Alpha/Beta Boxing

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Throy, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Throy

    Throy Member

    I realize there is a 10 page discussion on this topic for release, but I wanted to start a thread strictly in regards to the alpha and/or beta. On that note, how about a forum dedicated strictly to alpha/beta discussion?

    There may be technical reasons or limitations currently that I'm not aware of, but for the sake of testing - I propose that we can box as many as we want in the beta phases. More testers the better from my experiences and I will be able to test significantly more content with a group than solo.
  2. Speedz

    Speedz Administrator Staff Member

    Beta will be a bulk of this server's life. In regards to boxing, we are seeing how the community/server holds up to things in stages.
    Currently the netcode is a bit unstable as we get login issues and desyncs often. So we limit this for now due to this matter.

    Later on once things are fixed, this may be revisited. Once the server code proves to all of us that it is stable we can go from there.
    Also once posts get "outdated" they will be moved to archives. The forum will evolve with the server and community.