Group composition for two players 3boxing ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gnazzles, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Gnazzles

    Gnazzles New Member

    My brother and I are new to the server and are trying to figure out what out group composition should be. My main on p99 was a wizard, so I prefer a very relaxed play style and he's also looking for a relaxed play style. We're learning heavily towards pet classes forming most of our group. Obviously the holy trinity classes + 3 dps would probably be best for single group high end game content, but neither of us really want to play more than 2 different classes and no melee.

    The various ideas that I've come up with so far for our "main chars" are as follows:

    (6 necros) or (6 mages) - (a bit dull but makes playing much easier for both of us)

    (5 necros + 1 mage) or (5 mages + 1 necro) or (5 necros + 1 BST) or (5 mages + 1BST) - (more utility but more difficult to 3box since one of us will have to deal with 2 classes)

    (4 mages +1 necro + 1 BST) or (4 necros + 1 mage + 1 BST) - (even more utility but more difficult to play since both of us will have to play 2 classes now)

    (3 mages + 2 necro + 1 BST) or (3 necros + 2 mages + 1 BST)

    (3 mages + 3 necros) - (will be easy since each will only be playing one class)

    What's your opinion would be the best class combos for our mains?

    Also, do you have any suggested alts I should make to help my final group lvl up? It'll be a while before my brother starts on the server. He'll need a new PC to be able to handle 3 boxing w/o massive lag I believe. What “alt classes” do you think would be most helpful for caster/pet heavy group? I think I'll wait to lvl up my necro or mage crew until after he's started on this server. In the mean time, I'd like to level up some characters that'll be helpful to our main group once we get that rolling. As of right now I'm thinking the following classes will be most useful:

    Cleric: get to at least lvl 52 to use as a rezz bot

    Beastlord: get to at least lvl 52 for spiritual radiance

    Druid: get to at least lvl 60 for PotG

    Ench: get to at least lvl 60 for KEI

    Any other useful classes that I'm missing that would help out the group a lot?

    Thanks in advance! :)
  2. Saenayil

    Saenayil People Like Me

    You really don't need that many pets, but I get the appeal. I think you will sorely miss the utility that variety brings to your group. I would suggest

    Cleric (CH, rez, best heals)
    Enc (Charm pet, slow, crack)
    Dru (Ports, sow, snare, backup heals)
    Bst/Sham (dps, pet or slow, backup heals, malo)
    Mage (dps, pet, malo)
    SK (fast aggro, FD pulling)

    If you're really set on the pet thing, you should make your core

    Cleric (trust me, you want a cleric)
    Wizard/Dru (you'll probably want ports too)
    Saskoris and Gnazzles like this.
  3. Saskoris

    Saskoris Active Member

    You are going to need more utility than what you are suggesting. The exception would be mostly playing in HHK, where you could just have pet classes and most of the utility would come to you.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  4. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    I started off with 3 wizards on this server.. I think playing more of the same class is good, if you like power gaming! Which I do
    Gnazzles likes this.
  5. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    I think five pet classes and a bard could be hilarious and kick a lot of ass. The bard would give a lot of utility while requiring minimal attention. Even if you just stuck it on autofollow playing one song (like mana/regen or selos), it would strengthen the other five toons enough to be worthwhile, imo.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
    Gnazzles likes this.
  6. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Go with what's fun man. You are thinking waaaay too far ahead. If you try something and it's becoming stressful or boring go with something else. It's nice to have a general idea of what you want but make sure your having fun and not trying to find that perfect end game farming group.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  7. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    What garnerjens meant to say is if you play all the same class you are required to relie on other people always. He was lfrez every 5 mins while he was leveling up

    Play different classes
    Videri-Tala and Gnazzles like this.
  8. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    Imagine. 5 mages. Doing 5 mage epics.

    Good luck with not going crazy.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  9. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I would advise doing 1 Cleric and 1 Enchanter in your box crew. Possibly split them up, 1 to each person.

    Then 4 pet classes. I think it's always worth having individual classes to reap the benefits of their unique buffs/abilities like beastlord spiritual, necro DMF and mage CoTH.

    Cleric, Enchanter, Beastlord, Necro, Mage x2

    Possibly drop the beastlord for another mage or necro so that you can all gate.

    That would be my suggestion!
    Videri-Tala and Gnazzles like this.
  10. Secrets

    Secrets Well-Known Member

    Mages aren't out of whack here like other servers. I'd /highly/ suggest playing a cleric at the very least. They're easy to fit into any group.

    Beastlords are going to be one of the strongest DPS classes in PoP, around the same DPS as rangers and beaten only by Wizards and Rogues. Their slow lands on virtually any target without fuss and they are slightly tanky. They also don't require gear as much as other classes, at most they require an item out of Chardok and Charasis to be competitive in the current era.
    AC works here. It works exceptionally well here. So keep that in mind; War/Bst/Cleric might not be a bad combo for small group content.

    You'd miss out on ports though, which are more of a boon than you'd think.
    You'd miss out on C2, which is more important than you think
    The only thing you would provide to a raid is a cleric, bst crack, and an extra tank.

    Remember that sometimes raids need classes other than what's best for a 3-box. So classes like rogues are rarely seen at endgame, but when you do actually get to have them, they're hugely useful.

    And remember - play something you have fun playing! Otherwise it's all for naught.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  11. gardnerjens

    gardnerjens People Like Me

    i HAVE A suggestion
    Roll 6 clerics
    and get loved
    Gnazzles likes this.
  12. Mambo

    Mambo Well-Known Member

    I am surprised no one has mentioned how easy it is to 3 box on a crappy computer here.

    I would suggest your brother try to box here before investing in a PC of any kind JUST to box. Lots of people play on the minimal bare bones here. You'll be surprised how little lag there is. PoK (and Baz when looking at 50 people) is the only exception that i have experienced. Raids could be I would imagine, but you'll have time to get a nicer computer later if that is your goal (all while having leveled).
    Gnazzles likes this.
  13. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I can 3 box fine on a 2008 laptop core2 duo with integrated intel graphics.

    Hotkeynet switching, is instantaneous.

    Don't buy a new pc to 3 box without trying what u have first.

    New PC if ur wanting to 18-24 box RoF2 on PEQ maybe. But usually not needed to 3 box here here with a 2002 client.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  14. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Mages are ridiculously OP in classic and progressively lose power over the span of content.

    I always wanted to do a 4 mage, 1 dru, 1 cler combo on a fresh server with my pals to just zoom ahead of everybody else and have every camp open to us, then farm gear for our real mains, who we then power level.

    One large advantage mages have over other pet casters (aside from having the best pets in general) is that their pets cost so little to summon; so you can just sick 3+ pets on an NPC and resummon them as they die and that acts as your tank+healer. Cheap pets also allow powerleveling: have pet tank NPC, kill pet when NPC is low health, powerlevelee finishes.

    Summoned pet heavy groups will destroy classic, but perform poorly in PoP. Charm on the other hand is disgustingly OP in PoP.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  15. Shawn

    Shawn People Like Me

    Me and my rl friend have this setup... War,cleric,ench,wiz,mage,bard
    Gnazzles likes this.
  16. Suriinya

    Suriinya Well-Known Member

    Enchanters only get more and more powerful the higher their level. If you don't have one, you're gimping any group you make.

    p.s. I like bunnies :p
    Gnazzles likes this.
  17. Mambo

    Mambo Well-Known Member

    It is interesting to me that so many people talk about enchanters in Pop. They were always in demand, but I so rarely saw them during and immediately following PoP. When they were in my group, I do not remember charming as being a primary aspect of them joining.

    Surely my memory isn't crazy wrong (as everyone used dire charm, and I remember that). That said, I wonder why my experience differed so vastly from others.

    Now GoD on the other hand. Fuck. Charm was how I remember doing a LOT of content.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  18. Loraen

    Loraen Well-Known Member

    I'm kind of curious about this PoP charming too. Handling charm breaks with a pet quadding for 500+ seems pretty rough.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  19. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    We did a lot in Oow with charmed pets hitting for 1800. Always kept pet snared, tashed and malo'd.

    And you pray you don't get resists on charm. Was a real rush doing content with giant lizards.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  20. Suriinya

    Suriinya Well-Known Member

    I wasn't even referring to charm, as I assumed the OP wouldn't consider being a main ENC from the complete lack of ENC in his initial suggestions.

    Yes, PoP era was the reign of the OP Enchantress. You can do some crazy things. You can also die crazy horribly too. But you aren't hardcore unless you live hardcore ;)
    Gnazzles likes this.
  21. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    Our charm code, like on AK is broken, as in you get full length charms a lot and rarely breaks early.

    Also, every ench had a pocket bard who perma mezzed the charm pet so if it did break

    Gnazzles likes this.
  22. Saskoris

    Saskoris Active Member

    6 gnome SKs ftw.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  23. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    On eqlive two of us 3 boxed all the time together.

    One of us played sk, shm, clr. Other played dru, nec, enc.

    There wasnt much we couldnt do.
    Gnazzles likes this.
  24. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Bum as always exaggerates a lot.

    I've had charms last full duration and I've had 5 breaks the course of a 3 minute fight. As with most things it's RNG.

    As far as PoP charming goes, if you're letting the mob hit you, you're doing it wrong. Someone other than the enchanter should always be top aggro on the mob you are fighting and when Charm breaks you want to have macros set up that assist your enchanter and cast a stun from your Cleric/paladin, or you want a bard automezzing, or you want a druid/ranger to Ensnare, or you want to be quick with the Word of Morell cast....

    At level 65 with VT/PoP groupable type gear my enchanter had 3.5k HP Buffed, plus 1.5k in HP buffs, plus 1.5k in Arcane self rune, plus 425 in Uproar if you keep that up... not to mention instant cast AA 1.5k Rune if your first one gets eaten...

    PoP quadding pet does get you pretty quickly killed if you stand still, but you shouldn't ever stand still on a break and in almost every zone your charmed pet shouldn't summon. So it is manageable to handle the pets. The only zone that I can think of where a Charm break was almost always a death or two was trying to do PoWater without a bard. Swimming/push on this client sucks and the PoWater animal pets could hit upwards of 800-900 per swing. It went bad fast.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2017
    Gnazzles and Pithy like this.
  25. Pithy

    Pithy I Feel Loved

    Ahh, PoWater charming. Miss you, hasted swordfish pet!
    Gnazzles likes this.
  26. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    My biggest lulz was once an ench said "brb bio break" while having a charmed pet knowing it doesn't break
    Gnazzles likes this.