
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. Bastette

    Bastette Active Member

    It shouldn't be. It's only fast because of collision and assist differences.
  2. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    I'm not saying whether it should or shouldn't be. I'm pointing out that it's fast to say that any guild with knowledge of it never would have bothered coth'ing to a safe spot regardless of how many toons were being boxed.
  3. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Aaryonar was being bugged with his AE so he wasn't really a "regular" Aarynar. He should be fixed in this patch for real.
  4. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Yeah that sounds about right. I think I had to wait for him to warp to me and then use voiddance to finish out the pull.
  5. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    They'd have killed it anyway with 13 clerics. yay 3 box servers. No offense
  6. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Completely right, the fight could have gone another 30 minutes and we'd all still be FM.
  7. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    and just to be clear, I'm not 'unhappy' with Destiny at all. Pull Aary to the zone in and make all the clerics you like (was sort of a joke anyway)
    Lenas likes this.
  8. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    Sorry if my last post came across as critical of ingenuity!

    I do think some large mobs could not be pulled past certain choke points by design - for example, on AK, I couldn't get Trak to warp past the locked door near Juggs, ever, although I'm told he once did and now does again on Live - but generally speaking, mobs come with feet so they can move, and if you can pull 'em long distances, more power to you.
  9. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    I do enjoy some clever pulls. I pulled the PoTorment Stomach event boss to entrance once, it was some good fun!

    If it's AK mechanics sign me up.
  10. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    Yeah that's strange you couldn't get trak past his juggs door. First time I solo'd him was at his banish point, although I don't remember exactly when it was. Sometime around PoP though I'm sure.
  11. Ravenwing

    Ravenwing I Feel Loved

    This was actually the reason I tried. I ended up having to use a charmed Jugg to take the banishes and rune-tank (to avoid lifetaps on the low-MR pet) in between. I suppose it's possible I just didn't try hard enough, but they also made a bunch of changes to collision geometry in '03, according to the patch notes, so maybe that had something to do with it.
  12. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved


    I don't know which way you swing on this. Are you saying you would rather this be another p99 1toon/computer/ip(/snicker) or would you have us be a true AK so you can have an army of TorBots?
  13. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I feel that a 2 box limit is the best option; with a 1 box limit as the next best.

    The difference between 2 and 3 is large.
    Ransom likes this.
  14. surron

    surron People Like Me

    good thing it was voted to 3 a long time ago by a land slide
    showstring and Mambo like this.
  15. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Many of us prefer playing two on raids anyway, three makes more of a difference in the solo game.
    Mithryn likes this.
  16. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Well... I prefer 2 on raids right now because Enchanter's are absolutely useless in Velious raiding. (Sorry any enchanter mains!)

    But once I get a 3rd non-enchanter toon, I'll happily raid on 3! A cleric isn't even a character in most raid settings, it's a press a button once every 10-25 seconds depending on your number of clerics. (Sorry any cleric mains!)

    I'd love if this server had the individual population to not need boxes for raids to be a thing, but like AK it has a certain level of obscurity and the archaic client turns off many potential players (not saying this is bad or should change, just how it is). Perhaps when Luclin comes out and the TLP live servers are beyond Luclin/PoP and P99 is still in Velious, there may be some draw from those pools of people to take the plunge.
  17. drktmplr12

    drktmplr12 Member

    The third box made many more clerics and enchanters than i ever remember there being during live
  18. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    Because charm is the best DPS and tank in game and CH is so stupidly efficient for healing said tank.

    Not surprising that Destiny has 13 clerics on their raids occasionally. I'm more surprised that anyone does a box crew that doesn't include a cleric. I hate having to ask for Rezzes or eat a 10% exp loss from a dumb death.
  19. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    I only raid with one, its too hard to play off not being afk on more than one toon specially if other said toons are actually useful members of a raid
  20. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Just so you know buffem/punchem pulled trak to banish point and killed him there on AK. It was doable for sure - i preferred to just fight him at spawn and coth but that's the benefit of unlimited boxes.
  21. Ransom

    Ransom Well-Known Member

    I think being able to three box and not having the ability to play three characters well actually turns off some people who are new to this server. Pretty much anyone can two box relatively effectively, especially if its just a melee / healer duo.

    Adding a third character takes practice that those who play this server often have gotten used to. I think those who are new and are not quick enough to adapt to the third box are quickly turned off by their perceived disadvantage on this server, unfortunately.

    I like having three when I'm set up in an area that I'm unlikely to group in. If I'm grouping, I'd much rather drop the excess character and just two box.

    Though I think a vote with the current population would net similar results to the previous boxing vote, I think if you polled a potential user pool, you'd see two or single box as the likely winner. Although I don't think we are near a population for single boxing to be possible.
  22. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    Hardly. Two was ahead before Three outpaced it at end. I recall being surprised and disappointed. It was the biggest mistake we made to even poll that at all instead of having developers deciding.

    Precisely. I played on this server for all of one week at launch (too busy fixing things to play). I was sitting in PoK once, and some p99 user came on, looked at my three identical looking characters, laughed and say 'fuck this server' and logged. Two boxes satisfies the boxing itch, allows powerleveling, allows soloing, removes the tedium of simple classes etc while still requiring a certain level of cooperation. Right now it only takes 10 (good and geared) players to kill every raid boss in NToV, minus Vulak. Full groups consist of TWO people. Cleric armies. Devaluation of certain classes like rogues. Etc.

    Anybody who doesn't want to box is also at a severe disadvantage relative to those who do, so simply opting out is not a solution. They'll play elsewhere.

    Half the time I observe raids I see melee characters running up to NPCs and not turning on auto attack. Once I saw this guy do that but still kick the NPC every cooldown while not swinging his weapons. I've seen wipes because of this. You guys don't box as well as you think you do. Not to mention the insane time wasting lengths you go to to pull single mobs and being utterly incapable of killing two ToV wurms simultaneously due to all the boxing.
  23. Volkmeer

    Volkmeer New Member

    I am a new player to TAKP, and my favorite class to play is a bard. Unfortunately, I do not get a lot of play time and when I do I really only like to play the single character. My thoughts so far is that its almost impossible at low levels to progress without a healer of some sort since there are no groups to be found. A lot of my time is spent running to recover from a death etc. so I may only get a level or so before I need to log off.

    I decided to add 2 more characters upon the suggestion in game from super nice folks. However, they are behind in level to the bard that again, it is taking a goodly while to get to the group level spread. I think for most people who begin with no friends/guild/help that the turn off is that there are no groups and you have to go it alone, but that is understandable due to current server population. I am not so sure I am efficient enough to 3 box but maybe two boxing would be ok.

  24. Haynar

    Haynar Administrator

    I have yet to more than single box on a raid. One is enough fun for me on a raid. Ppl leading raids can decide what is needed.

    Grouping, I prefer 3 box on my own.

    If the box limit changes, I would just leave. But its not changing. So doesnt matter.
    showstring and Mambo like this.
  25. sowislifesowislove

    sowislifesowislove People Like Me

    Don't they still have some use in kael?
  26. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    So - FDing isn't possible on faction hits anymore because? (Ie monk, successful FD - still takes faction hit no procs up on mob)
  27. Faults

    Faults I Feel Loved

    Because you gotta know on AK you could flop faction hits w/o a blur required.
  28. Darchon

    Darchon I Feel Loved

    In Velious...

    Enchanter can mez up to 57 a fair number of mobs and mez up to 61 up to 2 mobs due to recast timer.

    Kael giants are immune to mez. Most all of ToV is flagged immune to mez as well.

    Enchanter's can charm up to 53. (Dictate doesn't count).

    So basically... In Kael, yes they have some purpose in that they can charm some mobs in the zone for DPS. So for Tormax, Derakor, Statue and Avatar I'd definitely value having a few boxed people if they can handle a charmed pet on a raid (which many people do have issues doing).

    But they have no purpose on a raid for CC in this era, which is their primary role actually due to the level limitations on their spells not scaling up to the Velious expansion. Those limitations were fine in Kunark where 58+ mobs were basically Sebilite juggernauts and VP trash. But come into Velious, everything in ToV, most of the raid areas of Kael, deep Dragon Necropolis, all have some 58-60 trash mobs thrown in there. Not to mention the mez immunity flag thrown onto giant flagged models. (Do our wurms/drakes have this "giant" flag on them?)

    PoP really fixed this situation by giving them a 68 cap mez and 64 charm. They could perform their CC function in most every zone (except PoAir because fun isn't allowed here), and charm in most every zone except 2 EPs and Time.
    sowislifesowislove likes this.
  29. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Certain drakes are charmable in ToV. Most are immune. All are immune to Mez.
    sowislifesowislove likes this.
  30. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Jugo!, Ransom and sowislifesowislove like this.