New to boxing and the server but familiar with EQ

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TimChen, May 5, 2021.

  1. TimChen

    TimChen Member

    hey all,

    I am a long time P99 player (started on early 2015 and still playing to this day). I decided to change things up and take a break. So I went to check out TAKP!

    I never played anything after Luclin so I am pretty limited to my knowledge there. I never boxed either but I am curious on how it works.

    So far I have this setup
    -Human Enchanter
    -Dark Elf Necromancer
    -Human Cleric

    I'm thinking of soloing all of them to like level 10 ish and then head over to the pit in kunark to box them and then to kurn's tower. Any advice on how to box or general tips will be handy!

    Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
  2. Cadsuane

    Cadsuane People Like Me

    HKN, combined with easily remember able keypresses for assist, casting common agros/debuffs, heals, etc.
    like, for normal fighting: numpad1, 6, numpad2, 6, numpad3, 6
  3. DubRemix88

    DubRemix88 People Like Me

  4. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Create auto follow, pet assist, nuke/sit hot buttons. Remember when using /pause it always comes before /cast.
    GrizzleBox likes this.
  5. OuterChimp

    OuterChimp Active Member

    Folks are very helpful here. But remember, they may be looking at another screen, so always be patient.

    make sure you autojoin the alliance channel. Always good, helpful folks there.

    I'm new here as well and just getting the hang of things myself.
  6. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Put hotkeys for common things in the same spot for each character. Example, both of my alts have /target Lenas and follow hotkeys as '0'.

    I also find it convenient to have a 1-2-3 type hotkey setup for the most common uses of my alts. This lets me swap to them and do whatever their most common actions are without any actual thought. For my cleric it's targeting the tank, casting a heal over time, and sitting. For my enchanter it's assisting the tank, doing tash/slow, and sitting. Things like that let me focus most of my time on my main.
  7. Mukk

    Mukk People Like Me

    Like Lenas, I have a very similar setup. Please keep in mind, none of my characters have horses. (It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, once you have a horse, you can eliminate the /sit off, /sit on parts of the hotkeys) There's different ways to write your hotkeys too; this is just how I do it.

    All toons have Sense Heading in 9, and a "Follow" hotkey in 0 (1. /target toon_name, 2. /follow). I bind the Sense Heading hotkey to an arrow key (or whatever keys you use for movement, if you reassign them)

    Healers have a "Heal" hotkey in 1 (1./sit off 2./cast # 3./cast # 4./pause ## 5./sit on) I manually target before casting, but others use hotkeys with /target toon_name.

    I tend to have an "Assist" hotkey, that I also tie /pet attack and /pet report health (for checking buffs) into for pet classes. (1./assist toon_name 2./pet attack 3./pet report health)

    And just repeat for relevant spells, like Slow, DOT(s), Stun, Root, Snare, Haste, Gate, etc.
    Then you can switch over to the relevant toon, hit one or two buttons, and switch to the third, or back to your main.

    I reassigned the "camera change" to Q, "target nearest mob" to W, and "target nearest pc" to E, so I can often target without having to move my hand from the 1, 2, 3, 4 area of the keyboard.

    Then, just some general information, in case you may not know; U will open doors, and operate pok books/stones, if you don't usually have a hand on the mouse, like myself.
    If you have to use spells that aren't hotkeyed, remember that ALT+1 through ALT+8 will cast the spells 1 through 8.
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
    GrizzleBox and Vaynara like this.
  8. BuildGuides

    BuildGuides New Member

    titan quest best builds offers a skill point buy-back system via NPCs in the game, so it's no big worry testing a skill out and then changing your mind.
  9. Break

    Break People Like Me

    Thanks for spamming your completely unrelated game out of nowhere in this thread. Doesn't seem suspect at all.