

    Once we get into PoP as well the Druid CH does get upgraded but it also costs 200 mana more per cast and my mana Regen will increase only minimally with Pot9, Mask and VoQ upgrades over the current versions of the buff. We will have to see how it plays out in PoP.

    But in Luclin it’s an incredible combo, broke a room of about 6-7 lizards in CT pretty easily with it the other day.
    sowislifesowislove and Sketchy like this.
  21. Ugmar

    Ugmar Member

    I do really like my core trio. I can pull 5-6 mobs, lock them down, and burn through it at a good speed. The only thing that I don't love is that I have no ability to do a relaxed "drink a beer and grind" set up. If I'm not charm killing my speed is painfully slow. I'd really like to have a 4th toon to swap in for "beer and grind". Currently leveling a beastlord to fill that role.