
Discussion in 'Changelog' started by robregen, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. robregen

    robregen Administrator Staff Member

    Plane of Hate and Plane of Fear are now open -- dare the challenge if you will
    -- see below for database and script changelog for these zone.

    * skip the size increase for wolf race with gender of 0 or 1 so scaledwolves and chokidais would be of proper size.
    * fixed for iksar pet size.
    * Innate NPC procs made to always hit target of melee hit
    * NPCs made to proc only on swings that hit

    * input the correct locations for Morning Dew ground spawn in Lesser Faydark
    * input and added more ground spawn for Blue Slumber Fungus, Jack-O-Lantern Fungus, and Sarcoscypha Fungus in lesser faydark.
    * ceramic lining should now be stackable.
    * added missing recipes for Dwarven Splinted Cloak
    * The gnomes in solA should now be kos to all evil races.
    * hhk guards should now be kos to skellies illusion
    * research table had been re-added to Allizewsaur in OoT.
    * fixed the stackable issue for Large Lantern.
    * added missing color dye Large Fine Steel Breastplates recipe as well as fixing existing ones.
    * added grid for a brownie outcast so it doesn't slip under the world when using roambox.
    * added pathing to spiders in the spider cave in Field of Bone.
    * removed Burynaibane spider in FoB from the general spawngroup and added it as semi rare spawn to the spiders spawngroup in cave.
    * added the appropiate loots to Burynaibane spiders in FoB.
    * All classic zone including Shadeweaver and FoB should now have proper loots and research tables.
    * hateplane: deleted the fake spite golem spawnpoints.
    * hateplane: Several NPCs given pathgrids.
    * fearplane: Terror's aoe given a substantial resist modifier.
    * hateplane: Level 1 patrol routes completed.
    * hateplane: Miniboss spawns randomized.
    * hateplane: Fixed duplicate miniboss spawn point.
    * hateplane: Roamboxes added for level 1 large building NPCs.
    * hateplane: Randomized level 1 spawnpoint NPC types that had observed multiple NPC type possibilities.
    * hateplane: All NPCs that lacked a faction were given faction ID 99.
    * hateplane: High Priest M`kari's size increased from 5 to 8. (my video proves his size was wrong; 5 is the size of a player DE)
    * hateplane: Essence of a Vampire drop rate reduced to 2% from 33% off female revenants.
    * hateplane: Level 2 classic era NPC spawns randomized and roamboxes set.
    * hateplane: Level 2 Velious revamp era NPCs given Velious armor textures.
    * hateplane: Level 2 NPCs stuck on the roof of the zone #spawnfixed down to the floor.
    * hateplane: Pathgrids set for several level 2 Velious NPCs.
    * hateplane: Pathgrids complete for level 2 NPCs.
    * hateplane: Respawn timers set to 12 hours for vast majority of NPCs in zone.
    * hateplane: Maestro of Rancor's stats adjusted, spell set configured, and emotes set to observed log values.
    * hateplane: Mempo of Likato added to Maestro loot table.
    * hateplane: Maestro loot table set to mindrop 1, droplimit 2.
    * hateplane: Ashenbone drakes flagged to be belly casters.
    * hateplane: Zone-wide gems lootdrop entry set and applied to level 1 NPCs.
    * hateplane: Global research lootdrop applied to level 1 NPCs.
    * hateplane: Loot tables for level 1 NPCs and hate minis mostly done; armor drop rates still need to be adjusted.
    * hateplane: Loot tables for level 2 NPCs partially complete.
    * fearplane: Loot tables cleaned up.
    * hateplane: Loot tables for level 2 NPCs are as complete as they can be considering the data available.
    * hateplane: Emotes set for all NPCs I had logs of. (missing some level 2 NPC emotes and maestro aggro emote)
    * hateplane: Hate mini damages set to precise values; other stats set to estimates based from log parses.
    * hateplane: Level 2 NPC damages set to precise values; other stats set to estimates based from log parses.
    * hateplane: High_Priest_M`kari's size increased to 10.
    * hateplane: Corruptor of Life set to flurry and damage and MR adjusted to be in-line with Allakhazam comments.
    * hateplane: All NPC aggro radii reduced to a radius that should avoid upper floor aggro in the larger buildings. (not small buildings)
    * hateplane: NPC spells and procs set for all NPCs that lacked them or had erroneous sets.
    * hateplane: little evil imp created and stats set to values as accurately as my research could provide.
    * hateplane: thought destoryer created and stats set to values parsed on Live. (Live version appears unchanged)
    * hateplane: A Very Unpleasant Hand created; stats and spells set as accurately as my research could provide. Loot table created.
    * hateplane: NPC scripts created for: imp traps, thought destroyer, hand of the maestro
    * hateplane: Hate mini special attack rates set to estimated values.
    * hateplane: Hand of the Maestro given a max hitpoint value and made to flee.
    * hateplane: Imp trap trigger NPC respawn times set to 30 minutes.
    * feerrott: Spectres no longer see IVU.
    * feerrott: Cyndreela cave pathgrids created.
    * kedge: Frenzied cauldron shark created, loot table assigned, and placed in a spawngroup.
    * kedge: Abalone gorget removed from frenzied bull shark.
    * hateplane: Aggro radii on all NPCs adjusted to more closely mimic Al'Kabor.
    * hateplane: Levitate disabled.
    * hateplane: Level 2 NPC weapon and armor drops disabled.
    * hateplane: Invisible man proximity emote scripts added and missing invis man NPCs created.
    * hateplane: Imp trap spawns randomized.
    * hateplane: Evangelist triggered zone shout scripts added.
    Nagafen and Vox will now drop 3 of their 'primary' drops instead of just two. The weight reduction bags and prayers of life are not in the primary lootdrops. Paladin books are in both with a smaller chance in the primary drop.
    The default wizard spell set inadvertently assigned to spectres in feerrott, oot, and qcat has been unassigned.
    Planar loot drop rates set. Fearplane drop rates are approximately 1 in 3. Hateplane and Amygdalan Knight drop rates are approximately 1 in 4.
    Line-of-sight enabled in zones: Highpass Hold, Karnor's Castle, Katta Castellum, Kerra Isle, Skyshrine, The City of Mist, The Plane of Mischief, Accursed Temple of CazicThule.

    * adjust the reward faction hit on Marton Sayer and Captain Rohand
    * reduce the experience rate for Captain Rohand on brandy turn in.
    * Naggy and Vox. removed the hpevent and change EVENT_AGGRO to EVENT_COMBAT to better manage the aggro events.
    * added the moveto for out of combat on Naggy and Vox.
    * fixed the banished location for Naggy
    * Add some hateplane event and emote scripts.

    * Serverwide OOC is on until UCS is more stable and reliable.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
    shortok, Rdyott, Sketchy and 2 others like this.
  2. Krieger

    Krieger Member

    Now that Velious is live any idea when Hate 2.0 PoG armor will be added?
    Seduce likes this.
  3. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    It went live with Velious, it's just rare and crappy enough that no one would bother getting it.
  4. Seduce

    Seduce Member

  5. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Yeah versus Rowyl's Chestguard which is much easier to farm for.
  6. Elroz

    Elroz I Feel Loved Staff Member

    some of that pohate stuff isn't bad - Darkmetal falchion, crown of hatred, hate crystal, silverleaf belt
    Seduce likes this.
  7. Bum

    Bum I Feel Loved

    cept hate stuff doesn't need faction
    Seduce likes this.
  8. Kagatob

    Kagatob People Like Me

    1.5, this server will never get Hate 2.0 sadly.
  9. Torven

    Torven I Feel Loved

    I'm not sad
  10. Krieger

    Krieger Member

    So will Fear/Hate change to reflect these patches or did AK not have these?

    March 14, 2001 3:00 am

    ***EverQuest Turns Two***

    The Planes:
    The Planes of Fear and Hate have been updated as part of our two-year
    celebration. Adventurers in the Plane of Fear will notice that some
    high-level foes are now available. Rewards for former "boss npcs" have
    been moved down to underlings that are roughly as powerful as the old
    bosses were.

    The Plane of Hate has also received a large update, but this one also
    includes the opening of a previously undiscovered part of the zone, now
    full high-level expansion-oriented content. Much as with Fear, rewards
    from bosses have been moved.
  11. Lenas

    Lenas I Feel Loved

    Those have been available the whole time. It's the reason we have original CT loots on Fear golems, Velious versions of both CT / Inny and why mobs like Magi P'tasa in Hate drop things like Shattered Emerald of Corruption.