Has anyone figured out how to play on a steam deck?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Caedere, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Caedere

    Caedere New Member

    I don't get to play on my PC as much now a days, but I have a steam deck. I've played wow on it and various other games. I'm wondering if anyone has figured out how to run this gem on there? The typical way of downloading and ads to steam and force proton won't allow me beyond server selection and it crashes.. any ideas?
  2. Rexas

    Rexas Member

    Caedere likes this.
  3. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    Ya, I've seen three people bring it up in discord. It's a matter of tweaking the wine/proton prefix to have dgvoodoo and dxvk working, and then wade through any other random things that come up.
    Caedere likes this.
  4. Caedere

    Caedere New Member

    Yo I was one of those guys hahah, figured it out using the Bottles program. Worked like a charm! Just been playing lowbies cause I'm too scared to play my ranger just yet but thank you for your reply!
  5. kai4785

    kai4785 People Like Me

    So, if you have it working in bottles, you've describe that it doesn't work in Steam, is the question "Has anyone been able to create a custom steam launcher game?"

    Why yes, yes I have. It's just like working in bottles. You describe that steam starts the launcher, but selecting a server crashes. In my Getting Started on Linux wiki page, my troubleshooting steps suggests that directx8 calls aren't working properly. I haven't found a version of wine that has a compatible implementation of dx8 since `wine 2.2-staging`. We can use dgVoodoo to convert the dx8 calls to dx10 or 11. And Wine's support for dx10+ comes in the form of DXVK, which is installed by Steam in every prefix (pfx). So, try manually updating the pfx to install and enable dgVoodoo libraries.