Knight Epic Possibilities

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fhens, May 7, 2023.

  1. Fhens

    Fhens New Member

    Are the knight epics trioable? Want to start a plate tank and I'm thinking of that snazzy SK sword but would only really play an SK if the sword was reasonably accessible. Cheers.

    Should probably mention that I guess there are better swords now so this was more about doing the quest for fun as opposed to min/max.
  2. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    The epics are trioable sure but the gear required to trio them would mean you’re 65 and probably have some raid gear.

    The paladin epic is easier than the SK epic.

    For paladin epic you can buy the Book of Scales and skip trioing dragons yourself. You’d also need someone to Necro summon you up to island 4 in sky. Then the hardest fight is probably Miragul? The dark elf in nektulous, ghost in the hole and mob in Hate are all trioable since Kunark with a decent trio.

    For the SK epic the biggest challenge is likely the Soul Leech. Terror is trioable in PoFear with enough patience but I think he is pretty hard farmed on our server. You can always buy an MQ for cheap (if not free) to skip past that. Beyond that all the other quest drops from the hole, Rharzar, PoSky and Hate are all trioable. The final boss would be really rough as a trio with poor gear. You need pretty good gear or a very weird trio of War/Enc/Enc to be able to beat Lhranc in CoM.

    If you’re dead set on trioing this I’d suggest Paladin as the epic is easier. If you’re willing to accept help or MQs the SK epic definitely looks cooler
    Fhens likes this.
  3. Fhens

    Fhens New Member

    Thanks much appreciated exactly what I was looking for.